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Cool Sepic River carvings picts

Pages: 1 9 replies


Text is in french, but tons of amazing picts



now that I spent more time to look at it, it's kinda sad they buy so much stuff and take it away.


[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2010-01-25 19:20 ]



Yes in deed. Lots of cool pics

Wow, what a great post...does make you sad seing it all hauled away in containers. It just seems disrespectful.

Thanks for posting that.


I agree, too many objects, looks greedy to me too

[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2010-01-26 05:59 ]


Hé hé! For once, a French site worth a look... They also have a ebay store, many things and sometimes fairly affordable price:

An image that recalled the swap last summer for Mad Dog Mike...


Ya , I dunno ...seems wrong to empty the village of their art history Ebay or no Ebay,
Unless this is of coarse the product that these people live on and this is a way for them to sustain life on this planet then ...mind your own buisness! lol
Like dwarf tossing sometimes what seems wrong is just folks makin do with what the gods have givin em'
Still , it is almost heart breaking to see it all carted away from is natural home, hope they all recieved a fair trade for their work.


Looks like my house, including the food we eat.

Thanks for sharing, I can't get enough of New Guinea culture.

On 2010-01-25 19:53, Tahitiki wrote:
I agree, too many objects, looks greedy to me too

Guys, you're about a century late with those complaints! That's when European museums first began cleaning out the villages of all the real old authentic stuff. That's all gone now. But the natives noticed that they had something going for themselves.

Now it is a flourishing industry, for natives and dealers alike. The carvings that are shipped out are made as trade goods. The natives carve them, maybe use them a bit, and then sell them to support themselves. It ain't untouched paradise anymore out there.


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