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CheekyGirl's San Fernando Valley ART/CHOP - 3/19/10 aka "The Great Brownie Massacre of 2010"

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CheekyGirl posted on 01/27/2010

I wanted to keep the ball rolling. I can open up my house for a SFV ART/CHOP in March.
Right now, the weekends I have available are:

March 13th
March 20th
March 27th

The 13th and the 27th being the best days. I prefer Saturdays, but I am not opposed to hosting on Sunday.

I’ve got a pretty good sized backyard and covered patio with 2 power outlets. The grass area also has a handy power outlet available. I’ve also got a long asphalt driveway available for any overflow. The tree in the backyard usually shades about half the yard, by March it should have leaves. If it doesn’t I’ve got a 10’ easy-up for any added shade. I’ve got two 4” resin tables, plenty of chairs, and as well as a 4 seater glass patio table available.

Centrally located in beautiful downtown West Van Nuys aka Lake Balboa, nestled between all freeways 118 / 405 and 101.

Post your availability, preferences, etc. so we can iron out a date and let’s Chop & Roll…..

Here's the art/chop areas:

Covered Patio


Okole Maluna!

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2010-03-21 11:25 ]

TikiG posted on 01/27/2010

CheekyGirl -

I'm all for it!

I like Saturday the 20th the best. I'll be busy towards the end of the month.

Thanks for hosting the next SFV chop :wink:

geedavee posted on 01/28/2010

At this point, any of these days work for me.

hiltiki posted on 01/28/2010

A big happy easy going yes to everything. Ahhhh, only a few blocks away, I could walk over....

CheekyGirl posted on 01/29/2010

I've got lots of rum...you can stumble back home...

hiltiki posted on 01/30/2010

I can bar tend if you want? :) :)

CheekyGirl posted on 02/03/2010

Did I mention I have a dog?

Don't worry -- she's friendly.

bigtikidude posted on 02/03/2010

Holly Cow,
is your dog on the Juice? (aka Steroids)


CheekyGirl posted on 02/03/2010

Here's the real dog...she's harmless, but she's a real attention whore, won't leave you alone until she gets some extra attention.

But damn, saw that Crazy Muscled-Out dog on the internet...not sure if it is real or not....but wouldn't want to be caught in back alley with that thing....

TikiG posted on 02/03/2010

CheekyGirl -

Is there a date set?

Krisdrama posted on 02/05/2010

I vote for the 20th or 27th. I'll be in New Orleans the weekend of the 13th!!!
Thanks for offering your place!

MadDogMike posted on 02/06/2010

Cheeky, I don't want to derail your Chop thread but here is the info on the steroid dog. Wendy is a Whippet from Victoria Canada with a genetic defect that has doubled her muscles!

CheekyGirl posted on 02/12/2010

Looks like 3/20 -- is looking like the best date.
I've got a "charity face painting" thing on 3/13

PolynesianPop posted on 02/12/2010

Sounds good. I'm in!

Billy the Crud posted on 02/13/2010

If I can get a carpool going, Im in. I miss seeing you at chops.......hell......I miss chops. Been so busy doing other things, but now I have no choice but to carve with all of my spare time.......I have the remnants of 14 California fan palms in my driveway. If anyone needs a log, just bring me a low carb Monster in the big can.

Krisdrama posted on 02/13/2010

Looking forward to it! I may have some new chisels to try out by then, too!
Billy, I've got a low-carb monster with your name on it if you've got a log with mine!

Billy the Crud posted on 02/13/2010

On 2010-02-12 18:59, Krisdrama wrote:
Looking forward to it! I may have some new chisels to try out by then, too!
Billy, I've got a low-carb monster with your name on it if you've got a log with mine!

How big ya need it? Cant deliver, but Im always here. You can pretty much take yer pick of the pile......and the pile is HUGE. Well.....until Wheeler comes by this weekend.Then it will just be semi-huge.

Krisdrama posted on 02/13/2010

Well, San Diego is a little far to drive for a log. :)

geedavee posted on 02/13/2010

The 20th works for me as well. I should have some new chisels by then.

I still have a few extra small logs that I would be willing to bring or trade for a bigger log.

Hey Krisdrama, any pix of the Tiki Bob you were carving on at the last chop?

Billy the Crud posted on 02/13/2010

They are very good logs. Here's about half of them.....

TikiG posted on 02/14/2010


Wish I carved man I'd grab one of those giants in a heartbeat. That's so cool.

Billy the Crud posted on 02/15/2010

Hey Nel, looks like Thomas and I will load up his econo-box and head up with as many logs as we can fit. Wish we could take more because it sounds like logs are scarce up in your neck of the woods.

CheekyGirl posted on 02/17/2010

Billy, logs are good! I can always store a few at my place for future use/drying out for future chops.

And Kris...driving to San Diego is a breeze. Trick is, Diamond Lane! They finally completed it from the Valley to San Diego and it's FAST! We went to a Charger's game in December, it took us about 1 and 15 minutes. Got there in plenty of time to tail-gate it...we were amazed.

Krisdrama posted on 02/17/2010

Well, since Billy is bringing some to the chop, hopefully I can snag one? Otherwise, I'll have to be on the lookout for tree trimers!

Billy the Crud posted on 02/17/2010

I'll probably strip and trim them to free up space and weight, too. Bonus for you. This is still tenative so don't count on it 100% yet. Life gets nutty and theres still over 30 days to go. Nel, send me directions to that route you mentioned, please!

CheekyGirl posted on 02/18/2010

Billy...we just took the 405. I used to got to San Diego via the 5, as the 405 was the freeway of hell, but if you carpool, much, much faster. Maybe the freeway gods were with us that day.

Krisdrama posted on 02/19/2010

On 2010-02-13 09:26, geedavee wrote:

Hey Krisdrama, any pix of the Tiki Bob you were carving on at the last chop?

Dave- I haven't been able to work on Tiki Bob, I need to get some curved chisels. I promise to post pictures when I'm done though!

geedavee posted on 02/19/2010

Billy, if you find you have an extra log at the SFV chop that you don't want to cart back to SD, I will gladly take one off your hands. I am looking to go a bit larger in my carvings.

Billy the Crud posted on 02/20/2010

Anything I bring is staying. Ive got more palm than Rosey and all of her sisters combined and Im not carting back a single sliver. It will most likely be a few 4 footers and a bunch of half logs for masks.

hiltiki posted on 02/21/2010

I would like one of the 4 footers and one mask size if no one else has asked for it.

mieko posted on 02/21/2010

I've put in on my calendar, hopefully I can swing it. I'd really love to see you and your place Nelva!


Atomic_Tiki posted on 02/21/2010

I'd be happy to provide music if you need it. I have a huge collection of Exotica from the masters with a pro-grade portable system to play it on... Let me know...
Chip Corbin

hiltiki posted on 03/01/2010

Well March is here and let's not forget March 20th, we have a date. Atomic tiki we would love to have you bring music for us. By the way since CheekyGirl is too busy working, I am the official ongoing voice of this thread now.

CheekyGirl posted on 03/01/2010

Hiltiki....thanks for the wake-up call, I've been sleeping at the wheel!

Okay, back on topic....

DRINKS - As the mint on my side yard has been taking off, Mai Tais and Pain Killers will be served!

GRUB - I'll be cooking up Kahlua Pork and providing those yummy sweet Hawaiian buns.

I've got plenty of plastic forks, cups and plates. I'll have a cooler with ice for any other refreshments anyone would like to bring. As with other chops, any other food and snacks, are welcome!

START TIME - I'm thinking 10:00 a.m. would be good. It will give me enough time to take my dog to the dog park. She'll need to run off any extra energy, as she gets so excited with new people. My dog is friendly, so if anyone wanted to bring their dog, I'm cool with it as long as you're dog is good with other dogs.

Atomic -- as Hil mentioned...heck yeah, music is always cool!

As the chop approaches I'll PM everyone with directions, etc.


TikiG posted on 03/01/2010


Thanks for hosting the next SFV CHOP.

Melekalikimaka and myself will be there.

I'll be working on a couple of things...a painting for the 2010 Ohana Luau at the Lake's silent charity auction and my shrunken head project for the April Art Swap.

This is going to be another nice afternoon of tiki and friends. I will send positive vibes to the weather Gods for a nice afternoon of sunshine...NO RAIN!

4WDtiki posted on 03/02/2010

I would love to go to this! Anyone from the San Diego area going that I could catch a ride with? :)

CheekyGirl posted on 03/02/2010

Atomic -- looks like my BF is taking care of the music. I've got a pretty good selection of Exotica and lots of other CDs. Thanks for the offer!

CheekyGirl posted on 03/02/2010

On 2010-03-01 19:44, 4WDtiki wrote:
I would love to go to this! Anyone from the San Diego area going that I could catch a ride with? :)

Yeah!!!! San Diego Peeps!!! Road Trip!! If you don't feel like driving back, my backyard can serve as a "tent city" for anyone that wants to set up a tent and or camp out.

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T_birdman posted on 03/05/2010

Hey folks, Geedavee sent me a message to invite me to your SF valley chop, but as I let him know I'll tell you folks too. My neighbor who is 94 years old and has been like a father to me, a grandfather to my son is dying of Cancer and I've found myself in a place where I'm the only one around who can lift him up from bed and take care of him. This has been going on for awhile now and has taken me out of the TC loop. I can't even find time to carve at home. I've been lurking when able and revel in everyones work, but posting comments on all the great work is not something i can make time for, so just to let you all know, the work is still inspirational and wish I could join you, but for now it's not possible. Thanks Dave for the invite, maybe in a few months.

TikiG posted on 03/05/2010

T birdman -

I want to express my admiration for your care given to your neighbor, that is just awesome. Of course we will miss your presence at Cheeky's chop, but no doubt understand fully that one must do what is necessary.

CheekyGirl posted on 03/06/2010

Yes...Birdman, it's a good thing you're doing. There are a lot of people in this world that just don't care. It's a reminder that we all need to be good to each other. You're a good neighbor, Samaritan and person. You're humanity and and thoughfulness will be paid back 10 fold. Stay strong.

My mom is going to be 75 this year, and I can't be around her 24-7, so I rely on her neighbors to keep me abreast of anything unusual. Can't tell you how much I appreciate good neighbors and friends.

CheekyGirl posted on 03/10/2010

The date of the chop is getting closer and I'm getting excited. Cool thing is that Daylight Savings is will be in full-force for the chop so there will be plenty of daylight!

Here's the roll call of the confirmed attendees!

Poly Pop
Capt. R.H. Falernum
Bay Park Buzzy
Grog -- maybe

Okole Maluna!

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2010-03-19 23:24 ]

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GROG posted on 03/10/2010

GROG have to see where GROG at in the ceramic-making process. If GROG at a point where GROG can bring stuff to work on, then GROG will be there.

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 03/15/2010

Hi there!
I've always been interested in getting into carving and other forms of tiki art and it seems like chops are the place to see brilliant artists in action.

Is it cool to come hang out & watch people work? Or, are chops primarily for those working on pieces?

CheekyGirl posted on 03/15/2010

Capt. Falernum, most peep work on a project, but if you're interested in taking a crack at a certain art medium it's cool to observe. It gives you more of an appreciation of how much time is involved in certain crafts.

Just one example, I never really knew the process of mug-making until I saw artists in action like Babalu and Bowana giving us lessons and demonstrations. It gives you a real appreciation when you see something go from an idea, to a drawing then wet clay to a mug you hold in your hand. It truly is amazing.

CheekyGirl posted on 03/15/2010

Grog....always good to see you in action! Hope you can make it!

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GROG posted on 03/16/2010

GROG hope GROG can make it too.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-03-16 16:43 ]

hiltiki posted on 03/17/2010

Grog, I hope to see you there. :) Cheekygirl did you need anything in particular we could bring for food?

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