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Tiki Central / General Tiki

9/13: Black Orchid in Tampa, FL

Pages: 1 14 replies

KahunaMilu posted on 08/27/2003

View awesome poster by Tweedtone:


Sobek is me, by the way.

KahunaMilu posted on 08/30/2003

Just out of curiousity, how many of you are relatively local? I think that I have noticed 4 or 5 since I have been here.

If this night is successful, I intend on doing more.

Kailuageoff posted on 08/31/2003

There are a few of us scattered here and there around the state. It would be great if Florida tiki-folk would turn out and support this.

KahunaMilu posted on 08/31/2003

Well, I do not expect anyone from Miami or Jacksonville or Daytona or what have you, but I think that I have seen mentions of Tampa, Orlando and Sarasota.

tweedtone posted on 09/03/2003

On 2003-08-31 06:01, Kailuageoff wrote:
There are a few of us scattered here and there around the state. It would be great if Florida tiki-folk would turn out and support this.

That is my hope ... but the lack of positive responses does not give me much confidence ... boohoo ...


[ Edited by: tweedtone on 2003-09-03 09:27 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 09/04/2003

I know, I know. Seems the Florida tiki tribe is too busy kickin' back in the low-cost-of- living, income-tax-free, uncrowded-beaches, we-got-the-Mai-Kai and theme-park-on-every-corner sunshine to bother with tiki/exotica stuff. It's a damn shame.

pablus posted on 09/04/2003

I WANT to come. I'll be in Baltimore (or somewhere just south of it) on that date.

tweedtone posted on 09/04/2003

On 2003-09-03 20:24, pablus wrote:

I WANT to come. I'll be in Baltimore (or somewhere just south of it) on that date.

OK, we'll call that a pre-excused absence.

KahunaMilu posted on 09/04/2003

Wow, is it some kind of holiday?

Someone in the Events forum said that they would be out of town, too.

KahunaMilu posted on 09/07/2003

One week!

I still have no clue as to how to work the equipment!

Wacky, slapstick fun!


Hot Lava posted on 09/07/2003

I'm in St. Pete but have no clue as of yet if I will be able to make the show or not.

I was just at the Liar's Club for the Cigar Store Indians show. The Venue is OK but the bartender (male) that night was not the greatest. Mostly speed/accuracy issues. Not venting, just offering constructive criticism in case he sees this. :)

KahunaMilu posted on 09/07/2003

I am probably going to bring in my own bartender. Apart from being exotically beautiful, she is an old drinking buddy of mine and knows what goes in a beverage.

tweedtone posted on 09/08/2003

Chicks that mix!

KahunaMilu posted on 09/11/2003

A winning combination, to be sure.

KahunaMilu posted on 09/14/2003

Unfortunately, my bartender had to work at one of her other jobs. However, I still think that the night was good, and everyone that approached me with comments during the night seemed to be loving it.

Thanks to Tweedtone and his great band, The Vodkanauts, for putting on a great show. Please book them for Hukilau 2004.

Thanks to Kailuageoff and his wife for coming out, especially from the far side of Orlando. I hope that your experience was worth the trip.

Tweedtone also told me that another Tiki Centralite was there as well. I am sorry that I missed meeting you, and hope that you had a good time, also.

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