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The Wreck Bar Survives!!!

Pages: 1 27 replies

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 01/08/2010

Our beloved Marina the Mermaid informed me this morning that, despite extensive remodeling on the (formerly named) Yankee Clipper Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale... (tribal drum roll, please...) THE WRECK BAR HAS SURVIVED!!! In fact, they even removed the large, obnoxious TV to reveal another hidden porthole! Perhaps some "aloha/thank you" notes from all of us to the new GM of this hotel are in order! I have been told the renovation has made the grand old place look even more like a ship again, and the style is very "South Beach". But, mainly, it seems they saw the wisdom of keeping such a unique bar intact. I know we will all enjoy visiting there again, and cheering on our favorite exotic-aquatic friend.

[ Edited by: Tangaroa-Ru 2010-01-08 14:22 ]

Trader Bob posted on 01/08/2010

Great News!
Another icon to visit when I make it over there in my travels.
Trader Bob

thejab posted on 01/08/2010

they even removed the large, obnoxious TV

Miracles do happen! Three cheers!!!

tikibob posted on 01/08/2010

That is fantastic! It mentions the name "Wreck Bar" in the website talking about the renovation.

More Info:


bigbrotiki posted on 01/08/2010

Fantastic! Marina's habitat restored for good! Thank yo to all who raised a voice of concern about the fate of the place!

TikiG posted on 01/08/2010


I'll be checking the Wreck Bar out in June -when I'll be in Florida for Hukilau 2010.

CAN'T WAIT!! Thanks for the great news!

tikiyaki posted on 01/09/2010


Someone has a BRAIN !

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/09/2010


there in february - sure to spend some quality time there.

Aloha everyone, from a VERY HAPPY FISHTAILED WAHINE!!!
All the last bits of including decorating, stocking & such for the rest of the hotel will be finishing up within the next couple of weeks to prepare for the re-opening on the 22nd of the month-

Here are the snaps from the "preview"~

This is the view from the lobby walking toward the the areas where the Wreck Bar and restaurant are.
Directly in front is a business lounge area. As you can see- it is very South Beach now. All the copper & patina nautical work is now gone from the lobby. You can imagine my feelings as I cautiously walked through the hall, not knowing what was to become of my beloved habitat...

There she is! In the midst of all the contemporary decor, the Wreck Bar stands like a gorgeous wooden time capsule. A pocket door has been added to the entrance. It's capacity now seats about 75 people. The dance floor and nautical bar across from it are no longer there. The gift shop has also been moved, replaced by a concession stand. The nearby restaurant is now fully South Beach-ized, with it's wooden sculptures removed.

The interior here remains intact, with some very minor changes- upholstery was replaced with a muted gold color, and that horrid giant TV is now history. A concealed aquarium porthole is now again revealed & takes it's rightful place. The aquariums have been switched to saltwater, fully stocked with marine fish.
(Alas, those stolen Wreck Lounge signs were never found.)

I walked in, and sat on the bench.
Looking all around- eyes welling up with a small tears of happy relief, I finally exhaled.
This, my Tikipile comrades, was my longest breath-hold.

Thank you all so very much from the bottom of my heart for all your support & encouragement.
To have such wonderful Ohana is truly my most valued of treasures.

Here's to a wonderful 2010 full of Mai-Tais and swims~
I'll be waiting at the porthole!

With great sincerity, affection and appreciation,
Your humble tiki-servant,

GROG posted on 01/09/2010


Tikifan1 posted on 01/09/2010

Awesome! I'd love to visit the Wreck someday.

GatorRob posted on 01/09/2010

Fantastic!! So glad to see the place is still all in one piece. What a relief! We can't wait to get back. Thanks Marina!

croe67 posted on 01/10/2010


Can't wait to see it in all it's glory in February!!!!!

TikiMango posted on 01/10/2010

Truly awesome news! Glad to hear (and see) it.

beadtiki posted on 01/10/2010

Wow! What a GREAT place. Never been - probably never will - but SO happy for you locals!

Haole'akamai posted on 01/10/2010

On 2010-01-09 17:15, beadtiki wrote:
Wow! What a GREAT place. Never been - probably never will - but SO happy for you locals!

Oh, you gotta make the pilgrimage to Ft. Lauderdale! The Wreck Bar, The Mai Kai...

By the by, the newly installed pocket door entrance is great!

e33 posted on 01/12/2010

WhooHooo!!!! So when's the grand re-opening swim?

Jeff Central posted on 01/12/2010

Awesome news!!!! :)

Thanks for the update Marina!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

JOHN-O posted on 01/12/2010

This place is definitely on my To Do list. Thanks !!

Not to derail this thread, but for those of us West Coast geographically challenged "Mermaid-ophiles", you can get your fix at the Silverton Casino in Las Vegas.....

sneakyjack posted on 01/12/2010

cool to hear and see!
good stuff!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2010


Hurricane Hayward posted on 01/13/2010

Great news, Marina! Glad to see all your preservation efforts were rewarded.

pappythesailor posted on 01/13/2010



I'll be swimming along with my MeduSirena Pod at the Wreck Bar January 29th at 6:30 PM for the first time after the Yankee Clipper's renovation-
(The name of the Hotel has also been renovated to the Sheraton Fort Lauderdale Beach Hotel, but it will always be the Yankee Clipper to me~ giggle.)
Swims will continue from then on Fridays at 6:30 PM.

Again, thank you for all your support and encouragement these past years and especially in 2009-
I am extremely grateful that this little treasure survived such an extreme renovation.

One very lucky Mermaid,


Basement Kahuna posted on 01/23/2010

Thank you, Lord!

Formikahini posted on 01/24/2010


Lukeulele posted on 01/25/2010

Awesome news!! It sure is a shame about the patina'd copper panels/artwork, though. That was incredible in itself!

Jetson posted on 01/25/2010

Fantastic News! Hopefully I'll be able to visit someday!

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