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What's your favorite Q-Tip

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(Jeez, I guess I don't have anything else to say.)

My favorite Q-Tip is always the one that ends up yellow after use. If it remains white I feel my effort, and the Q-Tip, was wasted. If it's yellow, I know I've really accomplished something that day.


Hell, I'm still workin on my favorite toilette paper


I like the wooden ones, because the ones with paper shafts get all bendy, and I think the wood looks stylish. I have to drive out of my way to find them, and I haven't been able to track any down lately.

What? Why are you looking at me that way?


Please bring back politics and religion.

I like the one that raps.

Get it? "Q-TIP" like a rapper's name... You're so funny Chiki.

kctiki posted on Sat, Sep 6, 2003 6:47 AM

I like those cone shaped straws that you stick in your ears and light on fire. The smoke creates suction and sucks the wax right out of your ears.

The FDA is trying to ban them because they're afraid people will accidently light their hair on fire.


My favorite are those I find on the sides of the road when I'm jogging - makes you wonder what story they have to tell...


Unless you mean Q-Tip in the sense of advice given by the Star Trek Next Generation character Q. In which case it would be something like "don't mess with the Continuum" or somesuch haughty tip for mere mortals like that...


Now Johnson and Johnson, they make a quality Tip. However Save-On and Osco's brand are cheaper and perfectly suited for your swabbing needs. (Remember never put anything in your ears, except your elbows).



My Mom & I have always referred to really old people as Q-tips (derogatorily, I must admit, often heard in phrases like "Jeez, do we have to meet Grandma & Grandpa at the Denny's on Sunday morning? The place'll be packed with Q-tips."), and I'm trying to think of my favorite one, but all the ones I liked are dead. I guess I need to meet more likeable Q-tips.

First I take a seashell-pink Q-tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Then, standing in front of a fan, I rub it in slow, lazy circles around each of my nipples until they become hard and firm, watching myself intently in the mirror. Then I take a blue Q-tip and dipping it in Novacaine, apply it lovingly and directly to the nipples until each one is numb and icy cold and I can no longer feel them ache. Then, from my Craftsman rolling tool chest, I draw a selection of needle-nose pliers. Taking the small one with serrated teeth first, I...(Warning. This post has been edited by the censors, as it was starting to drift dangerously into the topic of Politics)



Don't underestimate the wonderness of good old American Q-Tips. A few years ago I was in Bali, and needed to buy some form of cotton swabs, but the only kind they had were some Indonesian brand name. They were much smaller, the shaft was made of plastic, and there wasn't nearly as much cotton on each end. I was concerned that one might snap off in my ear. They were also smaller .... are ear channels smaller in Indonesia than in the U.S?

I'm always amused by how the directions on the Q-Tip boxes instruct you never to insert them into the ear channel itself.


Are Q-tips good for cleaning resin out of your bong?


There are some nice pointy ones I got at Rite Aid recently. Good precision tips.

Very good Mrs B. You and Sabu actually had me guffawing out loud.


On 2003-09-06 23:30, tiki-riviera wrote:
Are Q-tips good for cleaning resin out of your bong?

I have no resin in me...

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Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - Hau'oli La Tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-09-07 17:49 ]

Jeez Bong, I'm buyin' you a TV.

SES posted on Wed, Sep 17, 2003 8:42 AM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:12 ]

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