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The OFFICIAL show us your swizzle post!

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TIKIVILLE posted on 11/27/2009

so ...though there have been threads in the past that have dealt with current or wanted TIKI swizzle sticks I thought I'd start a new and more comprehensive one to showcase examples in existance.
This way anybody lookin' or wantin' has a first stop to see whats out there is this tiny Tiki kingdom.
Post away !
(OH, and if anybody has questions on trading or selling we can all pm the poster,to keep the thread clean...sound good?)
Maybe this could be a prelude to the first great international swizzle trade lol!

8FT Tiki posted on 11/27/2009

. Ports O' Call Dallas, Texas
. Tahitian Lounge Glades Hotel
. The Castaways Miami Beach Florida x3
. Hilton Hotels In Hawaii
. Don the Beachcomber
. Don the Beachcomber Amfac Resorts Hawaii

. Hale Tiki Georgia
. Unmarked Maori
. Oceanic Arts Whittier, CA Tropical Decor
. Trade Vic's
. Tommy Wong's Islands Restaurant
. Unmarked but same logo as Trader Vic's
. United Airlines TIKI GARDEN Disneyland
. Sheraton Waikiki Kon Tiki

. Trader Vic's Menehune, Christmas Menehune and pick.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/28/2009

Arrgh, you guys are mixing up old and new!

tikiyaki posted on 11/28/2009

bigbrotiki posted on 11/28/2009

Wowie! Verrry nice, Jim! A masterpiece of contempo Tiki!

8FT Tiki posted on 11/28/2009

On 2009-11-27 23:06, bigbrotiki wrote:
Arrgh, you guys are mixing up old and new!

Uhhh Sven...I can't tell, is that a good Arrgh or a disappointed one??

bigbrotiki posted on 11/28/2009

Rather a shocked one. :) (Since I am not an "Arrrgh!"-ing pirate)
I realize that this is a "show your collection" and trading thread, and that some collectors freely mix (for example) their old and new Tiki mugs on a shelf, but I personally prefer a clear distinction, at home and here, for historical correctness and for the sake of educating newcomers to the culture. Tossing classic Tiki and Revival Tiki together is confusing the issue.

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/28/2009

Ok fair enough, so should we have a seperate thread for old and new?
When should the cut off date be? And cant we all just get along? Lol
I admit I am new to this in that my expertice is general and unfounded and I guess there is no time like the present for a book on the subject ( not meant as anything but an idea) did you know there is a swizzle stick collectors convention?
What I am saying is this is too much for me and light years past my abilities, we will keep this as a show us thread and if somebody chooses to educate then great !
I for one would really dig the information...

Dustycajun posted on 11/28/2009

Here are three swizzles and a pic I have from the Kon Tiki at the Waikiki Sheraton.


Bora Boris posted on 11/28/2009

Tikiville, if you haven’t seen or don’t have Tiki Quest yet it has 3 full pages with some of the best vintage swizzles. There are also some great swizzle shots sprinkled throughout The Book of Tiki and Tiki Modern.*

Here are some swizzles that I don’t see very often ~

Mauna Loa Lounge, Mayfair Hotel - Until this year I didn’t know this one existed.

The incredibly boring Mark Thomas Outrigger.

Hawaiian Village but which one? He kinda looks like a Paul Marshall mug, he’s very cool.

I know in this post "Swizzle Enthusiast" Bosko says the Hawaiian Village of Tampa “borrowed” their amazing swizzle stick design from the Hilton Hawaiian Village logo.

I'd really like to know where the lumpy little guy came from.

*If you already know this or already own these books than nevermind.

Brandomoai posted on 11/28/2009

Here are 3 vintage, Canadian examples not yet posted:

Tiki Tiki, Edmonton, AB; pick from The Beachcomber, Edmonton; and the hard-to-find Waldorf Hotel, Vancouver, BC.

Bora Boris posted on 11/28/2009

What is on the Waldorf Swizzle? Is it a guy playing a drum? I've never seen one up close.

Dustycajun posted on 11/28/2009

On 2009-11-28 11:19, Bora Boris wrote:
What is on the Waldorf Swizzle? Is it a guy playing a drum? I've never seen one up close.

Bora Boris,

Nice swizzles, as usual. The Tahitian Lounge at the Waldorf Hotel used the Leeteg drummer painting as its logo for Menus, matchbooks, and now apparently swizzles.

Here are some photos posted by Taboo Dan.


Bora Boris posted on 11/28/2009

A Ha! Thanks DC.

GROG posted on 11/28/2009

On 2009-11-28 11:19, Bora Boris wrote:
Is it a guy playing a drum? I've never seen one up close.

If you pay Squid $20, he'll probabaly let you stand about 12-15 feet away.

Dustycajun posted on 11/28/2009

Grog Funny!

Brandomoai posted on 11/28/2009

On 2009-11-28 11:19, Bora Boris wrote:
What is on the Waldorf Swizzle? Is it a guy playing a drum? I've never seen one up close.

DC is, of course, right! Here's a close up of the drummer (a bit blurry...) with the matchbook for comparison:

[ Edited by: Brandomoai 2009-11-28 12:50 ]

Bora Boris posted on 11/28/2009

Very Cool Brandomoai, Thank you, I've seen it posted before but always wondered what the lumpy thing on the end was, now I know and of course I MUST HAVE ONE! :lol:

GROG posted on 11/29/2009

On 2009-11-28 13:21, Bora Boris wrote:
but always wondered what the lumpy thing on the end was, now I know and of course I MUST HAVE ONE! :lol:

That's what SHE said!

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-11-28 16:11 ]

Tiki-Kate posted on 11/29/2009

Here are some terrible pictures of my swizzle collection. Maybe I'll try scanning them later.

The Wreck Bar at The Castaways

The Tahitian Bar at The Castaways

The Castaways

Different Wreck Bar at The Castaways

The many varied hues of the Kona Kai

Kon Tiki, Ports O Call, Tiki Garden at Disneyland, Trader Vic's Waikiki, Conga Lounge, Cleveland Kon Tiki Ports

Unmarked, Hu Ke Lau, Diamondhead Yacht & Country Club, Hawaiian Room, Polynesian Village, Kona Tiki

Bamboo Steak, Boom Boom Room, Ports O Call

Kon Tiki Sheraton Montreal, Cleveland, Waikiki

United Airlines, Beachcomber, Harvey's

Hawaiian Village


Five different colors from the Sheraton Waikiki and a Mauna Loa Detroit

Air New Zealand

Oceanic Arts old and new

Trader Vic's and Don the Beachcomber

Kahiki and Kahuna

South Pacific, Ky Tiki, Polynesian Room, Tonga Lei

Trader Frank's, Hawaiian Inn, Mai Kai

Pub Tiki, Chin Tiki, Hawaiian Village

Kon Tiki Room, Mauna Loa, Saxony South Seas, Mauna Loa Detroit, Imperial Palace, Kuhio Hotel, Hawaiian Isle, Luau, Hawaiian Room

TIKI-TONGA posted on 12/01/2009

I don't actively collect swizzles but I thought you collectors might be interested in seeing these Cuban swizzles that are for
sale on this website. Also look on the next page of search results for more.


tikiyaki posted on 12/01/2009

On 2009-11-27 23:35, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wowie! Verrry nice, Jim! A masterpiece of contempo Tiki!

Thanx Sven....designed by Squid. That Swinging Singles Apartment article posted by Sabu photo has really gone a long way, huh ?


[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2009-11-30 16:57 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 12/01/2009

Yeah...just goes to show how much cool stuff is out there in classic Tiki culture -if you know how to look, and how to apply it to today.

Bail Tekey posted on 12/08/2009

Unless I am looking in the wrong place, has there ever been a "Swap Shop" or "Tiki Central Trading Post" If so please let me know where this is. Is this what the TIKI Market Place is supposed to be used for?

I still think it would be useful to have an area where we can post smaller items like swizzles, postcards, matchbooks and offer these for trades with other TIKI Central members. I know that I have been searching for a couple swizzles for a while and likewise there may be individuals that are looking for swizzles that I may have. Member can PM each other after that and once a deal has been reached just remove the post.

I think all I am doing is restating TIKIVILLE's original idea, but what I don’t know is what is available for trade and what is simply a displayed collection

TIKIVILLE posted on 12/08/2009

sounds like a great Idea to me ,
Rather than hoarding them all and paying ebay fees to sell them to strangers,we should have a trading place here !
Who's gonna start?
( we can keep this as a swizzle stop if everybodys cool with that,all mine are available for trade )

Zeta posted on 12/16/2009

Vintage from Mauna Loa Mexico for trade.
Hasta luego!

[ Edited by: Zeta 2009-12-15 20:39 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 12/16/2009

54 house of bamboo posted on 04/10/2010

A £1.04 haul of swizzles...

The highlights:

The Beachcomber Bar, Mayfair Hotel, London

The back of the 'Hecho en Cuba' dancing girl from the Tropicana, Habana:

Aloha pinball posted on 07/05/2017

Hey- This seems to be the most current swizzle thread but it petered out 7 years ago. I just picked up a green version of that Tropicana swizzle above and a bunch of black ones from the Hawaiian Village Tampa. Is there a newer thread I'm missing that I should post them to or is this it?

mikehooker posted on 07/05/2017

This is the Swizzle thread I most recently recall but its focus is on newer ones:


I say you post your Tropicana in this here thread as it deserves some rejuvenation.

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