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Honolulu Harry's 50 Years Ago

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kevinchick posted on 10/26/2009

The Pictures are from 1957, the lower picture is some women from the audience.
The women to the far right is my mother, the man behind her (with the Mic)
is Chief Tavooie(sp) Does anyone out there know about him? He was very nice to
me when I danced there 50 years ago. He used to buy me kiddie cocktails and
let me sit at the bar with him. The top picture is of us kids from June Roll
School of Dance, Desplaines, Il.My sister and I are in the photo.She is second row
last to the right, I'am first row second in from right. I'm now 57 and look a little different. Chief Tavooie was a dancer and fire eater.My relatives used to come and watch us. It was amazing to see all the people at their tables watching
us and applauding at the end.We danced to tahitian songs and danced Somoan dances.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/27/2009

in des plaines illinois is a dance company called the barefoot hawaiians....they are traditional hawaiian dancers and some of their members used to dance at many of the chicago tiki bars back in the day i believe.....they have a storefront on oakton st.....i would try to contact them..i'm sure they have heard of tavooie and might know what became of him....do a search of barefoot hawaiians here on tiki central and i'm sure you'll find all the contact info you need for them....

msteeln posted on 11/03/2009

In a search using a more typically correct spelling, Tavui, it seems your Chief had a musical trio, with him on bass.

tikibars posted on 11/03/2009

Gwen Kennedy, owner of Barefoot Hawaiian, also used to dance hula when she was a wee tot.
In fact she told me that she danced at Honolulu Harry's.
She may even be in this picture (after all, how many kiddie hula troupes were there in Chicago in the 1950s?).

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