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furball's carvings

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furball posted on 01/14/2010

Hey guys. I've been in and out a lot but not posting. Also laid off carving my tiki for a few weeks... Christmas business, super cold outside and working on a carving project for my mom. Anyway, here's the most recent progress on my Zabo Tiki. I got a set of 4 Flexcut chisels for Christmas. Man what a difference good tools make.

BIG tiki scott posted on 01/15/2010

very very cool luvin the "jowels" on tis guy and a hawk and the skull !!!! man you goin all out!!!!! glad to see yah postin again!!! lovin the tree scene to how cool is that!!!! cheerz brah!!!

drasticwagon posted on 01/15/2010

Nice one man

el Stingray posted on 01/15/2010

Awesome work furball, love the details, see you embeddin some skulls too:)! I read that you got some new chisels, what kind are you using? And what type of wood is that?

furball posted on 01/15/2010

Thanks guys. The trees are actually part of a functional piece I am making for my Mom. The Tiki is Douglas Fir and the trees are cedar. Wish I had more cedar logs, sooo nice to carve.

I'm using 4 large Flexcut chisels presently and want some smaller ones for the tight areas. Here's the set I got for Christmas. They cut so clean and easy.

Tikilizard posted on 01/15/2010

Exceptional work Furball! Great depth and detail.

Benzart posted on 01/17/2010

First,,, Congrats on the Flexcuts,, they will Definitely improve your work, SO We are gonna be looking for more better stuff in the coming few months,,
Second, your Zabo tiki has got some Very Nice details and features, Way to go, just keep up the pressure, Don't let up, push those tikis out!
Excellent stuff for a furball

furball posted on 01/18/2010

Thanks Ben. I'm too addicted to stop now and yes, you will be seeing more stuff, especially once the weather clears a little in the spring. I have a couple of 6' Doug Fir logs in the back yard... covered for the winter and waiting for spring. One of the logs is at least 3' in diameter and must weigh over 400 pounds. I'm going to put him through a spring weight loss program. heehee

furball posted on 04/13/2010

Here's an update on the Tiki. I took a break from him to make a quilt rack for my mom. Then it got really cold for a month, too cold. I'm back on it now that it's spring time. Also made a couple of mushrooms. I'm hoping to finish sanding and stain the Tiki this weekend so I can start on a BIG log that is in my back yard.

[ Edited by: furball 2010-04-13 10:19 ]

Creative Chimp posted on 04/13/2010

hey furball, love your tiki style. thats a great carve and design. cant wait to see your next one

tikigodz posted on 04/14/2010

Wow!! That is great work You def went deep!
Glad to see it' Looin forward to the next post!!!!

seeksurf posted on 04/14/2010

Sweetness that is a great looking fella. Nice work.
Gotta love those Flexcuts.

TheBigT posted on 04/14/2010

Nice carving on the quilt stand. Your tiki cleaned up nice too.

furball posted on 10/03/2011

After a bit of a break/slow down on carving, I am back to the craft. I don't think I posted a pic of the finished tiki that I started this thread for, so I will post him, along with a Moai I made and a new tiki I am working on. The new guy is a 6' long, cedar log. It's green and pretty nice to work with.

NIxxon posted on 10/03/2011

those tiki's look awesome. really like the originality and the expression in the faces...very cool.

furball posted on 10/03/2011

Thanks Bro. I have been checking out your work and I love it. Your style is bold and clean, man!

TheBigT posted on 10/05/2011

Great new carves. The chisels are paying off! :)

furball posted on 10/10/2011

Thanks T!

Good to be back at the carving again. I had to take time off from it due to a wicked and ongoing bout of bursitis. I'm only 37 but have had many sports injuries, mostly due to extreme skiing. I have had my ACLs replaced in both knees but a wicked tumble at close to 60mph on skis pulled my shoulder out of socket a couple years ago. Went through therapy and it was getting better. Ended up tweaking it again in the spring this year and couldn't get it to stop hurting. Did more therapy, got a cortisone shot and now I'm feeling great and back to swinging the mallet. Found out, I can carve with a blown knee, but not with a bad shoulder.

TheBigT posted on 10/12/2011

On 2011-10-10 09:09, furball wrote:
Thanks T!

Good to be back at the carving again. I had to take time off from it due to a wicked and ongoing bout of bursitis. I'm only 37 but have had many sports injuries, mostly due to extreme skiing. I have had my ACLs replaced in both knees but a wicked tumble at close to 60mph on skis pulled my shoulder out of socket a couple years ago. Went through therapy and it was getting better. Ended up tweaking it again in the spring this year and couldn't get it to stop hurting. Did more therapy, got a cortisone shot and now I'm feeling great and back to swinging the mallet. Found out, I can carve with a blown knee, but not with a bad shoulder.

I hear ya. I've been using the heaviest model of those green polyurethane mallets. Was killing my right shoulder. Had to change the way I carve. I also need to get a lighter one for "everyday" carving and reserve the heavy one for the big cuts. I like to carve looking over the log and cutting towards me or way from me. It just makes more "sense" like that for me. But now had to switch to cutting sideways either to my left or right switching mallet hands off and on. Uh, hope that makes sense?

furball posted on 10/27/2011

Here is a little dude I made for my wife to keep on her desk at work, to ward off the evil spirits.

NIxxon posted on 10/27/2011

SICK work brother...those chisels are def bringin your A game...keep up the good work

Will carve posted on 10/28/2011

Nice finish.
Looks like furniture.

furball posted on 10/28/2011

Well, as a matter of fact... nyuk, nyuk... it is stain that I mixed for a furniture piece. I'm making a bed for my daughter and mixed a mahogany 2 parts with 1 part ebony to create a black cherry look. I liked it so much that I decided the little tiki would look good in it.

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Keylo posted on 10/28/2011

That tiki is so cool, your going to have a hard time keepin the evil spirits from stealing it!
Great expression and creative work!!

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