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Mai Tais for Haiti at Forbidden Island - MAHALO!!

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Molokai Mike posted on 01/21/2010


Forbidden Island recreates a "tropical island paradise" environment which we all
enjoy and appreciate. As we all know, the real tropical island paradise of Haiti
has recently suffered a devastating earthquake. We at Forbidden Island want to reach
out to our Haitian brothers and sisters in their time of dire need, and we know
you do, too, so we're organizing a special benefit with proceeds going to reliable,
reputable relief organizations.

A special, one night only Haitian Mai Tai featuring our beloved Haitian Rhum
Barbancourt will be available, and the proceeds of which will be donated to relief efforts.
In addition, a raffle will be held with wonderful FI collectibles and other tiki schwag, donated by Otto von Stroheim.
Trader Vics has also donated a couple of cases of their limited edition mugs, as well as a dinner for two gift certificate!!

So mark your calendars and get ready to raise your glasses, your spirits, and funds for Haitian relief.


Check out our facebook invite and RSVP if you can make it


[ Edited by: Molokai Mike 2010-01-26 15:59 ]

[ Edited by: Molokai Mike 2010-01-27 10:12 ]

Haole'akamai posted on 01/22/2010

Barbancourt?! You just said the magic word. TofuJoe & I gonna be there. I also saw your tweet about the extra Trader Vics swag for the raffle:

  • On Twitter, @ForbiddenIsland wrote:*

FI's Haiti benefit is gaining some major momentum. Trader Vics just donated TWO CASES of limited edition mugs!!!!!

Coco Loco posted on 01/22/2010


Bill and I are going to try and be there. We'll be there either Tuesday or Weds as usual...with a couple of friends in tow probably. :) Great cause, thanks for doing this!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 01/22/2010

We're going to do our best to get there.
Can I bring my own egg whites? Heh heh.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 01/22/2010

Damn, I wish I could be there :( Mike, do you have the recipe for the Haitian Mai Tai?

Coco Loco posted on 01/22/2010

Seems that way.

On 2010-01-22 12:15, Shaun of theTiki wrote:
Damn, I wish I could be there :( Mike, do you have the recipe for the Haitian Mai Tai?

midnite posted on 01/25/2010

You can count on team midnite making yet another voyage across the stormy waters of the Bay to Forbidden Island for this one. Every little bit helps, plus I love a good raffle.

It's tough to see what happened in Haiti, and living out here on the West Coast one gets a little "But for the grace of..." around such events. I've been through two "sevens" and was fortunate to experience no serious damage or harm.

Kudos to everyone putting this together!

Molokai Mike posted on 01/26/2010

Barbencourt White, 4 year, 8 year and 15 year (check!), Limited Edition Trader Vics mugs (check), super-rare hand-painted (by Tiki Diablo) FI mug for raffle (check), Signed Tiki Art Now! books for raffle(check), awesome facebook RSVPs (check). It's going to be a blast.

See you all tonight!!

thejab posted on 01/27/2010

I'll be there sometime after 8:00.

Molokai Mike posted on 01/27/2010

Wow! What a great turnout! Da vibes were Tropical;The Barbencourt Mai Tais were terrific and the raffle prizes were super hot.
Best part: We managed to raise over $1500 for our Haitian brothers and sisters.

Interesting that although we sold over $350 in raffle tickets, a couple of TCers won the lion share of the top prizes!! And I swear it wasn't fixed!!

MUCHO MAHALO to everyone who attended and supported this great cause!

Haole'akamai posted on 01/27/2010

We were stoked that we won 2 Tiki Oasis IV mugs!

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2010-01-27 19:33 ]

AquaZombie posted on 01/27/2010

Molokai Mike and DJ Tropic (Mano)

MC Will the Thrill shows off special Mai Tai with Barbancourt rum

Very cool raffle prizes

The community shows their support

Prize winners

Sandra Michaan donated passes to the Grand Lake Theater and Alameda Antique Fair

Here are folks showing off the 75th anniversary Trader Vic's mug

  • kindly donated by Trader Vics Emeryville, who also donated a $150 gift certificate:

[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2010-01-27 15:08 ]

Rum Runner posted on 01/28/2010

I heard the top prize went to a guy
whose name ryhmes with "I SPY"

Coco Loco posted on 01/28/2010

WHAAAHOOO!!!! Yep! Still in shock. :)

That sure was fun last night! What a great crowd. Thanks Mike! Look forward to doing it again. PS. LOVE the mugs!

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