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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Tiki Central 'Drinks Menu' idea

Pages: 1 13 replies

Trader Woody posted on 12/13/2002

This kind of follows on from the idea about having a Tiki mugs poster. This came to me while wading through a variety of different cocktail books just to find an old classic recipe. It struck me that it would be an idea to stick the 20 or so most popular Tiki cocktail recipes in one easy to find place.

Basically, the concept would be to create a Tiki Central 'menu' featuring a number of our favourite cocktails laid out like an old drinks menu. Instead of having the usual description of the drink, underneath the picture could be the actual recipe. Perhaps the cover could be drawn by one of resident artists, the back cover a potted history
of Tiki and/or Tiki Central, and perhaps even the cocktails could be drawn, rather than photographed.

We could all pitch in by suggesting our favourite recipes, as well as suggesting the best mug to serve them in.

If done well, it would serve as a handy guide for the amateur bartender as well as something that can be displayed on the wall. And, of course, it would generate some $$ for Tiki Central.

Trader Woody

Humuhumu posted on 12/13/2002

May not help you at the bar, but have you seen Tiki King's drink database?


Here's the discussion thread:


He's got a pretty good start there. I like your idea of having a picture of the drink, maybe Tiki King would be interested in accepting pictures of drinks we make to further illustrate his database?

It would be cool to have a laminated folding menu to use when mixing, but I think I would probably stick with my rolodex.

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2002-12-13 09:15 ]

Trader Woody posted on 12/13/2002

Thanks for posting Tiki King's web page again. It's an excellent site.

My idea with the menu was that it wasn't really an alternative to your cocktail books, roladex's etc, but more of a take-off on the menu collecting idea. If it looked good, people would want it for display purposes. You could hand them out when people came over so they could choose something that you could then easily whip up, novice or expert. If the cover was really cool-looking, it could be framed.

Trader Woody

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/13/2002

Trader Woody,

Al of Alnshelly has a cool printed drink menu for his 'Fabulous Lagoon Room' already. I can attest that the drinks contained therein are very good.

I've tried to post things about starting a book with drinks, food and tiki philosophy before but found it falls of the face of the Earth unless the one who proposes it, takes charge and produces it.

Now, go forth and good luck!

Rain posted on 12/13/2002

i recently did a tiki bar menu for a friend's wedding. this was the 11x17 version - the 4 x 6 had, instead of the descriptions, just ingredients and a little key to strength (with little x-ed eye smiley faces).


Alnshely posted on 12/14/2002

Rain, Good Menu. Here's mine. I "borrowed" the graphics from "Taboo Art of Tiki" and BOT

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2002-12-13 16:32 ]

tikifish posted on 12/14/2002

It would be cool if we named the drinks after TC members.

I just wish I could think of a few funny names right now.

'Trader Woody Woodsipper' was the first that cane to mind, and that's just sad. See what happens when you try to be creative at 6:30 in the morning? Does Starbucks deliver? Help!

Humuhumu posted on 12/14/2002

Well, now my menu looks like a big pile of dog poop! Those menus are fantastic! Al, I especially like your use of the drink graphics. Here's my menu as it is now, but I think I'll be making some changes to it soon:

Kailuageoff posted on 08/28/2003

Thought I would dust off this thread with another suggestion concerning menus....

Seeing as how drink menus have been selling for well over $100 lately, they are relatively difficult to find, they mostly have wonderful artwork illustrating our favorite beverages, and are difficult to display (because framing one side means you can't see the other side)-- is it feasible to do a coffee table book on tiki bar menus? I have a few menus, but would love to have a book full of them. Anyone else feel the same way?

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-08-28 13:16 ]

Octane posted on 08/28/2003

i agree with Kailuageoff, that a tiki menu cofee table book would be great. there should be a book on each topic of tiki, menu, matchbooks, carvings,drinks, mugs,ect.

i like this picture from Mr. Crafty, he sells his stuff on ebay, and is very nice to do business with.

[ Edited by: Octane on 2003-08-28 13:45 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 08/28/2003

Hi Alnshely!
Do you might know where we could download those drink graphics? :)

johntiki posted on 08/28/2003

Here's a question...what software do you use to lay out your menus? I've been trying to create a menu for my bar and I haven't gotten very far...as far as downloadable drink icons check out the Mai Kai's website!

scigirl posted on 08/29/2003

The idea of a Tiki Central-created bartender's guide is intriguing. Can I do the Tiki Mocktail section?!?

UtopianDreem posted on 08/29/2003

MTKahuna posted about making drink cards. See more info here:

Maybe we could make this a collaborative effort?

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