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pics of Mr. Dennys Tiki still in da makes

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GECKO posted on 09/15/2003

Here get some pics. The tiki is not completed. I'm still deciding if I want to go with the color I have on it. It's one of my drum base styles.

this 5 footer has 6 tikis on da bottom holding Mr D in da air. da bottom tikis represent peopo of today and yesterday. Peopo like us, Arthur Lymann, Don Tiki, Mr. D's band, and my beautiful state of Hawaii. Everyone he has touched and look up to him.
Mr D being the top tiki "The King".

I still have to get the brass plaque to mount on da back.

I hope he likes it..... I do. I'll make him another one and keep dis buggah fo myself.

and here is a close up of TC holding the king up. you cant really see threw the small tikis but the bottm is shaped like a bowl. hard to see because of the lighting.

still have a few things left. would love to see some of guys at da show.


Unga Bunga posted on 09/15/2003

Denny is gonna love that. great job!

GECKO posted on 09/15/2003

oh, i see we had some b-days this month. Happy B-day to ya guys. Sorry I'm late but haven't had da time lately to relax and surf da net. Hugs and kisses...and a little grinding.

eh, Fil Slash, I got some friends comming ova dis week end if you wanna stop by let me know. Mike's gonna help me put up some lights so I can work at night! aloha bro and welcome to TC.


Kenike posted on 09/15/2003

Beautiful work, Gecko! Wish I could come to the show.


Monkeyman posted on 09/16/2003


Your skills continue to rise with each log. One of your best carvings to date.

Looks like a heavy one!

Am I next on your list?

Alnshely posted on 09/16/2003

Dat tiki is so ono, braddah! Auweee! See ya at da show!
Pearly Shell

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/16/2003

That is awesome...and worthy of the Exotica master. Great job, Geck.

Luckydesigns posted on 09/16/2003

I think M Denny will be stoked. That's the coolest tiki I've seen you bust out yet. Although I'm pretty envious of the one that you carved that sits in Bong's bar. Every time we practice I lust over it.

Great work!


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-09-16 03:15 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 09/16/2003

Gecko, the tiki is looking good! How long did it take you? I love the little tikis on the drum base -- VERY COOL.

FLOUNDERart posted on 09/16/2003

Sweeeeeeet brah!

tikimug posted on 09/16/2003

By gosh darn it, thar Gecko! That thar tiki is sweeter than the sugar crust on my ma's pecan pie! Y'all keep carvin' ya hear?


Kailuageoff posted on 09/16/2003

Very nice work, Gecko!

Octane posted on 09/16/2003

that is one heck of a tiki, your style is so good, and creative. that base is aswome. i think Denny will be as happy as can be with that one. wow!

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/16/2003

Looks good there G. That tiki is on the money! That workmate saves the back for sure.

Andrew posted on 09/16/2003

That's one of the nicest tikis I've ever seen!

GECKO posted on 09/17/2003

mahaloz peepz! I listned to da masta of exoticas music da whole time I carved it too!jus kinda made my body tingle....you know....i got that chicken skin. I'm very honored to have done this.

It took me 2 days Poly, off and on. still gotta'lil stuff to do.

Chiki, ya! that work mate iza must! got that from you.

Lucky D, Tell Bong to spread some ALOHA and give you dat wun and I'll make him anotha....

special MAHALOZ to TC's Hanford and Mig. Because of TC I have gotten a lot of buisness and met some real peeps.

p.s I hope Mr. Denny isn't a lurker! he aint sapose to see his Tiki yet.


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