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Enchanted Tiki Room Anniverary Official Press Release

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MakeDaMug posted on 08/28/2003

is pleased to announce the
“One Enchanted Evening”
Serigraph Release
Josh Agle
Saturday, September 20, 2003
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Disneyana Shop, Main Street, U.S.A.

Created in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Enchanted Tiki Room, comes the memorable serigraph, “One Enchanted Evening.” This enchanting serigraph created by Artist, Shag features Guests enjoying the crazy antics of their attraction hosts…which is surely for the birds.
Serigraph comes complete with a certificate of authenticity.
Artist, Josh Agle will be on hand for a special appearance & signing during the event.

The “One Enchanted Evening” serigraph is limited to an edition size of 300
and will be offered for $350, plus tax.
(Limit two (2) serigraphs per Guest. Size: 22 ¾” x 28 ½”)

For more information, please call DisneylandÒ DelivEARS at 800.362.4533.
DisneylandÒ DelivEARS will take a "wish list" Monday, September 8 - 19, 2003 for "One Enchanted Evening" serigraphs remaining after the event. “Wish list” merchandise is not guaranteed.

We ask that you bring no personal items to be signed. We ask that only two (2) items be signed per Guest.
Event information subject to change without notice.
Separate admission is required to enter DisneylandÒ Resort theme parks.

Additional items by Shag will be available on the day of the event including a handbag, shirt & Tiki Farm mugs.

The following Tiki Farm mugs will be available as part of the event:

Tiki Pole Mug
Edition size: 500

Tiki Mai Tai Mug
Edition Size: 500

Ó Disney

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

(there will also be a limited edition $15 Shag pendant as well - Holden)

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2003-08-28 16:51 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 08/29/2003

What about Kevin Kidney's Tikiroom mug?

tikitucson posted on 08/29/2003

When I spoke to DelivEARS about the event they said it had been moved to "Off the Page" over at the California Aventure, probably for space reasons. Is there any truth to this or is it just another miscommunication on their side?

[ Edited by: tikitucson on 2003-08-29 10:49 ]

[ Edited by: tikitucson on 2003-08-29 10:49 ]

TikiHula posted on 08/29/2003

Thanks for the info Holden.

Is the Tiki Pole mug THE Kevin Kidney mug?

If so, is there going to be an open edition of the tiki pole mug or will there be only 500 total like it to ever exist?

I've seen the one Kevin is working on with you and it's awesome!! I guess I'd like to know if I have to grab one of these 500 tiki pole mugs mentioned above, amd will I miss out completely if I don't?

mahalo for the info...

MakeDaMug posted on 08/29/2003

Kevin's mug has been promised by Disney to debut after the forthcoming event and should hopefully be an ongoing mug for sale at Disneyland! It will take a good solid 4-6 weeks after Disney gives us the purchase order to produce the mug & deliver. I'm pushing to try to get the order now so that we can get working on the production, but I don't foresee Disney ordering it until late September so it should be available at Disneyland in time for the holidays!

MakeDaMug posted on 08/29/2003

Here are some developmental photos of the Shag Disney pieces. The first 2 photos are of the original wax sculpts before they were further wood-grained and fine-tuned.

"The Enchanted Tiki Goblet" Sculpt

"The Enchanted Tiki Pole Mug" Sculpt

and here it is glazed and ready to go (the interior is sunkist yellow)...

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2003-09-12 13:22 ]

TikiHula posted on 08/29/2003

WOW- those are very cool! Thanks for the info and the photos.

I can't make it down to DL until October, so I'll have to call delivears and see if I can get one of the tiki pole mugs through them...

Unga Bunga posted on 08/30/2003

Those are great.
How many ounces does the Goblet hold?
That would make a great Scorpion bowl.

MakeDaMug posted on 09/01/2003

The goblet's pretty small - close to a large martini capacity - around 8 to 10 oz. or so with some of the capacity being in the thick stem.

Monkeyman posted on 09/02/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 11:04 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 09/02/2003

Monkeyman, Don't you wish you got the Deluxe 2 Park Pass now?

I think you can upgrade your SoCal pass to a Deluxe pass @ the Plaza Pavilion. So you could go in the evening during the week, upgrade, and get in without having to wait to pay $25 on the 20th. You might want to contact'em through the disneyland.com "contact us" page.

I'm trying to convince my wife that I need an Enchanted Tiki Room mug for my birthday, so you might see me in line: look for a big guy with a pony tail & handlebar moustache.

As always when I'm making any plans my Gran'daughter takes precedence, even over Tikis, so just pencil me in.

Monkeyman posted on 09/02/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 11:04 ]

tiki-riviera posted on 09/03/2003

I'm definately going to be there early. Does anyone know if the gallery is selling the items when the park opens or when Shag is there at 10:00?? If anyone needs a ride from Long Beach just holler.

johntiki posted on 09/03/2003

In a word...damn! They look great! Sucks that I'll never get one!



Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air MD!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2003-09-02 21:57 ]

kha_o posted on 09/03/2003

Long time lurker - first time poster...

My 7-year-old son will be dragged away from 2nd grade for a week so Mom + Dad can fly from Japan to SoCal and take part in the Tiki. We're Americans living/working in Northern Japan - we were already planning to visit 'The Tiki Tiki Room,' but the festivities make it all the better!

The gates open at 8:00 AM. Be on the look out for two very culture shocked adults - we've lived overseas since 1997 with only a few visits to the US, so the shock of seeing rude Americans and below-ground sewers will amaze us.

We plan on sporting aloha shirts and i'll be wearing a Mini (the car) hat on my bald(ing) head. The easiest thing to notice will probably be our son, Jamie, who sings the 'Tiki Room' song (and makes up his own lyrics).


gatorjwade posted on 09/03/2003

Well, as luck would have it I have a business trip to San Fran on the 22nd, so I'll come out a few days early to hit the release of the Tiki Room 40th items! I'm really psyched for this event! I've never been to Disneyland or the LA area before, either. (Many times to DisneyWorld, tho.)

I'd like to hook up with other folks travelling for the event. My flight lands Friday, 19th, about 7pm. Anyone got an inexpensive hotel to recommend? (I'll just be sleeping there a few hours.)

Also, while I imagine I'll spend most of the day at Disneyland, what would you recommend I do on my one night (Sat) in the LA area? (I'll be leaving Sun morning to do the drive up the coast to SF.) Also, and recommendations for "must see" things in the LA area or up the coast? I would really appreciate the insight of you guys who live out there.


Hot Lava posted on 09/06/2003

I called the Disneyanna Shop last week on advice from the Disney Gallery. I was told by the opening lead that they will have a queue set up for us to stand in at the shop when the gates open up at 8:00am to buy the print (and other merchandise, I assume). After we get the prints there will be another line to get into to have things signed by Shag--that starts at 10:00am.

So while she did not specifically say this, my understanding is that sales start at 8:00 and only the signing is delayed until 10:00 so Shag can have a cup of coffee before showing up at the park. :)

BTW, I'll be the guy that looks like this:

only minus the Hukilau buzz and probably slightly cranky from the flight to Cali from Florida the day before.

Oh yeah -- I'm already planning on buying my one-day ticket on Friday so I don't have to wait for the booths to open. Now I just have to figure out a way to entertain myself from 6am-8am. Thinking about bringing my uke, because you know -- I sing so sweetly, I should sing solo.

[ Edited by: Hot Lava on 2003-09-06 13:09 ]

TheMuggler posted on 09/06/2003

I called DelivEARS to see if they had a wishlist for the mugs but they are only doing it for the serigraph so there is no way to get the mug unless you go.


Any TC'ers want to help a FL brother out?


[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-09-06 14:27 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 09/07/2003

On 2003-09-06 00:37, Hot Lava wrote:

Thinking about bringing my uke, because you know -- I sing so sweetly, I should sing solo.

So low, we can't hear ya!? :)

A Tiki Cheers To You!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-09-06 17:26 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 09/07/2003

On 2003-09-06 14:26, TheMuggler wrote:
I called DelivEARS to see if they had a wishlist for the mugs but they are only doing it for the serigraph so there is no way to get the mug unless you go.


Any TC'ers want to help a FL brother out?


[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-09-06 14:27 ]

or a Michigan brother???

Monkeyman posted on 09/07/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 11:05 ]

Futura Girl posted on 09/07/2003

can anyone confirm if they will honor the 10% discount for deluxe passholders?
also is there early entry available for guests of the DL hotel that morning?

MauiTiki posted on 09/08/2003

On 2003-09-06 14:26, TheMuggler wrote:
I called DelivEARS to see if they had a wishlist for the mugs but they are only doing it for the serigraph so there is no way to get the mug unless you go.


[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-09-06 14:27 ]

I just talked to them as well. They said if you called the Monday after the event, they may have access to any leftover mugs that didn't sell.

TikiGoon posted on 09/09/2003

How much do the mugs normally go for? I checked with Disney ant Tiki Farm and nobody knows what they are charging yet. I figured the Mondo Tiki Mugs would be good reference point. Any ideas?!?!

Monkeyman posted on 09/09/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 11:05 ]

TikiGoon posted on 09/10/2003

Yes you are right. I just got back a message from Holden and he said that he believes they will be going for $32.95. Are the mugs usually already signed? What I was getting at, is that would you be able to get a pair of signed mugs and still be able to get two more items signed? Hmmmm, just a thought, I probably won't be able to get someone to get me one anyway. For those of us who don't make it out, I wonder if the after event mugs (if there are any) will have Shag's sig?

Andrew posted on 09/10/2003

Looking up this event is how I discovered this site. I guess I'll be meeting many of you for the first time. And standing around with you for hours as well I'm thinking.

SallyandJay posted on 09/10/2003

Jay and I are coming from Chicago. It will be fun to meet more folks after all the fun we had at Exotica.
Although some TC'ers have said they plan to start the line earlier than 6 AM, I don't know if both of us will be in line that early. We gotta take advantage of the free continental breakfast bar at Quality Inn. I think it starts at 6 too :)
Maybe Jay can bring me a cinnamon roll.

ModMana posted on 09/10/2003

Photos of more Shag/Enchanted Tiki Room merchandise has now been updated to the Disney Gallery website, including the purse, coffee style mug, and other misc...plus full info on the event:


Still not sure if we're going but will give it every effort. We're on their "wish list" but I don't expect there will be anything left. Hope to see you there...

ModMana :drink:

SallyandJay posted on 09/10/2003

Thanks Modmana

I see the grog mug is not listed, although the price probably won't be too much.

Mousepad...? I guess if you must have it all.

MakeDaMug posted on 09/12/2003

Here's a photo of the Enchanted Tiki Goblet

Tangaroa posted on 09/12/2003

So... I will be there too with my wife & new baby! Anyone know what the hawaiian shirt looks like?

croe67 posted on 09/12/2003

& does anyone know if the shirt available in a less limited edition so that perhaps us unlucky ones not able to attend on the 20th may have some possibility getting a hold of one without paying super-high ebay prices?? Or maybe they'll make enough of that super-cute purse....

Larry Lava posted on 09/14/2003

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lava are staying at the Disneyland Hotel Friday night to celebrate Mrs. Lava's birthday. There is no early entry anymore for hotel guests so we will try to get to the gate at 6am to meet up with everyone. For those of you coming early from Southern California-we called Disneyland and they said they do not open Mickey and Friends parking garage until 7:30am so beware. That seems strange to us but it is what we were told.

gatorjwade posted on 09/15/2003

All TCers.... my flight from FL will be arriving about 7pm Friday night, and I plan to head over to the Tiki-Ti for a couple tropical drinks before heading over to the hotel for a few hours sleep... I'd love to meet some fellow TCers over at Tiki-Ti at around 8-8:15pm or so.... Check out their web site (tiki-ti.com)... sounds like some GREAT, AUTHENTIC tropical drinks. Anyone game?

ikittiki posted on 09/15/2003

Hello all TCers just wondering a couple things maybe you all can answer. First is there a limit of 2 for each piece or is it just the print. Second any idea how many of us are going to be there wait to get past the gate and sprint to the main street store? Last are all the prints going to be there for sale? I remeber that at the Starliteromm book signing they ran out even though there were more available the next day on the Shagmart site. Thanks in advance for your input......

Monkeyman posted on 09/15/2003

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 11:10 ]

ikittiki posted on 09/15/2003

Just asking since it seems if there is no limits, some dealers may be inclined to buy up more of a certain piece. Thus making it unavailable to the rest of the line waiting for one or two for their collection.

[ Edited by: ikittiki on 2003-09-15 10:16 ]

Jax Tiki posted on 09/16/2003

Some very optimistic person has already posted the Tikiroom Shag print for sale on ebay. I hope they don't get one Saturday!


tikichic posted on 09/17/2003

Gee, I guess they wanted to be the first person to list one. Man, wouldn't it be wise to have it in your hands first before listing?

swillypuddy posted on 09/17/2003

The listing is now gone. I emailed them this morning asking how they got one so early and what number was it but they never replied. Somebody must have reported them. huh.


tiki-riviera posted on 09/18/2003

Does anyone know where to park at 6 am by Disneyland??

Tangaroa posted on 09/19/2003

I may be parking over by McDonalds temporarily if my baby (who is 6 weeks old & collicky) gives my wife & I a hard night. I will buy my items - then drive back to the house to bring my family back to the park later.... But you do run a risk of getting towed if you park in one public area for too long...! I would queue up for the parking lot if you will be there non-stop for the rest of the day....

gatorjwade posted on 09/19/2003

Well fellow TC'ers, as "luck" would have it, my biz trip to CA was cancelled today, and last minute flights are now $450 minimum, so unfortunately I won't be joining all of you in line at 6am at Disneyland, nor will I be able to meet you at Tiki-Ti on Friday evening. However, I wish everyone there a WONDERFUL time! I hope to see you all at Hukilau 2004 down in my neck o' the woods (the Mai-Kai) next September....

Monkeyman posted on 09/19/2003

In case anyone are looking for someone to hangout with at Disneyland, My Cell is listed below.

Monkeyman (DEREK)


I just phoned D-land again to make sure about parking arrangements. ALL Parking at Disneyland does not open until 7:00 am. This includes Downtown Disney and the main parking structures. Parking at the Hotels is a 24 Hour Option but costs $30.00 per day vs. $8.00 at the parking structure.

[ Edited by: monkeyman on 2003-09-19 10:52 ]

Tangaroa posted on 09/19/2003

See everyone tomorrow!

Monkeyman posted on 09/20/2003

THIS JUST IN..... (probably too late for most of you who are travelling).

The Tiki Room Mugs and Shirts have been limited to 2 per guest. Hopefully this will curb the hoarders!!!!

check out this link for the official scoop


See you early in the morning

CheekyGirl posted on 09/20/2003

I'm a Di-nee-lan annual passholder and would love to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with ya'll, but getting there at 6:00 a.m.! Ouch. I admire your fortitude, but I'll just have to admire and secretly covet your newly acquired tiki mugs.

Good luck and keep cool, I think it's gonna be a scorcher tomorrow.

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