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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Isn't it time for a new drink contest?

Pages: 1 11 replies


It's been 6 years people. I think our creative juices have been blending long enough for a resurrection of the drink contest.

Who's in?

Sounds good to me!

I don't think I'll be able to make it up to the San Francisco area any time soon, though, like they did for the first one.

Maybe we could have a Southern California based contest?

Maybe an Iron Chef style mix-off where bartenders have to use a secret ingredient each round.

Just an idea.

Let's wrangle some judges and get mixing!


I have a feeling that this is going to be good!

We want drink. We want drink.
I often use the Reverb Crash, so let's have some more.

I doubt that I'm the only one who visited the Tikiroom homepage for the first time and was pleased to get the impression that there was an ongoing Tiki Central Drink Contest; only to learn that it was a one-time event long since passed.

It should be an anal event. Maybe it should even be held every year. 8)


On 2009-11-23 09:29, The Gnomon wrote:
It should be an anal event.

Yeah, I guess some of you weirdos would love a "Longest Held Mai Tai Enema Contest". Just make sure the judges and spectators are wearing rain coats.

On 2009-11-23 09:29, The Gnomon wrote:

It should be an anal event. Maybe it should even be held every year. 8)

I'm guessing you're gonna need one of those long straws and lot of mint leaves .

Hack is always one minute ahead of me.


Great minds stink alike.

On 2009-11-23 09:54, Hakalugi wrote:
Yeah, I guess some of you weirdos would love a "Longest Held Mai Tai Enema Contest". Just make sure the judges and spectators are wearing rain coats.

I was thinking more along the lines of tiki print lab coats with a punctualtion mark on the pocket, two dots vertically aligned.

On 2009-11-23 09:55, Unga Bunga wrote:
I'm guessing you're gonna need one of those long straws and lot of mint leaves .

They don't make 3000-mile-long straws, well, not that are readily available on the open market. If I submit an entry, it will be in absentia from the East Coast. Unless you don't mean me, but people in general. Then long straws and mint might be good to have within close reach.


Not sure how we went from a tiki drink contest to buggery.. only in California.

Let's get the judges lined up then work on the rules....

Martin! Your loyal fanbase needs you!

Who else?



On 2009-11-29 11:30, I-Tiki wrote:
Martin! Your loyal fanbase needs you!

Martin's a little busy opening a new bar in a week! His loyal fans lucky enough to live in the Bay Area are happy he's a bit too busy for a cocktail contest right now.

Pages: 1 11 replies