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There really is a little tiki in Frankfurt

Pages: 1 4 replies

Loki posted on 09/27/2006

Stump Grinder and I will be visiting Frankfurt am Main in three weeks and were wondering if anyone knew of any tiki in the city or surrounding suburbs?

Danke and Mahalo

"He who does anything because it is the custom makes no choice."

[ Edited by: Loki 2006-10-22 09:17 ]

rugbymatt posted on 09/27/2006

I think the Hilton there may have a Trader Vic's but not sure.

Loki posted on 10/22/2006

We just got back from Frankfurt and guess what? They have a little tiki. We kept our eyes open for any trace. They even have a Mai Kai rest...the sign in in a bamboo font but it is little more than a Chineese fast food place. I didnt get a pic of it as we were racing down the street. However they had a nice PNG totum outside the cultural museum. They are actually in the begining of a year long Maori display.

Not a lot but at least there is some.

There was one pub we found in the southern suburb of Sachsenhausen that had some tiki to it. We never got to see the inside because it was closed. Bummer.

[ Edited by: Loki 2006-10-22 09:16 ]

uncrichie posted on 10/23/2006

Ouch, somebodys got to remove those nails! Uncrichie...

Zeta posted on 01/28/2010

Those places posted above sounded interesting... No pics... (Sigh) Is there anybody from frankfurt reading this? An update would be great!

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