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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Where were you all at Sam's last night?

Pages: 1 5 replies

weirduncletiki posted on 08/22/2003

Aloha, y'all!

Last evening I was driving back up to Los Angeles after attending to business in Newport Beach. Well, my route took me right past Sam's Seafood so I figured I'd stop in and say hey to the gang. After all, I remembered it being discussed as the official hangout for the Orange County/Long Beach hoity toities. Laden with goodwill, cheer and gifts, I entered the bar to find... nuttin! There was one elderly fella bending the bartender's ear and that's it! Hey, if this is going to be headquarters, there ought to be at least one Tiki Central representative present during business hours to offer hospitality to all visitors and travelers to your neck o' the woods. What, you think one should have to make some calls ahead of time to find Tiki Centralites at your local tiki bar? Come on! (If I knew how to do one of those winking smiling faces, I'd put it here). Let's get cracking down there. You all have set a high standard in the L.B.C./O.C. and I expect more from you fine folks(again, the winking smiley face). I'm sure this was just an oversight or maybe the local TC rep caught a flat on the way over and that this unfortunate oversight will be remedied soon. Until next time, I bid you all aloha.

-Weird Unc

PolynesianPop posted on 08/22/2003

Weird Unc,
What time did you stop in? I had dinner there around 5pm and left around 6:30. Guess I missed you...

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/22/2003


I sincerely apologize on behalf of the OC Hoity Toity's. You see, as I was on my way to Sam's for my shift (we provide 24 hour coverage; we even have a representative stationed in the parking lot during off hours). When all of a sudden I spotted a ukulele on the sidewalk! What! All by it's lonesome.

Well, I immediately had to find it's rightful owner (I think you can understand). I raced up and down PCH hoping, praying, searching for a sign as to who may have lost this instrument of the gods!

After driving past Bolsa Chica, I noticed this little boy about 5 years old in white pants, white loafers and a bright Aloha shirt sitting by the curb, just crying his little heart out!

I immediately pulled over to the curb and asked the little crooner what the matter was! He sobbed and said that he had lost his ukulele, and needed it for gig that night in order to support his family (what a guy!).

As soon as I retrieved his ukulele from my truck, his littles eyes ceased flooding with tears, and sparkled like they do on Christmas morning!

Needless to say, even though I was late to Sam's (I saw you leaving right as I pulled in to the parking lot), I think it was worth it. Don't you?

Traderpup posted on 08/22/2003

Geez, sorry I missed you! Even with preps going on for the Spectacular East Indies Room premier party, I was there representing TC Hoiti Toitis! I must have been in the restroom when you stopped by, or gettng more TC brochures and name badges from my car.

Anyway, I don't see your name on the evening registry.... didn't you stop by the Tiki Central kiosk in the bar and sign in?


stentiki posted on 08/22/2003

How weird, unc!

We were there in the Hidden Village as usual.

No one can ever find us in there! :wink:

RevBambooBen posted on 08/23/2003

What the hell is a Hoity Toity anyway???

I'm a pirate now!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! "Turks" is the place!!!!!!Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

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