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Tiki Central / General Tiki

THANK YOU from Smuggler's Cove!

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I want to take this opportunity to give a huge public thank you to my designer, my brother, and my friend- the Unstoppable Notch, without whom none of this would have been possible. He truly went above and beyond, pouring his heart, soul, and hundreds of hours into this project, and created a space even more magical than I thought it could be. “I can do that” is the man’s rallying cry. Although Notch's talent is nothing new to this group, I encourage you to come see SC in person and experience it for yourself!

Other folks I owe a huge debt of gratitude:

Smuggler’s Cove’s Maiden Voyage Crew – I truly could not have opened the doors without your patience, professionalism, and talent. Thank you all, so much.

Hanford Lemoore – the mad genius behind our initial webpage, the puzzles to discover the location of Smuggler’s Cove, logo design, swizzle stick design, and, most recently, our gorgeous cocktail menu. HL my friend, your brain works in magically amazing ways.

ORE-CAL Construction – a big thank you to Matt Najdek, and his great crew for making sure we had running water, electricity, and 2 working bars!

Jonny Raglin of the upcoming Comstock Tavern – kudos to the man who helped me figure out how to make very small bars work for a very big drink list and pick all the best equipment for my crew.

Aaron Seymour – thank you for creating our beautiful wood crate tables – each one is a little different, and all are stunning.

Dustin Lakin of Rockstars, Inc. – for creating our lovely rock waterfall.

Judd’s Hill Winery in Napa – mucho mahalos for creating our delicious house red wine: The Smuggler’s Jug. I hear he likes tiki or something as well.

Thirsty Bear Brewery in San Francisco – For creating our delicious custom beer, Smuggler’s Brew.

St. George Spirits – For crafting our exclusive rum, Eurydice.


And last, but certainly not least, a big thank you to Humuhumu, for a simply gorgeous Smuggler’s Cove website. Oh yeah – since I haven’t had a chance to mention it, we launched our full website last week! Check it out!

Again, thank you all so very much for visiting the Cove. I wish you all the best this holiday season, and am looking forward to a 2010 filled with some great events, guest speakers, and a whole lot of rum!



Can't wait to check out Smuggler's Cove in January!!

Awww. Blush.

Me and the missus will be over there in about 45 minutes.

Excellent time tonight going crazy with a Jet Pilot, Three Dots and a Dash, Bomba, and a Rum Barrel. The wife had some killer drinks, too... dammit the names escape me now. The Parisian one... the rooty one... a coupla others... damn I just can't conjure up the names... cest la vie.
Met some fine folk at the bar from Tiki Central, had some great drinks, and ogled the decor with the eyes of a little kid at Christmas time.
Thanks Martin, for this most excellent little bar. I only wish we had more time to enjoy it before moving to Colorado. I'm gonna do my damnedest to get back at least once more before heading East.

[ Edited by: cucamongachango 2009-12-20 23:47 ]

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