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Fire retardent spray for grass and reed

Pages: 1 8 replies

Please excuse any errors to this post. This is my first posting to these forums.
I have put reed matting on my ceilings in the living room and record room of our home. I am beginning to make the "hut" part of our tiki bar. I have been searching for a fire retardent spray for the grass skirting material I bought for it. Does anyone know of a place to purchase such spray? I just need one can of it. Bamboo suppliers offer similar items but the process they recommend is quite elaborate.
Any help would be appreciated!


mrtikibar posted on 08/03/2002

You can try safarithatch.com. They sell fire retardants.

Unfortunately, they do not really supply any information about the product other than how it could possibly be applied.
I have emailed and phoned this company before and have either not recieved a return call or have been told that they will not ship in small quantities.
When I ordered my supplies I had to get them from Oceanic Arts who have also said they will now be declining smaller orders of building type supplies.

Biotron2000 posted on 08/04/2002

Seems as if they don't care for the little guy. If you're willing to pay shipping, I don't see why these businesses wouldn't want to deal with you.
I would bet Bamboo Ben knows a lot about this...Ben?

thebaxdog posted on 08/04/2002

Some roofing companies have spray on retarder for old shake or shingle roofs.
I don't know but it's worth a try.
Good luck

dogbytes posted on 08/04/2002

On 2002-08-03 13:44, kaikamahinehuikaikamahine wrote:
Bamboo suppliers offer similar items but the process they recommend is quite elaborate.

i'm guessing, but since thatch/bamboo ignites fairly easily ~ "a can of" product might not be sufficient. and none of the people you've talked to want to be responsible if yours catches fire...

check out this site ~ guys in lab coats setting stuff on fire.
http://www.safarithatch.com/pages/products/p23.htm#General Instructions

do a google search on "flame retardant" +thatch ~ theres tonsa info out there!

pyromaniacly yours,

bamboo ben posted on 08/04/2002

Coit carpet cleaners has a service. call them.

Bamboo Ben:

Many thanks! This sounds like a great idea to see if Coit can do the job. I wouldn't even need to take part in the spraying!

Yes, there are products out there for fire retardents and I've researched many of them. Safari Thatch has a minimum $150 order. Other companies have similar minimums due to the type of shipping they use.

I will let people know what Coit says when I speak to them.

bamboo ben posted on 08/05/2002

there's also a old dude in H.B. who makes this stuff that is 100% burn free. I met him a while back and he dipped a piece of paper in it, hung it up and put a torch on it full power! We went to the office and talked for an hour and came back to it and it was still NOT burned!!! The downfall is the exspence. The up fall is the lack of fire damage in the future do to mistakes etc.. He makes it for all the Disneys etc. His place is in H.B. next door to the fire training camp on Gothard st. I'll post his info when I meet with him again soon.

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