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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

EzTiki's Carvings

Pages: 1 8 replies

EzTiki posted on 12/05/2009

Here's a few carvings I've done.
First carving, made out of basswood

Second, not sure bout the wood, but I found it at a park.
Used Iron Oxide, Charcoal, and Coffee to stain it.

Third carving, made out of the same log that I used for carving 2, it was a very awkward shape with 2 burls, but instead of tossing it, I managed to make this, haha. Used coffee for the staining.

Fourth carving, again not sure bout the kind of wood. Found it in the background though. VERY heavy, VERY hard. I chiseled out the top of the head, and hammered some copper sheet in it, so you can light his head on fire.

More carvings to come. Finding good wood to carve is pretty hard unfortunately

Irishcarver posted on 12/05/2009

Cool stuff mate. Its amazing the different types of people in this world. Some people see dirty old piece of wood ata the park and kick it, others see the same piece and wonder what they can make from it. It's funny.

I'm new to tikis too, my thread is below yours. Good work!

Benzart posted on 12/05/2009

Cool Stuff EzTiki and Welcome to Tiki Central or TC as we call her in our laziness. Getting started carving tikis is a difficult process, so many styles to learn, so many tools to use, wood to get and you look to be doing pretty well at it all the way around, SO Keep up the good work and Post those shots and when you have questions, Don't be afraid to ask.

EzTiki posted on 12/06/2009

5th tiki, saved this wood from the fire wood pile, and it was TERRIBLE. Flaky, dry, brittle, lots of cracks, ect.
I like the carving though.

EzTiki posted on 12/11/2009

Sorry bout the terrible pic, but there's the newest.
The wood was a lil bit rotten, and eaten by termites, so I didn't bother to put too much thought into this.

[ Edited by: EzTiki 2009-12-10 16:21 ]

Benzart posted on 12/11/2009

Eztiki, Nice bunch of tiki carvings,, a bit rough around the edges but that will get better soon the rate you are going. I Love that you are including different/unusual things to your carvings, like the copper bowl and stuff.

BIG tiki scott posted on 12/16/2009

ez tiki!! the heavy and hard wood you used for a tiki looks and sound like australian beef wood sometimes called austrailian pine wich is misleading cuz its not a pine even though it looks like it has needels when in fact they are very thin leaves!! its not even a soft wood like pine but is actualy a hard wood! very dense and extremely hard!! but youve dun a great job here !! keepem comin!! cheerz!

TheBigT posted on 12/18/2009

On 2009-12-04 16:13, EzTiki wrote:

I like what you did here with the copper. Very cool. Nicely done.

EzTiki posted on 12/28/2009

I really like this guy, looks better in person haha.

Pages: 1 8 replies