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I Broke My Leg at Exotica 2003

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JTD posted on 08/29/2003


Thanks for asking how things turned out. More on that later.

Kona Kai was fabulous and couldn'd have had a better time! The women (okay, guys, too)all so beautifully decked out I felt I was in timewarp to 1966. I got in line early and the Kona Kai itself used up all but a few frames of my film. Glad I got the pix, but wished I'd save some for the other attendees - really the best part of a big tiki gig. I met several TC'ers for the first time and a got reacquainted with a few I'd met at the Hukilau, too. Just great folks! "I'd rather be with you than with the finest peolple in the world."

Cap'n Dan's trip to Rock-a-Tiki was great fun - best bus ride ever. Rock-a-Tiki was hopping and is my kinda bar, I think.

I'm withholding judgement until a return visit. Here's why......Early into the evening, admittedly stars in my eyes as I'd been hobnobbing with TC glitterati :)(PJ, Humuhumu, Tiki Bree, Formikahini, the famous mrsmiley et al.) and literati (tikibars, boutiki), I slipped on the floor and broke my leg. :o

I wasn't dancing on the bar or otherwise acting crazily. (Actual witnesses feel free to refresh my memory on this with a private message. Don't worry, I'm not suing the Rock-a-Tiki.) Just a walk across the room, a slip on the floor and...then...me sitting on the floor telling folks, "I've just broken my leg (yes, really!) and I need to go to a hospital NOW." :x

Well, 6 days in St Mary's of Nazazreth got me a new titanium rod & pins in my femur (that's the big one) and a nifty set of crutches. Rehab for 2-3 months. Just flew back to Jacksonville yesterday and am trying to catch up v-mail, e-mail and w/ TC.

Yep, it bites and I wish it didn't happen. What's extra annoying, though, is that it happened so early in the weekend that I did not get to Hala Kahiki on Saturday as planned. Ah, well. Next time.

-JTD (was tempted to become "Pegleg Tiki")

Turbogod posted on 08/29/2003

Glad to hear all is well. I left the Kona Kai, but didn't get to Rock a Tiki. When the crew from MD/VA got back they told me about your accident, but no one really knew what happened after that.

Captain Dan posted on 08/29/2003

oh MAN!!! JTD i'm so sorry you had to go thru that. I was standing RIGHT next to you (while waiting for a zombie at the bar), not knowing anything was amiss, (you were very calm and chill as you waited for the CFD's best) when the EMTs walked in w/the crash cart and loaded you up. rumor had it..."he thinks he broke his leg." wow, did you ever. My condolences. freakin femur. oof. hey, looked good on the cart tho, STILL swanky. my best, get better for next year. I'll buy you a chi chi.
cpt dan.

mrsmiley posted on 08/29/2003

The Jab, Mrs. Jab, and I just finished some BBQ ribs down the street and were walking to the Rock-A-Tiki when when saw the ambulance take off. I joked to the Jab "a couple Tiki Central members have alcohol poisoning". I couldn't tell for sure that the ambulance was outside the Rock-A-Tiki. Seems I was too close to the truth. Sorry.
If it is any consolation to you, the rest of the places were LOUSY-too much carved wood and not enough fancy stainless steel and glass!
Hope you get better soon-and sorry it happened!

La Tiki Nostra posted on 08/29/2003

Wow man, that had to put a damper on your good time in Chi-town! Glad to here you are on the rebound & we wish you a very speedy re-hab on that leg. If you have the opportunity to get back to town before the next Exotica happens let us know. The Wife and I would love to show you around the places you missed out on and buy ya a couple of Mai Tai's at our personal favorite Chef Shangri La.
Tiki Up!
The Vastas

The Chicago Tiki Mafia
"Protection of Historical Tiki Urban Artifacts from possible extinction"

[ Edited by: La Tiki Nostra on 2003-08-29 16:55 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 08/30/2003

So sorry to hear of your mishap and glad you are able to jest about it anyway. There have been more than a few unfortunate tiki party moments mentioned by several of us on this forum, however, your story and great attitude take the cake. Hang in there.

cynfulcynner posted on 08/30/2003

On 2003-08-29 13:39, JTD wrote:
Just a walk across the room, a slip on the floor and...then...me sitting on the floor telling folks, "I've just broken my leg (yes, really!) and I need to go to a hospital NOW."

OWWW! :x

In 1999, I slipped going down a couple of steps and compound-fractured my tibia and fibula right above the ankle. I had an external fixator for three months (I promise not to post any photos!) and it was two years before I could finally ditch the cane.

You are really lucky that they were able to put you back together with internal rods and pins. You will probably have some permanent damage, but not much. It's likely you'll have more than 2-3 months of rehab; muscles atrophy a lot faster than you think. Get yourself to the pool as soon as your sutures are out and your doc says it's OK -- the longer you are off your feet the longer your rehab will take! And once you're healed do LOTS of nice things for the people who are taking care of you right now....


JTD posted on 08/30/2003

Thanks for all the kind words. It is my sincere ambition to take y'all up on those very gracious offers.

Cindy - I hear ya about the rehab! Luckily, with the rod & pins method (i.e. no cast), I was rehabbing the day after surgery! 6 grueling, but good (is that weird?) sessions before I left Chicago have given me a good start.


tikibars posted on 08/31/2003

Hey Kahuna

Glad you're on the mend.

Me and some of the other guys were trying to figure out which hospital you were in, so we could send you a care package or maybe come down and try to cheer you up, but we were unable to find out. It's gotta stink to be stuck in a hospital all alone in a city where you don't really know anyone - so for what it's worth we were thinking about you and did try to track you down.

Drinks are on us next time!

Tiki Rider posted on 08/31/2003

Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the west coast. Broken limbs? wow you guys can party...above and beyond the call.

I would like to nominate you for the "Purple Tiki" award...drum roll pleeze...(the commendation reads as follows...)

"On the 22nd day of August in the year 2003 while attending Exotica 2003 in Chicago and having braved overwhelming strong tropical drinks and music, glass ball floats, pufferfish, waterfalls and lagoons, Oceanic Art Tikis, rattan, bamboo and beautiful tiki women...JTD, Tiki Centralite, you came under a surprise hostile attack of unknown origin at the Rock-A-Tiki Tiki Bar and sustained injury while falling to the treacherous Rock-A-Tiki floor.

For sustaining injury while attending Exotica 2003 Events at the Rock-A-Tiki, showing coolness, courage, bravery and service above and beyond Tiki Central duty under extraordinary circumstances, You, JTD, are hearby awarded the Purple Tiki Award."

Aloha and Mahalo. :drink:

Formikahini posted on 09/02/2003

Here! Here! I second the motion!

JTD, I so hated that you not only broke your leg and went through excruciating pain, but that you had to miss out on the rest of Exotica! Know that you were missed and thought of often thoughout the weekend. You really do get to claim the best/worst injury-while-in-the-line-of-tiki story.

NOTE: Please, nobody try to top him to steal away the title. May JTD hold it forever!

TIKI: Now, more than ever

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2003-09-01 23:57 ]

martiki posted on 09/02/2003

On 2003-08-31 15:50, Tiki Rider Five-O wrote:

I would like to nominate you for the "Purple Tiki" award...

...You, JTD, are hearby awarded the Purple Tiki Award."

Someone in SoCal should get JTD a Purple Orchid mug for this award! Where else can you get a Purple Tiki?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/02/2003

martiki6 wrote:
...Where else can you get a Purple Tiki?

Other than The Purple Orchid?...from PurpleJade, of course!

JTD posted on 09/02/2003

James, Formikahini - Thanks for the kind words, am glad I hadn't been forgotten.

TR 5-0 - Thank you for the nice write-up. The one award I'd never want beforehand, but am most proud of afterward. Please, no copycats!

SCD - You know, I did indeed get a purple tiki from PurpleJade while in Chicago. I'm afraid it may have some of that Brady Bunch mojo on it though now. Guess I'd better give to the wife (Har!).


[ Edited by: jtd on 2003-09-04 09:50 ]

purple jade posted on 09/02/2003

Your Purple Tiki is ready for shipping, JTD.
Email me your address.

Funny, this is actually the third time I've been accused of using mojo by TC members. But why would I put it on someone who was nothing but wonderful to me, when there were other far more deserving targets?

Formikahini posted on 09/02/2003

Purple Jade, that is the BEST MEDAL!!

But NOW, we need a big party to have the pinning ceremony for JTD, don't we?! Dancing girls, streamers & confetti, champagne, a monkey - the WORKS! Hawaii? Back to Chicago? Another trip to the Mai Kai?

Oh, and Charles de Gaulle to do the double-cheek-kiss thing when you get pinned.

mrsmiley posted on 09/03/2003

Purple jade-that "medal" is great!!

PS-Too bad we weren't able to have an in depth conversation with each other--I'm sure we could have talked each other's ears off!!!
Looking forward to seeing you all again.

Tiki Rider posted on 09/03/2003

Purple Jade
Nice medal!...you even captured the Tiki's grimace. I'm guessing it probably comes pretty close to resembling JTD's expression at the moment of fracture. Wish I could make the ceremony. Maybe somebody could print and frame up the commendation to go with his medal. I think JTD should wear the Purple Tiki at all future Tiki Central functions.
Aloha! :drink:

Humuhumu posted on 09/03/2003

Purple Jade, that medal is too good -- a reward like that is bound to inspire rampant clumsiness at future events. Just how bad a break does it have to be to get one of those? If I have a nice, clean break in one of my lesser-used fingers on my left hand, will it count??

I'm sorry to hear your break was so bad, JTD. The plane ride home must have been dreadful!

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