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tiki carving

Pages: 1 3 replies

rottie98 posted on 09/03/2003

hello i am new to this site. I saw all the nice tiki carvings think they are great. can anybody tell me of a book that teaches you how to make these carvings or is it simple as a hammer an a chisel
thanks John

GECKO posted on 09/03/2003

howzit braddah,

go buy wun hamma and sum chizzies and jus pound'em! you'll get mo betta as you go. No books really gon help, it's da braddah or da sista behind da chizzle.

get some chalk and draw a face, if you make a mistake, erase'em! no worries. once your happy with da drawing, da bes ting is a "V" shaped chiz to do da outline some peopo use da kine {chain saw}.

good luck and live aloha!


Jungle Trader posted on 09/03/2003

Buy a tiki and study the cuts, the depth, angle of the cuts. Also look at the facial features in relation to each other, (large mouth, nose, eyes and where they are positioned). All kinds of different facial features.

rottie98 posted on 09/05/2003

thanks alot for the info. i will try one and see how it goes, if its good ill post the pic if its bad ill use for my toilet

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