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Tiki Central / California Events

Trader Vic’s L.A. Hosts 2010 Slack Key Fest VIP Reception

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kalakoa posted on 12/13/2009

WHEN: January 23, 2010, 5:30 pm
WHERE: Trader Vic’s L.A. LIVE, 800 W Olympic, Los Angeles CA
TICKETS: $100, includes buffet, entertainment and the chance to meet the artists and win great prizes. Available at http://www.kalakoa.com


Kala Koa Entertainment is pleased to announce that Trader Vic’s will host the 2010 Southern California Slack Key Festival VIP Reception at its new restaurant in the exciting new L.A. LIVE district in downtown Los Angeles. Guests will enjoy a delicious buffet and the chance to meet and mingle with the 2010 Slack Key Festival artists, some of the best Hawaiian slack key guitarists anywhere in the world: Cyril Pahinui, son of legendary Gabby Pahinui, Guitar Player magazine’s National Guitar Superstar Competition finalist Makana, GRAMMY winner Jeff Peterson, “Weird” Al Yankovic guitarist Jim “Kimo” West and one of the islands’ favorite entertainers, John Cruz.

The reception’s fun and casual “spirit of aloha” environment always inspires impromptu performances from the artists and special guests - rare, once-in-a-lifetime “jam sessions” full of surprises and spontaneity which many attendees describe as their favorite part of the Festival experience.

Come support Trader John and his new restaurant in L.A. as he, in turn, proudly supports the Southern California Slack Key Festival - the only event of its kind anywhere outside of Hawaii. Buffet dinner, great giveaways and awesome entertainment are all included in the price of admission.

All this - PLUS! - when you mention you're from Tiki Central at check-in, the first round is on us!

Mitch Chang and Kala Koa

[ Edited by: kalakoa 2009-12-13 13:48 ]

bigtikidude posted on 12/15/2009

here is the info for the show, in Redondo Beach that the Pre Party is for.

TraderJohn posted on 12/29/2009
kalakoa posted on 01/04/2010

Mahalo to all those that checked out the website and contacted the restaurant inquiring about the event. We are completely sold out, no more reservations will be taken. We hope you can still make it to the show the next day on the 24th at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center.

FREE admission from 11am to 5pm to the Island Marketplace vendor areas. Doug Horne will be there displaying/selling his tiki artwork - please come by and say hi as you check out all the other island-themed gift ideas and have a Primo beer, some shave ice and some ono Hawaiian food!

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