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eBay auction Kona Kai MO. Tiki bar wood trim

Pages: 1 3 replies

uncle trav posted on 10/18/2009
bananabobs posted on 10/18/2009

For ONLY $2225.00?

[ Edited by: bananabobs 2009-10-18 13:25 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 10/18/2009

33 pieces? That IS a lot of nicely carved wood...and any Kona Kai carvings are impossible to come by (bet 8FT would love to get these!)
But these esoteric concerns don't mean much in today's economy, where everyone is selling their extra stuff at the same time.

SilverLine posted on 10/19/2009

The seller is an acquaintance of mine and I'd consider him trustworthy. Still, it's far TOO steep for me.

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