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Tiki Central / California Events

Superwave from Oceanside at Don's this sat. Nov.14th

Pages: 1 6 replies

bigtikidude posted on 11/11/2009

Come out and have a Mai Tai!

Duff of the Torquays,will be filling in on drums for this band...should be fun!

bigtikidude posted on 11/12/2009

The Torquays used to have their cd release partys in the Hidden Village when it was Sams. and Duff has been to some of the Bar shows, and also for Tikiyaki on NYE and other times.


bigtikidude posted on 11/14/2009

one last bump.

If you like the Eliminators these guys are in a similar vein.
very classy Professional band.


bigtikidude posted on 11/15/2009

ok maybe 1 more bump for tonight.


Acronotus posted on 11/15/2009

Catching their second set. These guys are great! Glad we stopped in for a Mai Tai... or two.

bigtikidude posted on 11/16/2009

On 2009-11-14 23:51, Acronotus wrote:
Catching their second set. These guys are great! Glad we stopped in for a Mai Tai... or two.

Good to meet you 2 last night,

yeah the band was on fire.
really knocked it outta the park.

man that Crowd in the back was wild,
I hear they love the place and like to drink,
ha ha ha.

right on.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-11-16 20:39 ]

Acronotus posted on 11/17/2009

Good to finally meet you too, BTD.

Pages: 1 6 replies