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Seattle area Craigslist ad - not mine

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beadtiki posted on 02/12/2010

This is in MINT condition and has the GOLD seal (not found on any of the other drink bowls-which makes it priceless) I could list this on EBAY, and get more, and if nobody buys this here then I will....anyone that knows about the Tonga Room (closed now) at the Fairmont Hotel will know how priceless this is...........
Google and search Tiki collectables and you will find this. There are only less than 10 of these in the world now, but I have been looking and only found one (which is mine that still has the original gold seal) from the japanese manuf company on it........

I am not shipping this item. If you want it you have to come and get it. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE

I have many other items for sale, but can't list them all on Craigslist. You are welcome to make an offer/bid on the entire collection if you wish. I know what most of the items are worth, but I am offering them for less to move them as I am moving to another part of the country and don't wish to take them with me. This is an Estate sale

feel free to contact me



it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1596475732

pdrake posted on 02/12/2010

i'm glad that's not your ad. someone should take him to the tonga room and waterboard him with the lagoon water.

thefuzz posted on 02/12/2010

HA! :P

JenTiki posted on 02/12/2010

This kinda thing just ticks me off, and I'm in a rather snarky mood today. So I fired off the following email to the seller of the bowl:

You really need to check your facts ... The Tonga Room at the Fairmont in San Francisco is still very much open for business. http://www.tongaroom.com/ There are certainly more than 10 of those bowls in existence, at least six of my friends have them in their collections. Also, it is way over-priced. The average price of that bowl in a better economy was $125. You'll be lucky to get $100 for it now. And the little gold OMC sticker doesn't help the value much. Any collector knows it's easy to simply take one off a lesser mug and stick it on another.

But hey, if you don't mind blatantly making sh*t up to sell something, I guess that's for your consience to deal with.

JenTiki posted on 02/12/2010

Just got this email reply from the seller, who by the way also posted the mug sale here on TC in another thread:

wow, what an attitude. it sold today for the price that was listed. you should learn to keep your mouth to your own toilet, I am not interested in what you to say, do you really have friends? Cause you sound like the perfect B*$*$*Ch of the toilet. If you aren't interested go away and get a life..........nobody cares about you anyway...........

Anyone know what a "B*$*$*Ch of the toilet" is? I hate insults that don't make any sense.

pdrake posted on 02/12/2010

even if i knew i wouldn't tell you. i don't care about you anyway.

JenTiki posted on 02/12/2010

Ahhh, Perry! You're breaking my heart! :cry: I guess I'll just go away.


--edited to add the :wink: just in case people didn't figure out that I know Perry really does care and I'm not really hurt by his jest. The internet is so temperamental like that.

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2010-02-12 13:24 ]

leleliz posted on 02/12/2010

Am I missing the amount? What was he asking for it?

Or Got Rum? posted on 02/12/2010

195.00 and it is now deleted...Hmmm :o

JenTiki posted on 02/12/2010

Well, his email says he sold it today, so that may be why he took it down.

pdrake posted on 02/12/2010

i don't care about him anyway.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/12/2010

JenTiki kicking Ass & Taking Names! :wink: :wink:

mymotiki posted on 02/13/2010

LOL, really didn't want to drive to raaaaymmmond anyway!!!

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2010-02-12 16:29 ]

Tom Slick posted on 02/13/2010

He's a mad fabricator, and I'm calling 3 shades of bull....
Masters degree from:

Also note, he is obviously an avid drinker of

and the final stamp of approval

Take that Closed down, 10 of a kind in the World Tonga Room Bowl with rare gold foil stamp, and shove it up your wide open, no OMC seal attached arse of yours, Mr. Seller!
No bullshit, I absoultely despise people who "luxuriously pad"(beyond Bullshit) their auctions, and even more so, the dumbasses who buy into shit without investigating it, firsthand!

Sure it's an old or vintage bowl that can no longer be purchased at the TR, but the Tonga Room is still open for business, as of writing this. And like others mentioned, there are more than 10 that survived...

I'm really glad I didn't look at this when it was first posted, although I'm glad it was shown for everyone to see blatent false advertisement....Jentiki has more restraint than me...I would have flagged the hell out of that auction, just because!

Wonder if he has the Rare and Elusive Party City Tiki mug in his estate sale...You all know, the one with the white paper sticker on bottom that says CHINA?
I've been wanting to pick up one of those authentic post-Ming Dynasty polystyrene rarities....

(insert sarcasm throughout)

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-02-13 10:29 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 02/14/2010

Tom, my friend, you really need to stop holding back. Tell us how you feel! :D

Haole'akamai posted on 02/14/2010

This NES is in MINT condition and has Stadium Events in the box (not found with any of the other Nintendo Entertainment System -which makes it priceless) I could list this on EBAY (oops, I did), and get more, and if nobody buys this here then I will....anyone that knows about the Nintendo (closed now) from Sony will know how priceless this is...........
Google and search NES collectables and you will find this. There are only less than 10 of Stadium Events game cartridges in the world now, but I have been looking and only found one (which is mine that still has the original box) from the japanese manuf company on it........

I am not shipping this item. If you want it you have to come and get it. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE

I have many other items for sale, but can't list them all on Craigslist. You are welcome to make an offer/bid on the entire collection if you wish. I know what most of the items are worth, but I am offering them for less to move them as I am moving to another part of the country and don't wish to take them with me. This is an Estate sale

feel free to contact me



Location: Ocularis Foris, CALIFORNIA
it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1234567890

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3491/4b782a94.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9d0467ba60be92529cedffb50906f47f

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3491/4b782a9e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=879df3c1369c2f85c635129dffe3411e

beadtiki posted on 02/14/2010

On 2010-02-14 08:57, Haole'akamai wrote:
This NES is in MINT condition and has Stadium Events in the box (not found with any of the other Nintendo Entertainment System -which makes it priceless) I could list this on EBAY (oops, I did), and get more, and if nobody buys this here then I will....anyone that knows about the Nintendo (closed now) from Sony will know how priceless this is...........
Google and search NES collectables and you will find this. There are only less than 10 of Stadium Events game cartridges in the world now, but I have been looking and only found one (which is mine that still has the original box) from the japanese manuf company on it........

I am not shipping this item. If you want it you have to come and get it. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE

I have many other items for sale, but can't list them all on Craigslist. You are welcome to make an offer/bid on the entire collection if you wish. I know what most of the items are worth, but I am offering them for less to move them as I am moving to another part of the country and don't wish to take them with me. This is an Estate sale

feel free to contact me



Location: Ocularis Foris, CALIFORNIA
it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1234567890

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3491/4b782a94.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9d0467ba60be92529cedffb50906f47f

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3491/4b782a9e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=879df3c1369c2f85c635129dffe3411e

You only WISH you had this to sell! I saw the news this game alone brought in $10,000 - the system was only worth $6,000 (on ebay - hell - people will buy anything!). I have the exact NES but no Stadium game - bummer!

Haole'akamai posted on 02/15/2010

On 2010-02-14 14:20, beadtiki wrote:

You only WISH you had this to sell! I saw the news this game alone brought in $10,000 - the system was only worth $6,000 (on ebay - hell - people will buy anything!). I have the exact NES but no Stadium game - bummer!

I hid the link to that story...

On 2010-02-14 08:57, Haole'akamai wrote:

PostingID: 1234567890

Or Got Rum? posted on 02/16/2010

Hey, I know things can be cheaper in Wisconsin, this guy's ad is VERY Generous...


beadtiki posted on 02/19/2010

What was he selling? The ad had been flagged by the time I went to look!

Or Got Rum? posted on 02/19/2010

He posted under wanted to buy, was willing to pay 50.00 for this (NES Stadium Events) and he stole the pic from the eBay auction listing. I told him I would pay 100.00 :)

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