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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tikis RULE!!

Pages: 1 7 replies

beachdude posted on 08/02/2002

Whatup, fellow tiki freaks??

Just found out about this site and I'm totally stoked, of course!!

I am always checking out vintage tiki and cocktail bar items; I sell as "beachdudeinc" on E-Bay. But I'm stoked about the network, as I also buy new stuff for myself.

Aloha e Mahalo,

kc/Beachdude, Inc.

samoa posted on 08/04/2002

Hi beaCH duDe :)

thebaxdog posted on 08/04/2002

beachdude check your E-mail
Welcome aboard

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/05/2002

Hey Fellow Tikicentralites -

Let me tell you about my friend 'BeachDude Inc" aka K.C. He's the real deal. Seeks out and finds the goods. Has contacts all over, especially in HI.

He's into acquiring things, refinishing them and moving them at a very reasonable rate. K.C.'s the man I got the Chiristian's Hut Tiki Mask from I wrote about a while back.

He only acquires vintage, distinct tikis (among other things). Just this weekend I picked up a killer 31" carved Monkeypod wood Tiki of Ku.

(Oh Yeah. Word on the street has it that he was a good friend of Alfred E. Neuman(?))

To a 'Tribe Called Tiki' - Aloha Oukou!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-08-05 09:01 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 08/05/2002

KC - welcome aboard you wild man... what took you so long! Come on by the Farm again some time - come to the Bash! For any of you interested, KC does killer refinish work on some vintage old wooden pieces - top notch stuff!

beachdude posted on 08/05/2002

Tiki Bong ROCKS! HARD!!!

I am humbled to be on the receiving end of his kind words. He's a great cat himself AND the document first cousin of Alfred E. Neuman. For reals!

beachdude posted on 08/05/2002

. . . and now from HOLDEN; the reincarnate of all DOMINATING tiki culture!! Thanks dude! All the best to you too, Brah. Thanks for doing so much to revive TIKI!!

Talkie-Tiki posted on 01/04/2003

damn strait they do

Pages: 1 7 replies