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Trader Vic's Tokyo & Tiki Tiki Shinjuku

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tikifish posted on 08/02/2002

I have been to both already this week... Trader Vics is very hard to find, but once you're there, it's just like home - 28,500 yen for a tiki bowl...

I took lots of pictures (finally found the 'dimly lit tiki bar' aperture setting on my digital camera so they look good) and will write a full review once I get home.

Tiki Tiki Shinjuku is a little seedier than Yokohama location (where the wedding after-party will be) but still had dancing girls... dancing girls who looked like they'd been around the block a few times, but dancing girls nonetheless... It's on the 4th floor of an office builing near Shinjuku station (surrounded by transvestites, brothels, and other theme restaurants).

The mugs are not for sale, as usual. Interestingly, they had a ceramic mug that looks ike it's straight out of the Disney Polynesian Room's mold (the glass ones). What's up with that?

Anyway, more photos of that coming later too.

Jane-san (tikfish)

fatuhiva posted on 08/03/2002

buy a bunch of those mugs with boobs- I'll pay good bread for one :)

samoa posted on 08/04/2002

you got that aperture setting?

Tangaroa posted on 08/05/2002

I was able to talk the manager of Trader Vics Bangkok out of a few mugs... turn on the charm!

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