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The Hula Girls/ Swingin' Tikis at the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa, March 13th

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Luckydesigns posted on 02/05/2010

Just finished painting these posters last night. All hand cut stencils and hand painted with metallic automotive paints. Looks pretty rad in person.... I'll have several for sale at the show, if anyone is interested.

We’re playing the newly revitalized legendary Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa on March 13th with "Los Mysteriosos" and "The Swingin’ Tikis". Come hang out, have a mai tai. Hear our brand new songs, 'Hulabilly Honey' and 'Volcano'!

Jason Wickedly posted on 02/05/2010

Right on! Is Los Mysteriosos the band that has Alex Hernandez playing bass? Nice to see the Tiki Bar open again.

Luckydesigns posted on 02/05/2010

So, you might want to see the poster too, right...? Uh, ahem... right.

And yeah, that's the band that Alex is in. Pretty rad rock en espanol. Think the band from From Dusk Till Dawn.
Now for the poster....

bigtikidude posted on 02/06/2010

wow I haven't seen the Swingin Tikis in over 10 years.

Hope its not the side project the singin tikis I have been duped by before.

I will prob be there Spike.

ahem, come over to Don's this Sat.


Luckydesigns posted on 02/06/2010

I'm planning on Don's this Sat....but I'm bad at sticking to it... I'll try!!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/06/2010

Is that the old Cuckoo's Nest?

Coco Joe posted on 02/06/2010

On 2010-02-05 23:45, Jungle Trader wrote:
Is that the old Cuckoo's Nest?

Yup...man it's been a long time since I've been there

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/06/2010

No sir, It is where Zubie's used to be, The Cuckoo's Nest was next door.
Like in The Vandals's song "Urban Struggle"

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-06 02:58 ]

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-06 02:58 ]

Coco Joe posted on 02/06/2010

are you sure? This place looks to be on the corner where the Cuckoo's Nest was

Luckydesigns posted on 02/06/2010

Actually, the Cuckoo's Nest was where Hank's automotive parts are now. I actually work just down the street on Placentia at Hurley... I've researched The Nest alot lately...Atomic Tiki Punk is totally correct about Zubies.

Even though I'm positive about the locations, the couple who would REALLY know would be Ben or Vicky. They were there.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/06/2010

ah yes, I remember Zubie's too. Saw the then ex coach of the L.A. Rams 'Robinson' in there saddled up and rubberized.
Hope you have fun.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/06/2010

Yea I was there,way back then, Saw many bands, got a few concussions from Slamdancing mishaps etc.
Was even one of the house bands for a while during the Concert Factory years.

So yea I am very sure.

Bora Boris posted on 02/06/2010

In the Cuckoo's Nest days the Tiki bar was a dive bar named Popeye's (Not the Fried Chicken restaurant of the same name) it had a rowboat on the grass out front, then it became The Road House before becoming The Tiki Bar.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/06/2010

Popeye's came a bit later in the early 1980's

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/07/2010

or was it the mid 1980's Memory is sucking due to Slam Dancing accidents

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/07/2010

Well I know where the Nest was, Damn it! you would not catch us dead at Zubie's!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/07/2010

:lol: :lol: Oh Yea LOL :lol: :lol:

1961surf posted on 02/07/2010

I saw the likes of Deborah Harry (Blondie), 20/20 , The Incredible Shrinking Dickies
and the Buzzcocks to name a few bands at the Cuckoo's Nest in the early 80's.
It later became the Gilded Cage.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/07/2010

Yeah and I remember a buddy of mine and his father jus before we walked into Zubie's he says to his pops "Look Dad that guy's hair is curled" (punk rocker), to which his dad replied, "Yes son I think his brain is curled too". Well it coulda been Boobam Ben. Please don't kill me now Ben.

Tiki Kitty posted on 02/07/2010

Hey Spike,

It was great to chat with you a bit at Don's last night, and see pics of your cool place. We would have loved to swing by afterward, but we didn't leave the bar until 1:30, and it was definitely time to go home at that point. :wink:

We'll totally come check you guys out at this show, and are looking forward to more info about the upcoming one at the Galaxy.

Take care,

Deanna Rose / Tiki Kitty

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

So what do you all think of the "Tiki Bar" I know it was not what the owners said it was going to be like?

Luckydesigns posted on 02/08/2010

Great to talk with you last night too. We came home and played guitars in the garage super late... I just listened to the recording of it this morning... It's better that you guys didn't come by... Haha....

The Tiki Bar isn't much of a 'tiki bar'... Although the OA poles are still in there. It was cool to see those again. They were covered with aluminum while it was The Roc. Like seeing an old friend again. BUT, the stage is a great set up and the sound system is supposed to be all new in there. Should be a cool show. I'm not gonna miss it.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

Thanks for the info Luckydesigns, I am sorry I wasn't introduced to you last night at Don's.

1961surf posted on 02/08/2010

Yeah the poles are the only thing tiki in the place.Why it is called Tiki bar is
beyond me.

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2010-02-07 18:44 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2010

wasn't the Nest in front of Hurley on Placenta??

Mrs Bamboo posted on 02/08/2010

shut up! You are mixing every one up.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

And I thought you said Punk was dead Ben :lol:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

So who went to Wana-Be Manor or the Meathouse?

Luckydesigns posted on 02/08/2010

I'm sure we'll meet eventually here...

Ben, I know you're screwing with the conversation here, but YOU out of ANYONE should know that the club that used to be in front of Hurley was the GAY bar Newport Station. Hahahahahaaa...

RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2010

On 2010-02-07 21:22, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
And I thought you said Punk was dead Ben :lol:

it is.

Now... go see the Hula Girls at this gig!!!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

As Ben say's........

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/08/2010

Aaaaah, the good ol' days ... slammin' at the Cuckoo's Nest! :wink: Hula Girls are always fun no matter which place it used to be. I just may see you fellas there.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/08/2010

And not one mention of the Concert Factory?

Luckydesigns posted on 02/08/2010

News flash... Hawaiian Steel guitar wizard, Mr. Kevin Bullet (aka TikiBong), fresh off of his northern California tour with The Tikiyaki Orchestra, will be joining us on stage for this show. Gonna be a good time!

bigtikidude posted on 02/09/2010

Hey Spike,

do you know what time you guys, and Swingin Tikis play?

Jonpauls other band, the Boardwalkers are playing at Dons the same night.

damn damn damn.


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tiki mick posted on 02/09/2010

That's a shame it's on the same night!

Anyway, this Hula Girls show is not gonna be something you want to miss! They have been secretly working on this project for a while now, and I think people are going to be pleasantly suprised! A mixture of Rockabilly with hawaiian and mid century tiki imagery, combined with Kar Kulture, surf, spaghetti western and a healthy dose of Doo-Wop vocals...this is "Tiki" music that no one else is doing! Truly unique!

And I am totally stoked to be seeing the Swinging Tiki's, one of the old-school tiki bands from way back!

bigtikidude posted on 02/09/2010

For those who don't know.
Crazy Al got his name dancin like a goof ball at their(Swingin' Tikis) shows back in the 80's up in Central Cal. when he was up there going to college.


Tiki Kitty posted on 02/09/2010

SWEET. Some of my favorite guys, all in one place, making beautiful music together. :wink: I'm sure Kevin has some spotted memories of old gigs at that place too. Hopefully this doesn't induce any bad flashbacks for him.

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tiki mick posted on 02/09/2010

Probably, Tiki Kitty! His band, the Torn 50's, played all over OC back in the day! I myself have many Jaegermeister fueled memories of playing there a million times with the various punk and metal bands I was with in the early 90s!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/09/2010

Free Beer?

bigtikidude posted on 02/09/2010

On 2010-02-09 10:05, lucas vigor wrote:
Probably, Tiki Kitty! His band, the Torn 50's, played all over OC back in the day! I myself have many Jaegermeister fueled memories of playing there a million times with the various punk and metal bands I was with in the early 90s!

wait, you were in metal bands?
wow I wanna see pics.


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tiki mick posted on 02/09/2010

Jeff, I have played in every type/genre of band known to MAN! You name it, I have played it!

As far as Metal, I was always on the Halford tip as far as hairstyles are concerned. I have actually never had long hair!

Tiki Kitty posted on 02/09/2010

On 2010-02-09 11:08, lucas vigor wrote:
As far as Metal, I was always on the Halford tip as far as hairstyles are concerned. I have actually never had long hair!

What about the Halford fashion tips, Mick? Those too? :wink:

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tiki mick posted on 02/09/2010

Nah ! Just the fact that in the heavy metal world of the late 80's, Halford was an anomaly in that he had short hair. Ironic, considering that the other metalheads all looked like women, and Halford always looked tougher and more macho then the rest! Go figure! I mean, who would you be more scared to fight, Halford or a poof looking guy like Sebastian Bach? I am sure Sebastian probably got more chicks...and Halford? Ahem,.....probably not so much! When I was a kid, I had no idea about Halford... i just thought he was English, and that explained all the leather and cop hat!

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Tiki Kitty posted on 02/09/2010

Darn. I was looking forward to the studded leather bondage gear photos!

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/10/2010


Did you ever wear heavy metal camel toe pants for men??

p.s. would love to see your resume/portfolio sometime.

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bigtikidude posted on 02/10/2010

On 2010-02-09 15:55, Tiki Kitty wrote:
Darn. I was looking forward to the studded leather bondage gear photos!

Mick likes to wear his studded leather G string with the studs on the inside.
:o :wink:


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tiki mick posted on 02/10/2010

On 2010-02-09 18:49, RevBambooBen wrote:

Did you ever wear heavy metal camel toe pants for men??

p.s. would love to see your resume/portfolio sometime.

Nah, never...I always looked more punk then metal! (back then, of course)

As far as a resume, it would be pretty boring. Filled with countless also-rans. Bands that would have made it except for one thing, one person, one situation. Typically, the band is great, has great songs, has chemistry and everything works well, but then the rythem guitarist is a total asshole, for example, and the lead singer is his best friend and won't get rid of him even though he is late for every gig or rehearsal or sometimes does not show at all, or is always on too many drugs. It's always something. Makes you give up and get a real job instead of being a musician! I was telling Lucky Designs the other day that I wished I had a band like the Hula Girls in the old days! maybe something would have happened for me!

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