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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


Pages: 1 7 replies

Zeta posted on 01/22/2010

For me, this is where the Tiki culture began...
10,000 years ago or so.

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-01-22 19:37 ]

Zeta posted on 01/22/2010

Is this face familiar to you? Where have we seen it before? jeje...

I will give you a hint: Viracocha

Zeta posted on 01/22/2010

Papeleria Kon Tiki in Spain

They probably changed the logo (it has no sun rays on his forehead) for fear of the copyright Tabu.

Zeta posted on 01/22/2010

Vintage Kon Tiki mug

A perfect example of the famous tiki transmission tradition.

Zeta posted on 01/22/2010

Another example from the Tropics in Ohio: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=29368&forum=2&24

On 2010-01-09 12:53, crushenstein wrote:

here is the tiki from the mug:

and here is the one from the menu:

i think they look REALLY close! let me know what you think.

On 2010-01-09 14:40, bigbrotiki wrote:
Most definitely the same, it's just that the glass one is a negative, which makes it confusing.
Here's the mug it is based on:

...and here the icon the mug was derived from, much altered, obviously to avoid copyright issues:

and last the humble stone statue that that famous logo was inspired by:

Zeta posted on 01/23/2010



Zeta posted on 01/23/2010

From "Zeta's International Marketplace"

On 2009-12-24 10:40, Zeta wrote:

Vintage Spanish minibook with some tikis.
Trade or sell

Zeta posted on 01/23/2010

BRROOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! ChRaSh!!!! THUNDERS!!!!!
The strange "Bennett monolith" from Tihuanaco.

Discovered at Tiwanaku in 1932 by Wendell C. Bennett.

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