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Von Franco Smoking Joe Flask

Pages: 1 3 replies

86dbeatnik posted on 12/14/2009

Hi to all,
\ This newbie has been bitten by the Von Franco bug . I already collect flasks . I've been looking for the smokin joe flask. Went on ooga-mooga so far and this is turning into a quest. This is my christmas present to me. saying thanks to all from this FNG.

KiltedTiki posted on 12/14/2009

I have two, willin' to part with one, make me an offer.

arriano posted on 12/15/2009
86dbeatnik posted on 12/15/2009

Didn't even know about those but was looking for Von Franco work . Next stop Tiki mug . but you'vbe just made my flask collection a lil bigger

Pages: 1 3 replies