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1960s Tiki Erotica (WARNING: NUDITY)

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martian-tiki posted on 12/31/2009

Hunting through obscure hungarian message boards turned up a complete scan of a popular magazine started by some fellow named Hugh H. with an article on Tahitian girls and some images from the archives.

Incidentally and coincidentally this issue also had something to do with the velvet paintings thread...

Edit: Reuploaded files

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2013-01-05 20:47 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 12/31/2009

Is there any way you can allow us to just SEE the material, and not automatically download it when clicking on the link, without warning? I didn't want to do that really, but once started, I let it go, but now I can't find it on my desktop. :(

Chip and Andy posted on 01/01/2010

On 2009-12-31 12:28, bigbrotiki wrote:
Is there any way you can allow us to just SEE the material

Try these....

And thanks to martian-tiki for the find!

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-12-31 20:08 ]

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-12-31 21:58 ]

martian-tiki posted on 01/01/2010

On 2009-12-31 12:28, bigbrotiki wrote:
Is there any way you can allow us to just SEE the material, and not automatically download it when clicking on the link, without warning? I didn't want to do that really, but once started, I let it go, but now I can't find it on my desktop. :(

Firstly - Thank you "Chip and Andy" for the post and Sven for the books...

Sorry - it's a tradeoff I guess trying to balance saving someone the trouble of multiple clicks with the effort of making preview images and also images will automatically download every time someone comes back to this thread - which seems an unnecessary use of bandwidth. Of course there are worse ways for an electron to go out than making an image of a 1960's Tahitian beauty.

In the future I will try to make any shared material less "all or nothing."

An introduction of me: As a hobby - I'm mostly working on Ed Wood Jr. / cult movie related material - so I've come across plenty of semi-tiki material in the 60's magazines and sometimes they are both in the same image - Like that photo of Margo Sweet from Beach Girls and the Monster with a "Richard Croft / Decor Accent Moai mosaic" a few posts back.

Another example of a two for one is in Ed Wood's ORGY OF THE DEAD there is a Hawaiian Dancer (who worshipped hawaiian rattlesnakes!! and comitted suicide in a volcano) who does the only non-tedious dance much to the enjoyment of Criswell, the Mummy, and the Wolfman.

(Played by prolific pinup model Mickey Jines)

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-04-11 00:34 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 01/01/2010

I don't know if I can dig up something our dear Martiantiki hasn't seen yet, but I can try.

Here's a ultra-low-budget 70's bondage loop produced by Arrow Films, titled:

This is a softcore film with modest nudity. The only thing gratuitous, I'm afraid, is use of apostrophes.

:down: We start with our poor captive heroine tied up on the sofa. Her evil mistress has just returned from a shopping trip with a nice latex maid outfit for the girl:

:down: The mistress devises an unholy torture for our heroine - namely making her dust the house in the scanty outfit. The poor girl is unconsolable. Dusting a small end table, she finds a LUCKY TIKI!

The card attached to the tiki says that if you rub the tiki's head, it will grant you a wish.

:down: She wishes she could become a POWERFUL DOMINATRIX!


:down: When her mistress returns, the tables are turned!

:down: But a burgler has been watching through the window. When the ladies leave, he enters the room, finds the tiki and makes his own wish.

:down: Oh Noes!

He leaves the room (presumably to get a sandwich), and the two ladies work at untying each other's bonds. The older mistress is freed first. Does she then help her young saviour?

:down: Nosiree.

:down: Ah yes. It's good to be the Bitch. Especially when you've got a magic tiki.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/01/2010

WARNING! NUDITY! I just can't take it anymore. This is for the ladies.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/01/2010

Yet another . Presentation to the Queen.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/01/2010

One last one before the New Year. Natasha with one of my first big crappy tikis. But who cares about the tiki right guys?

martian-tiki posted on 01/01/2010

On 2009-12-31 23:02, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I don't know if I can dig up something our dear Martiantiki hasn't seen yet, but I can try.

Here's a ultra-low-budget 70's bondage loop produced by Arrow Films, titled:

This is a softcore film with modest nudity. The only thing gratuitous, I'm afraid, is use of apostrophes.

You have succeeded! Thank you.

If you have any interest in ripping this off the dvd I would be happy to provide hosting space or some software help (I've not yet totally mastered it myself). Or a catalog number?

I do have a couple of clips courtesy of Something Weird Video that are planned for this thread soon...

martian-tiki posted on 01/03/2010

A clip from Something Weird Video's Big Bust Loops Vol. 21

Best results with Save Target as (applies to tif links as well)

http://www.martiantiki.com/ace-march1967/ace-v10n5-march1967-covers.JPG large
http://www.martiantiki.com/ace-march1967/ace-v10n5-march1967-cover.JPG Ultra large

This issue has several articles of interest...
First: Paradise Lost: How the White Man's Sex Drive Ruined Tahiti

Higer resolution files for reading

~6MB Even easier reading

~ 100MB Museum archive for the 23th century when a giant space cloud comes to Earth
seeking information on Tahiti.


Second: The Cover article - I know Jamaica is the wrong ocean! But maybe it is of some interest for grokking the Jet Age desire for tropical escape - and you already got to see the cover.

Second: The Cover article - I know Jamaica is the wrong ocean! But maybe it is of some interest for grokking the Jet Age desire for tropical escape - and you already got to see the cover.

Higer resolution files for reading

~6MB Even easier reading

~ 100MB Museum archive for the 23th century when a giant space cloud comes to Earth
seeking information on Tahiti.

Third: This interior decorator appears to have a fondness for some sort of Primitive Bear Totem wall art that maybe someone knows more about.
Maybe its not a bear - clawed space god - what is wrong with 1960's photographers / editors!?


Museum for space cloud

Fourth: A socially redeeming article on Credit Cards and how they will function IN THE YEAR 2000!
(which may be potentially interesting given the current economic problems)

Fifth: Psychotronic cult movie fans may be interested in this nudist calendar page.
March is actress Jackie De Witt who starred as Kissme in a strange movie that crossed Laurel and Hardy with Dr. Strangelove and Frankenstein http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0212440/

June is actress Pat Barringer star of Russ Meyer's Mondo Topless and Ed Wood's Orgy of the Dead http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0057496/


This 1962 issue of Bewitched features some Bachelor Pad fiction




Some more Lani postcards



And some not Lani postcards



[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-02 19:29 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-04-11 00:36 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/03/2010

Whoaaa! Now here we have something the eye can grab onto! And I wish it would not just be the eye...
Mucho Mahalos for all the uploading work, martian T !

martian-tiki posted on 01/03/2010

Yes there is a mug in these pictures.

This is most likely a Totem instead of a Tiki - but I'm not willing to take a chance on being wrong.
And it's still atomic jet-age primitive art.

The rare red-haired tropical beauty - for some reason, in my experience, these kind of women never appreciate being told they have a defective melanin gene.

I'd also guess she wouldn't appreciate being told she's wearing that wrong.

Babalu posted on 01/04/2010

Sweet Calender! :up:

crazy al posted on 01/08/2010

On 2007-11-06 15:03, teaKEY wrote:

found one of Teakey's favorite...

thejab posted on 01/08/2010

Sabu! The tiki bondage shots are amazing! And thanks for all the great stuff martian-tiki!

tikibob posted on 01/08/2010

On 2009-12-19 15:30, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow! An Andres Bumatay cake slice Tiki! Now THAT gets me going! :D

That 1960 Buick in the background is kinda exciting too!


martian-tiki posted on 01/09/2010

Thank you "thejab"

on to another post....
I just realized I had seen the bear totem (?) wall art before.

Below is an image of actress Coleen O'Brien who also starred in Ed Wood's Orgy of the Dead. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1600277/

See my page on this issue for the full pictorial

The TIKI content for this post comes from the movie "Diary of a Nudist" - warning the nudist camp film genre is so boring it will make you want to gouge your eyes out. But occasionally a Tiki shows up to look over the jet-age folks returning to their primitive roots of playing pool volleyball.

Filed on location at Sunny Palms Lodge, Homestead Florida.
(If the sound is out of sync in any of the videos I am not competent enough to do anything about it)

Some cars!!! http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/cars19278-24642.mpg (153MB)

And the Tikis of the camp pool
http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/74997-6254.mpg (26 MB)
This video also features a woman who has a striking resemblance to Joan Holloway of "Mad Men."

A long pool scene that has 4 tikis in it.
http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/46029-52431.mpg (163MB)

http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/97146-713.mpg (15MB)

The Trailer for "Gentlemen Prefer Nature Girls" which has a this recycled tiki scene - or those two like to drink together every time a film crew stops by. (Just in case one needs to see the full trailer for this sort of film)


[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-10 02:47 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-04-11 00:30 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2012-01-15 03:19 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 01/10/2010

You're right! Boring naked pasty white people. Nice tikis though.

martian-tiki posted on 01/10/2010

FYI I fixed the link for the cars video in my previous post.

And since I'm posting....

Spotted these on my hard drive trying to free up space...maybe they came from tiki central but a search didn't find anything - regardless they might be happier in this thread. One of them is Lani the subject of several previous posts.


Edit: Partial reupload

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2013-01-05 21:21 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 01/11/2010

On 2010-01-09 15:23, martian-tiki wrote:
A long pool scene that has 4 tikis in it.
http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/46029-52431.mpg (163MB)

This movie, and so many like it, were filmed in the greater Miami area so the real question is..... is that Tiki still standing guard over that pool?

Does anyone have any google-map super powers to figure out about where the house is/was? The locals could do a drive-by and check him/them out.

icebaer69 posted on 01/11/2010

On 2010-01-09 15:23, martian-tiki wrote:

Some cars!!! http://www.martiantiki.com/diary/cars19278-24642.mpg (153MB)

amazing cars !

Zeta posted on 01/14/2010

1977 Spanish calendar

(sorry, no tiki)

icebaer69 posted on 01/14/2010

On 2010-01-11 12:16, Chip and Andy wrote:
... This movie, and so many like it, were filmed in the greater Miami area so the real question is..... is that Tiki still standing guard over that pool?

Does anyone have any google-map super powers to figure out about where the house is/was? The locals could do a drive-by and check him/them out.

yes, someone should check that out :)

Titles with locations including
Sunny Palms Lodge, Homestead, Florida, USA:

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist (1962) 1.9/10 (219 votes)
...aka Back to Nature (1962) (USA: short title)
...aka Blaze Starr Goes Back to Nature (1962) (USA: bowdlerized title)
...aka Blaze Starr Goes Wild (1962)
...aka Blaze Starr the Original (1962) (USA: video title)
...aka Busting Out (1962) (USA: reissue title)
Diary of a Nudist (1961) 4.8/10 (81 votes)
...aka Diary of a Girl Reporter (1961) (USA: bowdlerized title)
...aka Diary of a Naturist (1962) (USA: bowdlerized title)
...aka Girl Reporter Diary (1961) (USA: bowdlerized title)
...aka Nature Camp Confidential (1961) (USA: bowdlerized title)
...aka Nature Camp Diary (1961) (USA: bowdlerized title)
Gentlemen Prefer Nature Girls (1962) 4.0/10 (11 votes)
...aka Gentlemen Prefer Girls (1962) (USA: bowdlerized title)
The Prince and the Nature Girl (1965)

martian-tiki posted on 01/16/2010

I don't recall any tikis in the Blaze Starr movie.

Zeta thanks for posting.

I think tikis are not really that common - for some odd unfathomable reason Hula girls / Leis without tikis were considered sufficent for an interesting photo by jet-age primitives the vast majority of the time! Additionally mere tiki torches likely show up more often than actual tikis even in the present.

(this image likely comes from this issue http://www.martiantiki.com/nakedtiki/241.jpg )

And some modern stuff for Sabu to avoid demonstrating tiki torches and Leis are considered sufficent even now.



And a more time era appropriate movie

thejab posted on 01/16/2010

The nudist camp pool must have that screen completely surrounding the pool for mosquito control, or for voyeur control!

martian-tiki posted on 01/17/2010

Interesting you should say that...



The article says Sunny Palms lodge closed in 1984 when DuPont bought the land for a paint testing laboratory!

Edit: Paint testing was apparently setting painted material out in the sun in the middle of nowhere.

EDIT: Address was apparently 36600 SW 202nd Ave, Homestead, Miami-Dade, Florida 33034

News archive

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-17 13:28 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-17 13:29 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-17 13:33 ]

Kita St Cyr posted on 01/18/2010

Gettin' cozy with some of my mugs :)

kalenatiki posted on 01/18/2010

very nice

Swamp Fire posted on 01/18/2010

Tropical Paradise vol. 1 No. 1

Center spread

Random photo I have

martian-tiki posted on 01/18/2010

Kita I am glad you ARE here!

Swamp Fire your centerfold was also featured in this thread as the Hideous Stone God of various places.


And an article I just scanned to provide some socially redeeming material to this thread. Included is the text for the search engines...


February 1961

Here's a bit of Polynesian paradise
on U.S. Highway 1. Called the
Mystery Bowl, it's a Mai Kai
original-Mai Kai being a million dollar
restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida-and it's one of forty-eight
rum concoctions served in the restaurant's
Molokai Bar. But this
drink is something special, the only
one served by the hula-skirted
Mystery Girl. This, plus the magic
of the Mai Kai chefs, and such atmosphere
props as South Pacific Flora,
a giant coral-rock waterfall, and
machine-driven rain occasionally
beating against the windows,
often attracts over a thousand
Gold Coast guests ,each night.

Mai Kai guest Bob Oliver, director of the Miami-1960 Miss Universe Pageant gets a Mystery Bowl - with traditional lei and kiss - from mystery girl Puanani

The Mai Kai menu lists
thirty-six regular dishes,
from Mandarin Duck to
Lotus Beef. And, if you
give advance notice, you
and your guests can sit
down to a roast pig luau,
the feast being admired
above. (For ten, it costs
$150, without extras, but
including orchid leis. )
You'll want to begin with
a drink prepared by one
of the master mixologists
(left) and you'll dine
amid such reminders of
Polynesian beauty as the
velvet nudes gracing the
Mai Kai walls (far left).

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2012-12-15 13:53 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2010

As a Tiki researcher, I am always thrilled when the two mid-century escapist motifs of Nudism and Tiki are found together, which to my mind should be more often the case than it actually is. Nudism is a fascinating, simultaneously square and alternative lifestyle. The fact that it was an outdoor "back to nature" recreational activity, around Barb-B-Qs and pools, would make it seem a natural for Tiki decor. But unfortunately, not much visual evidence has appeared over my years of research.

So now, let's take a look at these Titis...err I mean TIKIS:

We can make out four distinctly different Tikis in these stills so graciously provided by Martian Tiki. The only thing they have in common is the fact that they are stone or concrete Tikis. Otherwise, they seem to have no stylistic similarities.

Let's start with this guy, let's call him the "Jaw Dropper", frozen in disbelief at what he sees:

Never seen this style before, very unique, the expression reminds me of some gargoyles, maybe...
Next to "Jaw Dropper" we find "Black Ku Face", the only truly "Tiki"-looking piece of the bunch:

....unlike this creation below, which I'd like to call "Wise Guy":

...and last, peaking in from outside, we have..."Devil Alien"!:

Though he was the strangest of the bunch, my Tiki memory was triggered.
Devil Alien somehow reminded me of this beast from the B-movie "Pagan Island":

Some kindred soul at Something Weird Video hat recognized the head of this "Pagan Idol" in a little nudie clip that he saw about a Florida Artist named Lewis VanDercar, it was resting on his fireplace:

And it dawned on me: Though none of these four Tikis are alike, they have all been created by the same artist!

I came upon Lewis VanDercar in this photo by Bunny Yeager first:

He seemed to embody the quintessential Bohemian artist/Swinger in this picture, and so I used it in the Book of Tiki.
Since then, I was able to attribute Tikis in three Poly pop locations to him: The Miami Luau, the Little Hut in Vero Beach Florida, and recently, thanks to Tiki Kiliki, the Tiki Motel in Lake George.

The little nudie flic shows VanDerCar at work in his studio at his home in Miami...

,,,but he also gives two of his models a tour of the outside of his house:

We can make out two Moai-style sculptures among the wild array of other styles...

...but in a close up, we can see a sculpture that looks kind of like the "Wise Guy" by the pool above...

...and as we pan with the group, a Ku-type face appears on the left edge of frame!:

This again proves that Van DerCar was capable of sculpting any style, from Moai to Ku to Gargoyle to Dragon to mermaid, (as we already know):

Bunny Yeager also has a credit on "Pagan Idol", and it seems like the two were part of the same swinging 60s scene of artists, photographers and nudists in Miami.


It is a shame that so far nor good photos of the exterior of his Miami house have surfaced, with all the interest in "Outsider Art" there should be something to be found.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2010-01-18 19:41 ]

martian-tiki posted on 01/19/2010

Fascinating deduction.

May I ask what, if anything, made your mind dismiss the angled head of a KU tiki in favor of a Pagan Idol?

I admit it now looks more like a gremlin or a shadow than a Ku after my expert artistic enhancement so this may have
been immediately obvious to those with more than my minimal tiki experience.

(ku image "borrowed" from http://creativehawaiian.com/souvenirs-gifts-c-5.html?page=4)

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-12-04 03:06 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2010

I don't understand...is there another mid-century Florida Tiki carver that did angular head-shapes like that that I could have connected the design with? Do tell!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2010

Oh well, I can see the Tiki community is just in shock and awe over my discovery that these Tikis are Lewis Vandercar's work. My theories are violently discussed and weighed, and urban archeologists everywhere are feverishly at work scanning more nudist films for his statues! All the work it took me to put that post together has really paid off! :D

Meanwhile, to avoid further confusion, here a little Tiki design course:

I referred to the waterfall mask as "Ku Face" because of his figure 8 mouth. A couple of other Hawaiian deities feature that type of mouth, and if one wants to compare the above "Devil Alien" statue to one of them...

...the head dress of KANE bears a closer resemblance to that statue. Ku Kukailimoko usually has a rounded of head dress, and Tane has a long, ribbed antenna.

GatorRob posted on 01/20/2010

Fantastic images of the outside of his home! There seem to be faces everywhere you look. He obviously did not have to deal with my home owner's association! I do hope more images of his home surface.

I think your deduction may be correct. The "Wise Guy" sculpture isn't an exact match, but the eyes...

Hoping more will surface to nail it.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/20/2010

That is the difficulty: All of the pictures that have surfaced on the net of his work, like in his sculpture garden in his second home in Zephyrhills...

show dragons and gargoyles and other fantasy sculptures, but no actual Tikis:

It seems that except for those Moai, he did Tikis mostly on commission for restaurants and resorts.
But having looked at all that is out there, and how stylistically all over the place his paintings were...


...it seems to make sense that these Tikis all came from his shop.

Zeta posted on 01/20/2010

Thanks again Bigbro for your super cool, documented and ilustrated threads like this one! I love "the quintessential Bohemian artist/Swinger" theme!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/20/2010

OK now, you didn't have to bring it on that thick! :lol: But I know you mean it, too. :)

Here's a little addition in the Tiki Nudie recon genre undertaken from martian's findings
(again, thank you martian for taking up my suggestion to post the actual pictures side by side with the links)::

This Tiki got to see his share nudie cuties in his day:

This Marquesan idol was quite popular, and was not only made into a lawn Tiki and wall hanging, but also a lamp base.

In fact he was so popular, he even was given (in modified form) as a gift to Bob Hope. :)

martian-tiki posted on 01/20/2010

On 2010-01-18 22:19, bigbrotiki wrote:
I don't understand...is there another mid-century Florida Tiki carver that did angular head-shapes like that that I could have connected the design with? Do tell!

My post was poorly written but the head shape design tutorial was what I needed.

And thank you for the Marquesan idol identification in the other two images.

martian-tiki posted on 01/26/2010

Regarding the location of the pool in Diary of a Nudist...
I contacted an email friend Michael Bowen who is Doris Wishman's Biographer to let him know of bigbrotiki's finds. He wrote....

"It's likely, although not certain, that the pool scenes for the film were shot on Palm Island just off of Miami Beach at a large home owned by a man named Harold Chaskin. I am not 100% sure, but a number of clues / coincidences lead me to think this was probably the location.

(As you have probably guessed, the pool sequences had nothing to do with an actual nudist camp).

Let me know if I can contribute anything more to your investigation. Always happy to hear from people doing interesting detective work."

"If my theory is correct, the pool with the tikis was here (ironically, the house is currently in the market).

http://www.sunnyislesmiamirealestate.com/House-Sale-Palm_Island-mls-M1293658-in-Miami-Beach.htm "

crazy al posted on 01/26/2010

hey? is there yet another tiki hiding as a shadow figure just under the demon tiki?? looks to be a towel holder bar-table?? looks like a Ku and not a different angle of this guy??

Oh! I got a set of those tiki stamps over on Maui...

when I first went there to hock my 'new' tiki stuff... That was the first I knew of Kane, but have not seen that name and image together much. Is your image related to the rubber stamps?

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-01-25 17:44 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/26/2010

Nope, it's from a "Speak Hawaiian" tourist book.

Good work on the location search. Man, this really hard to say. The millions these people put in refurbishing those kind of homes could have altered everything, from the pool to the pier outside. It definitely looks like the neighborhood, with the views across the channel...and if your guy knows the scene...there probably weren't that many owners letting their house be used for shooting nudist flics.
It looks like there is a mask hanging on the outside of the house...who will pretend they can afford an 11 Million dollar house and schedule a tour? :)

martian-tiki posted on 01/26/2010

A south seas themed issue of King's Man issue 9 1960.

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2013-01-05 21:47 ]

crazy al posted on 01/26/2010

crap... just another 'wise guy'......

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/26/2010

Martian-Tiki, Sounds like your info has some credibility....info from the net, from a book on the early porn industry....

....and another nudist camp frolic movie. Heh Heh "special effects"

Hideout in the Sun (1960)Paul Falkenberg, (as Victor F. Paul). Special Effects by · Harold Chaskin .... special effects ... Filming Locations: Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

martian-tiki posted on 01/26/2010

On 2010-01-25 21:26, Or Got Rum? wrote:
Martian-Tiki, Sounds like your info has some credibility....info from the net, from a book on the early porn industry....

I'm starting to suspect that since I'm not a multimillionare and I am not involved with the porn industry that maybe I am doing something wrong?

Thank you for posting that info for everyone.

Speaking of posters this is currently on a popular auction site
Hawaiian Thigh hawaiianthigh.jpg

I've been home sick all day / scanning to keep mind off coughing I noticed these stills from Diary of a Nudist - no tiki content but one has the pool scene and since I uploaded them for Mr. Bowen I might as well post the links.

or 600dpi TIF files

But what I was after was some South Seas Humor

Cover http://www.orgy-of-the-dead.com/patbarringer/gaze-dec1965/gaze-december1965-1.JPG
Pat Barringer the reason I bought this (She was in Mondo Topless which was mentioned in Zeta's Mondo Tiki thread defining MONDO) http://www.orgy-of-the-dead.com/patbarringer/gaze-dec1965/gaze-december1965-2.JPG


Cover: http://www.martiantiki.com/stare-october1965-1.JPG



[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-25 23:50 ]

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2013-01-13 21:02 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/26/2010

Wow, I want that poster! What a bad pun on Hawaiian Eye...
How much does a poster like that fetch?

On 2010-01-25 21:26, Or Got Rum? wrote:
Special Effects by · Harold Chaskin .... special effects ... Filming Locations: Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

I bet he also was a big art patron and collector of Lewis Vandercar paintings and sculpture! :)

martian-tiki posted on 01/26/2010

On 2010-01-26 00:00, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, I want that poster! What a bad pun on Hawaiian Eye...
How much does a poster like that fetch?

Based on the sellers completed listings and my own experience and the fact the economy is destroyed I'd guess $30. (Range: Minimum $10 Maximum $150 unless two idiots start a bidding war)
Edit: $50 was too high an estimate.

I don't think its a Something Weird title so less movie people will have an interest as they have never seen it.

I trust anyone interested can find the auction.

[ Edited by: martian-tiki 2010-01-26 00:14 ]

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