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Separated At Birth: People Who Look Like Tiki Mugs

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tikifish posted on 09/04/2003

I have a Schoon Tiki tiki mug that has an uncanny resemblance to a friend of mine. I won't post the side by side pics cause if she saw it (even though she isnt on TC) she would kill me, but it got me thinking - are there any famous folk who resemble tiki mugs? Or perhaps you, as a TC member, think there is a tiki mug you resemble? I'd love to see some side by side comparisons...

Maybe you could try to imitate one on purpase, kind of like 'Eric Conveys an Emotion', except it's 'Drunken poster conveys a Tiki Mug'.

sungod posted on 09/04/2003

The Mr. Bali Hai reminds me of Hulk Hogan.

scigirl posted on 09/05/2003

David Hyde Pierce has sort of a Tiki Bob thing going on...

Feelin Zombified posted on 09/05/2003

Chris Klein (from American Pie) and the mug pictured on page 113 of BOT (top right pic).

And for some reason, the Suffering Bastard reminds me of Larry King, but I'm not sure why- sure, shake your head, but the next time you see that mug, you'll be thinking it too...

tikimug posted on 09/05/2003

Here's the most obvious one! Aloha! :sheckymug:

freddiefreelance posted on 09/05/2003

My wife's Uncle Bill & Trader Vic's Menehune.

tikibars posted on 09/05/2003

I've been saying for years that the brown Moai mug from Aku Aku in Las Vegas (the one with the lid that has two straw holes in it) looks exactly like the actor Peter Boyle, especially as in his role in Young Frankenstein!

Do I lie?

Alnshely posted on 09/06/2003

fartsatune posted on 09/06/2003

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/11/2003

Roland Gift of the Fine Young Cannibals

Charlie Chan

This guy reminds me of Tiki Bob

Moai The Beachcomber

Suffering Bing

This mug reminds me of someone... I just can't put der finger on it.


FLOUNDERart posted on 09/12/2003

This is me after a long night of Zombies.

freddiefreelance posted on 09/12/2003


Where did you get all those wonderful hats? Now I want hats for all my Tiki Mugs!

SES posted on 09/17/2003

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:12 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/17/2003

Hey freddiefreelance,

Sorry I haven't been paying as much attention to TC lately - Planning a wedding is a good exercise in being overwhelmed.

I find a lot of those little hats at garage sales and I bought a small stack of them from MTKahuna at a Hawaiiana show a few months ago. I also had a dozen tiny sombreros, but they are now gone. I put them on a bunch of old Beanie Babies and passed them off on Ebay as "New Mexican Beanie Babies!" or "Frijolitos", as I like to call them. They sold right away.


naugatiki posted on 04/05/2004

Not a mug but I always thought this guy from Palau looked like South Park's Cartman

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-04-05 08:57 ]

Unkle John posted on 04/06/2004

I always thought the cheezy Islander mug looked alot like garfield the cat when He's doing something devilish.

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tikicleen posted on 07/10/2005

in hopes of reviving this thread, here are two that we feel closely resemble tiki mugs in the dark marq.

jungle trader as infant:
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jungle trader as adult:
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jungle trader as tiki quest mug:
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and also, who could forget mr. smiley.

mr. smiley in a less smiley moment:
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mr. smiley as the hawaii kai moai:
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Jungle Trader posted on 07/10/2005

:lol: it really does look like me as a baby, good one Cleen.

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Tiki Matt posted on 07/10/2005

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naugatiki posted on 12/02/2005

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I woke up to this after last nights snow storm.

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badmojo posted on 12/30/2005

Tiki or Lorax? You decide.
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lone tiki? posted on 06/06/2006

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Am I nuts or does Vincent Price look like a Mark Thomas Outrigger mug? Or visa versa?

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hanford_lemoore posted on 06/06/2006

topics merged.

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