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Tiki Central / California Events

Humuhumu in Southern CA: 9/12-9/20

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Paging all Hoiti Toitis: I'm once again storming through your town, and this time I'm bringing my mother. I'm down there the week after next to start laying the groundwork for what will hopefully be my move down there, in early November. I would love to see you guys! Could we organize a get-together some night that week? Also, if anyone has a day during the week open and would like to show Schmama Lama & me the town, that'd be great! Here's my schedule:

9/12 - Fly into John Wayne, staying near airport
9/13 - Caliente Tropics for Al's bday
9/14 - Driving to Pasadena, staying at some Marriott, evening is open
9/15 - Wide open
9/16 - Wide open
9/17 - Wide open
9/18 - Wide open, staying that night at the Anaheim Marriott
9/19 - Disneyland bonding time with Mom
9/20 - May hit the Disneyland event, going home in afternoon

Whaddya say??

Well, ya gotta fit in a visit to the Spectacular East Indies Room...!

I'd be more than happy to host a Hoiti Toiti Cocktail evening in your honor!



On 2003-09-04 22:09, Humuhumu wrote:
9/15 - Wide open
9/16 - Wide open
9/17 - Wide open
9/18 - Wide open

(the mind wonders...)


Yes! An evening in the Spectacular East Indies Room is definitely called for. I would love that. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all work great for me, I'll let you guys pick.

Hey, Ben, if I want to wander into your store to say Hi and look around, what days/times would be good for that? I was bummed that I missed it last time.

Bong: :P

Cool! Wednesday or Thursday eve would work out best for a night at the Spectacular East Indies Room!

All the TC crowd is welcome! Is there a better night for anyone, let me know and we'll finalize a night.

And wouldn't it be cool if the Smokin' Menehunes could make a guest appearance? :)



Thursday would now actually be better for me... I was just invited to participate in a bioinformatics schmoozefest on Wednesday night, and given my unemployed state, it would behoove me to participate.

Do they serve mai-tais?
:drink: Aloha!

I'd be into playing at your bar, Pup. Now we've gotta convince Bong.

OK, Thursday night at the Spectacular East Indies Room!

I'll post some details soon in a separate post.


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