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Tiki Ban in NJ

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My boss just told me that some town in New Jersey has banned Tiki Huts from the beach. Anyone else heard of this abomination? I need to hop in the car and burn down their city hall today..


why did they do this? fire hazard? does that mean huts that are directly on the beach? weird. probably just some safety thing.

Wow! Can you get the official wording of that edict? If it says "Tiki Hut" in it, it would be great propaganda for us. Maybe they even reason that it invited "licentious behaviour"...


If I know NJ beaches... it's probably because they ban EVERYTHING!

I haven't heard of this, but I will do my best to find out if it's true and which beach it is, and make sure I NEVER go and spend my disposable income in that town!

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2002-08-02 11:10 ]

New Jersey is one of only two states that have a fire-code banning self-serve gasoline. (Sorry TikiMaxton, Oregon is the other). I wonder if they banned tiki huts because they are a fire hazard, with all that 151 rum, tiki torches and such.


Found this in the states section of the USA Today, dated August 1st. "Sea Bright - Tiki huts are not welcome in this shore town. The Borough Council ordered three rustic beach shelters built by property owners torn down by today. It says the island-inspired structures made of wood and palm fronds violate rules against building on public property. Owners say the structures are popular with beachgoers."

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