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Hawaiian War Chant - in a new light

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ikitnrev posted on 09/10/2003

The following is a excerpt from a book I read last year, titled "Laid Bare - A Memoir of Wrecked Lives and the Hollywood Death Trip" by John Gilmore (1997 Amok Books) This excerpt illustrates well how the early 60's 'bachelor pad' and exotica music worked together.

"I was broke again, but I wasn't alone. Cecilia, a young Hungarian dancer and Freedom Fighter, was living with me in an apartment on
Beachwood, above Gunsmoke's James Arness, whose marriage had just busted apart. Jim was jumping girls downstairs while loudly playing the "Hawaiian War Chant." The girls were not the quiet Miss Kitty types, and their cries went on half the night. It didn't bother Cecilia, who was pregnant with my child - she'd sleep through the noise while I'd lay
there wondering where my pending parenthood on a shoestring budget would lead."

Now, try to get that image out of your head the next time you hear the song.


KahunaMilu posted on 09/10/2003

I am picturing Arness from his role in THE THING.

That makes it more entertaining.

kctiki posted on 09/11/2003

Oh no, I feel a "Best Song to Screw to" thread coming on.

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