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What is the worst song of all time?

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I'd nominate that remake of Kashmir by Puff Daddy (was it him?). It's hard to do anything 100% void of creative value, but he pulled it off.



Oh, good one Randy! Forgot about that classic piece of crap. Shame on Page for being involved. One day, everyone will wake up and realize that Puff Daddy is really nothing more than our new MC Hammer. Remember "Pray"? by the Hammer? Sampled the hell out of When Doves Cry if I remember right.

[ Edited by: martiki6 on 2003-09-06 10:56 ]

aquarj posted on Fri, Sep 5, 2003 5:30 PM

I believe it is "Reverend" Hammer now.

Might as well live up to the Beyond Tiki name.

At least we don't hear that version of Kashmir often. Certain radio jingles on the other hand are not only bad, but played well beyond their shelf life. The Mattress Discounters song comes to mind, where they list what you can do on their mattresses...

"Lay on it...
Play on it...
Stay on it...
Pray on it...
Think on it...
Drink on it...
Blink on it...
Stink on it..."

How about just sleeping on the damn thing?



Sleep Country, CanaDAAAAAA!!!
Why buy a mattress aaanywhere else!

Sorry, must have been the tourettes.


"seasons in the sun"


I double the vote for "Cat's In The Cradle". Why can I never think of the really terrible ones when under the gun? One of the qualities in a song that hurts my brain most is the one I call "whining". This song is a textbook example.

(insert painful retching sounds here),


Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight

JTD posted on Sat, Sep 6, 2003 9:53 AM

Ooh! Just remembered...."Billy, Don't Be a Hero"



Ok, I might get some backlash on this but...

From 1982 to 1991 I was a dj by night, sound & recording engineer by day. I tried, and I mean REALLY tried, but just could NOT get into anything that ABBA put out. I've done every type of function from weddings to backyard parties to corporate functions to many years in clubs. Whenever ABBA was requested (and I played gritting my teeth), the dancefloor would ALWAYS clear. Everytime ABBA was requested (any song), the person "just wanted to hear it" and would never dance to it...EVERYTIME. Dancing Queen....UGGGH! How the hec do you dance to it anyway?

I know too that there are alot of parrot-haters here, but actually when "Margaritaville" was played, I could always count on the yuppie crowd (many parties here in the Newport Beach & Irvine area) to do some form of dancing...no, really!


I can't believe that this song got as much play on the radio as it did. It was so stupid!

"Ricky" by Toni Basil.

Oh Ricky, your'e so fine...

And what was up with her voice? Sheeesh!

Alnshely wrote:

"I can't believe that this song got as much play on the radio as it did. It was so stupid!

"Ricky" by Toni Basil.

Oh Ricky, your'e so fine...

And what was up with her voice? Sheeesh!


But it was so perfectly engineered for the "I Love Lucy"-themed parody!!!

"Hey LUUUcy!!!"

I can't believe I missed this post. For me personally, I can't f-ing stand anything by Sublime. It's not even that they are a bad band. It's just that the radio and every bozo driving down Newport Blvd. has that shit cranking. It's always like the same four songs too. Let it go. They were huge and innovative for a while but c'mon!

I also hate pop music that you can't get away from. People are always saying to me, 'Spike, if you don't like certain music then just don't listen to it.' Commercials use Brittany Spears to sell their product because they think they are tapping into America's youth. The problem is that you end up hearing her crap every where. I was in the Home Depot the other day. A place where men shop for rebar and nails and other man stuff and that ass clown Justin f'n Timberlake is playing over the Home Depot stereo! What job site would have that crap playing? I'd rather listen to that crazy mexican accordion music you hear at job sites than his over produced pop dribble. The ought to be playing like Foghat and Skynard in there.

Ben, I agree with you too, The Grateful Dead just piss me off. God, I hate hippies. Oh, and you can throw anything by Jimmy Buffet in there too. And hip-hop.

And, if you don't think I have an open mind, check this out; I love rockabilly, rock n' roll, old country, street punk, swing, jazz, blues, hard R n' B from the '50's, exotica, hapa haole stuff, western swing, and all kinds of other stuff. Just not the stuff out there right now on the radio and MTV.

ANYTHING by Michael Bolton. Have you ever seen an artist that deserves a beating as bad as that jackass?


"You Take My Breath Away" by Rex Smith. There's probably a room in Hell that has that on continuous play.

Feelings, woa woa woa feelings

what's worse than Michael Bolton is even the thought of him and Kenny G. doing a duet.


On 2003-09-06 17:15, Futura Girl wrote:
what's worse than Michael Bolton is even the thought of him and Kenny G. doing a duet.

Those two are similar enough that there could be some weird matter/antimatter/end-of-the-universe-as-we-know-it thing if that were to happen. :)

On 2003-09-06 11:50, Alnshely wrote:
"Ricky" by Toni Basil.

Oh Ricky, your'e so fine...

It was called "Mickey" actually. "Ricky" was Weird Al's parody of the song.


On 2003-09-06 12:31, Luckydesigns wrote:
I can't believe I missed this post. For me personally, I can't f-ing stand anything by Sublime. It's not even that they are a bad band. It's just that the radio and every bozo driving down Newport Blvd. has that shit cranking. It's always like the same four songs too.

It's always the same four songs because they only recorded one album before their singer died of a heroin overdose (in a motel around the corner from my apartment!)



What's that song by Savage Garden? That is heinous.

On 2003-09-07 11:32, tikifish wrote:
What's that song by Savage Garden? That is heinous.

... oooo I want you
I don't know if I need you
But oooo I gotta find out


How about this? Pat Boone's heavy metal album. He covers Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne and his version of Guns and Roses "Paradise City" is enough to bring on hysterics.

Oh yeah ... for those of you who voted for "Stairway to Heaven" -- Pat does a version of that too.


Cynfulcynner wrote:

It's always the same four songs because they only recorded one album before their singer died of a heroin overdose (in a motel around the corner from my apartment!)

Actually Sublime recorded four studio albums:

40 Oz. to Freedom (1992)
Robbin' the Hood (1994)
Sublime (1996)
Secondhand Smoke (1997)

"Patches" by Clarence Carter. The song was actually a 1971 R&B Grammy Award winner - What were they smokin'?

Patches is THE GREATEST song to do in a Kareoke bar, esp. one with a younger crowd that has never heard it before!

It is ultra-cheesy, but that's why I love it so much!


On 2003-09-07 14:47, Luckydesigns wrote:
Actually Sublime recorded four studio albums:
40 Oz. to Freedom (1992)
Robbin' the Hood (1994)
Sublime (1996)
Secondhand Smoke (1997)

So at least three of those came out before Brad's death on Memorial Day weekend, 1996. My bad!


"Patches" by Clarence Carter. The song was actually a 1971 R&B Grammy Award winner - What were they smokin'?

I have just heard this song for the first time because local DJ's Don and Mike were making fun of the new Wash Redskins uniforms because they added a patch to commemorate the father of a board member. IT WAS NO STROKIN' But Hell, I thought he was a one hit wonder before I heard that.


The song that sends shivers up and down my spine is "Having my Baby" by Paul Anka in the 70's.

"Send In The Clowns." If I kill someone and am punished to eternal damnation, this song would be playing in hell when I get there.

From the Mrs. (an ex-indie record shop manager) and myself (an ex-label owner):

-"We Built this city" -Starship
-"Show Business"(disco version)-Ethel Merman
-The Collected Works of Kenny G
-"Mony Mony"- Billy Idol Version
-"Locomotion"-Kylie's Version (sorry Kylie)

"Hard Days Night" -Mrs. Miller (google it!)



Aloha all, time to take some risks here...

I gotta tell you, I don't live in a cave, but in a city with 3 million people...but I have never even heard of "Sublime". Whoever they were, screw 'em, they don't signify.

The problem here is easy to see: the radio. Video may very well have killed the radio star, but radio killed music in the first place. Why? Cuz since rock 'n' roll was invented, radio has played music for children. Are we children? I hope not - children shouldn't even be thinking of Mai-Tais, never mind discussing how many they drank. :)

You can call me closed-minded too, but I listen to jazz, Baroque, reggae, funk, modern and trad music from many lands all over the world, downtempo, all kinds of new experimental stuff - but I emphasize rhythmic, not just noise-making, though I guess it has its place, and on and on, too much to mention. So my question is, if this isn't your practice life, why on earth would you waste it listening to SHIT? You only have so much time people, and only so much of that can be spent listening to music, so for Christ's sake get out and find the good stuff! Turn all your radios OFF, don't EVER watch MTV or any music awards shows...I mean, do any of you guys listen to, for example, Miles Davis? If you do, why would you ALSO listen to, for example, "Hooked On A Feeling"? It is a grotesque novelty tune, nothing more. ABBA - don't get me started. Cute saccharine bubble-gum, horribly dated, possessing only nostalgia value, and probably bad nostalgia.

If you haven't allowed it to happen before, it's never too late to let your musical horizons grow, not shrink, as you approach middle age. To me there's nothing sadder than a guy my age (44 BTW) who still listens to the dreck he did as a child. Music is important, REALLY important; give it the respect it deserves.

Rant over, don't take offense, we all have to have a religion of some kind...



One more thing: before anyone even says it: de gustimbus non disputandum. I know, I know. But do you really lovemusic? I mean, love it right deep down where you live? Does it move you? Cuz if so, I think you'll really know what I was talking about.

Enough, back to work, I'm doing a website and accompanying graphic design with a window of 5 days from job offer to launch. I have had zero time to listen to music, and I am like a man in a desert with no water.


May I quote Jim Morrison?, When the musics' over, turn out the lights, turn out the lights.................

It has to be 'Lady in Red' by Chris Deburgh (sp?). When John Lennon died, the cloud's silver lining was that lot's of Beatles tunes were played on the radio. When Princess Di died, all we got was never-ending mawkish shi* sung by AOR bozos.

Trader Woody

PS - Fact fans - the brains behind Toni Basil's hits were non other than Devo. She covers a few Devo songs on her album and they play the instruments.

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2003-09-11 04:39 ]

Feelings, woa woa woa feelings...

On 2003-09-11 01:30, emspace wrote:
I mean, do any of you guys listen to, for example, Miles Davis? If you do, why would you ALSO listen to, for example,... ABBA - don't get me started. Cute saccharine bubble-gum, horribly dated, possessing only nostalgia value, and probably bad nostalgia.


FYI- I attended Berklee College of Music as a horn player- Miles is like a god to me. But for you to just write off ABBA as worthless is kinda sad. Their song structure and harmonies are absolutely amazing and unmatched to this day. As "pop" as they were, they were still incredibly talented.


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: feelin' zombified on 2003-09-11 12:21 ]

"Candle in the Wind" by Elton John, the tribute to Lady Diana version. Now thats the tune that plays on loop in hell.

I was going to write when are you guys going to mention any bad music, but Woody reminded me of that song, the radio stations in britain actually played martial music for days when diana died.

I hate the theme song from Frasier.


On 2003-09-11 08:02, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

As "pop" as they were, they were still incredibly talented.


I support everyone's God-given right to do whatever they want with their lives - I just never get why grown-ups use their talent to make music for teenagers. It's grotesque to me, it really is. And if you went to Berklee, I KNOW you heard better harmonies than ABBA's. A guy said the same thing to me years ago about the Beach Boys, and, I'm sorry but I scoffed then too. I'll take the Temptatations or any Motown people any day over Wonder Bread kiddy-pop. But I think I'd better leave this thread alone, musical taste is potentially as explosive a topic as religion or politics. sorry for being a shit-disturber...


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