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How would you turn this into a pendant?

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Blowfish posted on 02/16/2010

Hi TC! I managed to get my hands on a real whale tooth, legally obtained many years ago at Lahaina Scrimshaw in a grab bag of all things. I wanted to somehow get this turned into a hanging pendant, but remain respectful to how it may have been done in ancient times. Any of you carvers have any good ideas? I thought about drilling vs. just wrapping and want to make sure it is secure... without damaging it.


Hakalugi posted on 02/16/2010

No drill! Yes wrap! with some extra insurance of glue.

Blowfish posted on 02/16/2010

Yeah I think wrapping is the way to go too... glue would make it more secure for sure. Any instructions for how to wrap such a thing? Oh, and what would be the best material to wrap it with?


TikiMango posted on 02/16/2010
coconuttzo posted on 02/17/2010

It looks so beautiful as is, that drilling it would be a sin. Yes lashing/wrapping it would make more sense aesthetically but even with glue, it isn't 100% secure. It's a tough decision but if I were you, I'd drill, then hide it with lashing of your choice.

TikiMango shows a good idea or try this one(specifically Fri. 17 June, 2005 entry:


I use waxed polyester thread for my pendants.

Or another option is... you can sell it to me... :wink: LOL!

pdrake posted on 02/17/2010

this has a small hole drilled, but the lashing covers it. most bone pieces have small holes to put the lashing through to start it.

Blowfish posted on 02/17/2010

Hmm, so maybe drill one starter hole... I wonder if I should go ask a dentist! This is one thing I don't want to screw up...

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