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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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TheBigT posted on 02/01/2010

Awesome to see a bunch of carving going on around here!

On to the next one. Full round log for this one, but it'sa short one. Step by steps for step by step fans:

Yes, I'm a huge fan of the step-by-steps! THANKS BUZZY!!!

hiltiki posted on 02/02/2010

We want puppy progression pictures. Nice to see you carving again Buzzy.

closettiki posted on 02/02/2010

glad to see you back in the carve mode again...

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/03/2010

Some sunsets from recent day's end:

And on to the tiki work...

After the last update, I did a little refining all over the whole thing to get it to here

This is the start of a little tiki head he'll be holding

side profile at that time:

Meanwhile, the puppy plays with some reed fencing:

Flash forward to the evening, where I started the face and head

Tired puppy watches from under the couch:

New day today, and more work on the face to be done. Here are the face features blocked out:

In other happenings, the puppy plays with her dirty bear toy:

Now he has eyes:

The puppy and a log, with some reed in the background:

Not much more to do on the face, so the mouth is next:

A little break to play ball with the dog:

And here it is where I stopped for the evening, with the eye details rounded out and the ears started

It's starting to come together.

On 2010-02-01 13:02, TheBigT wrote:
Awesome to see a bunch of carving going on around here!

Thanks BigT. I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I still haven't hit full stride yet...

On 2010-02-01 20:55, hiltiki wrote:
We want puppy progression pictures.

I hid some more in between all the tiki stuff pictures. Go back and you might notice them. Yu have to look close or you'll just skim by them.

On 2010-02-01 22:21, closettiki wrote:
glad to see you back in the carve mode again...

It's nice to be able to fill up some time with some carving again.

Now I have to go fill up my gut.
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 02/03/2010

Tahitiki posted on 02/05/2010

Awesome "How too" Buzzy. Super cute puppy.

Cammo posted on 02/06/2010

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/08/2010

A couple sunsets:

We had a little rain the last couple of days. I hear there's snow back east. Good luck with that, eastcoasters.

My arm hurts and I caught a cold, so not much progress on the tiki. I did the ears and cheek details:

I also did a little touch up here and there, making everything correct before I carve on the final designs. It will all go pretty quickly from here on out.

In puppy news, here's Poki showing off her new trick:

She will now sit on command.

Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2010

see no evil!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/09/2010

I just barely caught today's sunset:

Enjoy the last dot of light

Tiki Stuff:

Nose and eyebrows done

Next step is to grid out all the surfaces so I can decorate it all up

This is also a good way to do a symmetry check.

Poki sits:

On 2010-02-07 20:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
see no evil!!!

It's about time for that, ain't it?

Good times a comin'!
Buzzy Out!

Zeta posted on 02/09/2010

I love to see the process... Mahalo Buzzy!

BIG tiki scott posted on 02/09/2010

luvin this buzzy!!puppys a beaute!! and growin!! thnx again for takin the time for the pics cheerz buzzy!!

TikiMango posted on 02/09/2010

Great pics, sun, tiki and Poki.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/09/2010

Love the Marq, Buzz, he's shaping up super clean!

Cammo posted on 02/09/2010

Tikimecula, Buzzy, Poki, and Babalu:

TheBigT posted on 02/09/2010

On 2010-02-08 18:38, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

This is also a good way to do a symmetry check.

A carving course by you and Benz would be the ultimate! Could both of you guys move to Texas? :P

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/10/2010

It was raining today so I didn't get the sunset.

So, on to the tiki stuff...

After drawing on the aforementioned grid, I just maneuvered my tools between the lines and came up with a few patterns on it.

Front view:

i'll do the lines a little deeper while I'm sanding it up. It's real rough here.

Closer up, with the little tiki face on it

One side

Other side:

Kind of the same, but kind of different from the other side

Luckily, the log held up to most of the detailing I tried to carve

The back:

On 2010-02-08 18:55, Zeta wrote:
I love to see the process... Mahalo Buzzy!

No problemo amigo!

On 2010-02-08 19:05, BIG tiki scott wrote:
luvin this buzzy!!puppys a beaute!! and growin!! thnx again for takin the time for the pics cheerz buzzy!!

And the good thing is, she still hasn't ruined anything that I hadn't previously ruined myself! The only reason I post so many pictures, is because I want to widen my lead as TC's #1 photo contributer. I'm glad that my quest to remain #1 results in some enjoyment for you.

On 2010-02-08 19:08, TikiMango wrote:
Great pics, sun, tiki and Poki.

Yo, yo, yo! TM! Thanks for dropping in.

On 2010-02-08 23:10, Lake Surfer wrote:
Love the Marq, Buzz, he's shaping up super clean!

And it's going to be bitch to sand! Good thing I just stocked up on sanding boards...

On 2010-02-09 12:43, Cammo wrote:
Tikimecula, Buzzy, Poki, and Babalu:

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that House of Buzz had a special guest you all know this week: Tikimecula. He was in town and thought a day over here would be better than a fifth day in row in a hotel room. Little did he know that I would drag him to he Post Office with me, at probably one of the worst moments of post office efficiency history. It took so long we had to cancel our planned trip to Babalu's house. We wanted to go over there and steal whatever idea Bowana was working on, but that will have to wait until some other time.
I forgot to get a picture while he was here, too. Dang! As a substitute, here's me and he at Oasis:

Despite what his posture in this photo would lead you to believe, he couldn't wait to get his hands on that signed, limited edition Buzzy pinup photo.

On 2010-02-09 12:48, TheBigT wrote:
A carving course by you and Benz would be the ultimate! Could both of you guys move to Texas? :P

How about if we just travel around together, spreading tiki carving joy across the nation. We need a carving tool sponser to loan us a big tour bus like John Madden has and we'll go around giving tiki carving classes throughout the great 48!

...only problem is I'd rather be at a Benzart carving course as a student. I took a Benzart carving class with a few lucky ducks out here a few years back and it was the greatest thing ever.

Puppy pictures time:

Poki the puppy, 60mph to...

...0 in one minute flat!

SSSSShhhhh! Don't wake up the dog. She'll start chewing on stuff again.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-10 00:14 ]

4WDtiki posted on 02/10/2010

Damn Buzz, that's about the nicest Marquesan I've seen anywhere!

GROG posted on 02/10/2010

surfintiki posted on 02/10/2010

Grog give'em one big black eye!
Awesome marq. Awesome awesome.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/13/2010

A couple sunsets:

The weather was pleasant today

Yesterday I did a little boring log prep work. I split a short fat one and sanded a couple i had drying for a while. Here's the next set of volunteers

I marked a couple of them out. I was going to start by carving this one inside last night...

but then I got tired and took the evening off.

When I got up today, I decided to carve the longer one in this picture instead, since it was a nice day out. I planned on carving the small one inside at night, and the longer one outside during the day.

So I marked it out, but never got around to carving it during daylight

I didn't want to lose a work day, so I brought it inside and carved it up this evening. I started with an eye:

and then I did another eye to match:

I got it to here:

This one should go pretty quick.

On 2010-02-10 10:06, GROG wrote:

Since you brought her up

Dog update:
During the day, Poki hunts for stuff to dig up and chew on in the yard:

Then at night, she rests on the couch:

On 2010-02-10 05:15, 4WDtiki wrote:
Damn Buzz, that's about the nicest Marquesan I've seen anywhere!

Thanks 4WD. I put a little extra effort in that one. I'm glad it shows.

On 2010-02-10 14:42, surfintiki wrote:
Awesome marq. Awesome awesome.

Thanks Surfintiki. I hope i don't ruin it finishing it.

Tomorrow's forecast: More tiki!
Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 02/13/2010

Buzzy, I love the direction you are taking in carving the last tiki. I can't wait to see how you finish it. That is one of my favorite tiki styles. Seems like you are starting to carve large pieces now? Are you coming out to the San Fernando Valley Chop?
Poki rules.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/15/2010

Clear sunset from two days ago:

Blurry sunset from yesterday:

Moving right along on the tiki. I've shifted and have been working nights lately, just because that's when I feel like carving now. A couple nights ago I had it drwan out and ready to go:

I started the mouth area by removing the material under the eyes

Then I defined the back of the lower head:

Start of the mouth

I changed this part about six times before I finally committed to the final layout

Little more done on the mouth now

More mouth work, added a nose, and did some of the initial head work:

Dog update
Poki chews on a lid from a Wd-40 can:

She's learning how to do Ringo's famous "Good walker" trick now. He taught it to her last week. I'll try to get a picture of them wlking side by side after she gets a little better at it.

On 2010-02-13 07:12, hiltiki wrote:
Seems like you are starting to carve large pieces now? Are you coming out to the San Fernando Valley Chop?
Poki rules.

Not too big, just a little bigger.Maybe only 4 feet tall? I don't want to mess myself up taking on something heavy too soon. I just got a big 8'+ log from Billy the Crud a couple days ago, so that one and a couple other big ones are on the horizon. I going to try to make the SFV chop. I wanted to go to the last one, but that was the only day I had to work in the last six months, so I couldn't do it.

Beautiful day today,
Buzzy Out!

Bowana posted on 02/16/2010

On 2010-02-10 00:11, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
It took so long we had to cancel our planned trip to Babalu's house. We wanted to go over there and steal whatever idea Bowana was working on, but that will have to wait until some other time.

Ah, nuts! I had some real killer stuff for you guys to rip off too.
Oh well. Looks like you didn't need it though, Buzzman cuz your newest carving is looking pretty sweet.


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JenTiki posted on 02/16/2010

Hi Buzzy! Happy to see you almost back up to speed. I know I don't post here often, but you're often in my thoughts. See you in six months, my friend!

Cammo posted on 02/17/2010

GROG, Little Lost Kennie, Babalu, Kate, Mieko, Buzzy, Poki.
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BIG tiki scott posted on 02/17/2010

this guys lookin sweet!! poki rocks!! cheerz buzzy!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/18/2010

It was real nice day here today. It actually got so warm I took off my shirt while carving. just when it gets real nice here on the coast, in comes the fog. It's supposed to be cloudy here tomorrow, but sunny inland. By sunset, I could see it creeping in:
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Yesterday was nice and clear
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More work done between the eyes and on the top of the head:
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I'll round the eyes last. they'll be the same size, just rounder
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The nostrils need to be done later as well. I needed to move on from the head while I worked on other parts

On to the body...

I always go real slow, balanced, and deliberate when I do the next steps. However, this time I wanted to wiki-quicky my way through it. I see where others mess up doing it like this, so aware of the potential problems I'll have to deal with if I don't get it right, right off, I charge on...

front of arms and chest profile:
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It's just a couple triangle/pyramids cut out
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Same on the back, but more shallow looking because arms sit just behind of 90 degree from center line line.
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that will leave me enough room for the cut throughs

Next was tapering the chest and back to the waist. Here is when I noticed I really messed up on the earlier carving step. This wouldn't of happened if I did it the way I usually do. Now I added some fix it time to it. I guess it's a wash, timewise...
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Moving on to the legs:
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I don't usually do the legs like this either. Let's hope I haven't messed it up already
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a lot more to do, but most of it's done
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Poki the puppy update:

Now Poki likes to play in an old wine barrel I used to use as a planter. usually she just sits in it and stares at the bay, or barks at the trains. Here she is digging away.
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Playing ball in the wine barrel:
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Here she is wathing me work:
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On 2010-02-15 21:44, Bowana wrote:

Ah, nuts! I had some real killer stuff for you guys to rip off too.

Hey Bowana. Babalu was just over here and we were devising more devious ways to mess with you. He borrowed a bunch a CocoJoes of mine and said something about showing up your newHawaiin Kona guy mugs. Whatever you do in reponse to him doing that, I'm going to rip off.

On 2010-02-15 23:04, JenTiki wrote:
Hi Buzzy! Happy to see you almost back up to speed. See you in six months, my friend!

I'm getting close to being back up to full speed. I do feel pretty good right now. 6 Months... C-ya then!

On 2010-02-17 03:38, BIG tiki scott wrote:
this guys lookin sweet!! poki rocks!! cheerz buzzy!!

thanks BTS. I just hope I can fix that warp on his chest. Poki does rock! Not Van halen rocks, but more like cool dog rocks!

I hope it isn't cloudy tomorrow. I was going to work on my tan some more.
Is there such thing as a Polynesian sun dance?
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-17 20:45 ]

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leleliz posted on 02/18/2010

puppy is super cute!

oh and those carves aint bad either :wink:

TheBigT posted on 02/18/2010

On 2010-02-17 20:41, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Now Poki likes to play in an old wine barrel I used to use as a planter. usually she just sits in it and stares at the bay, or barks at the trains. Here she is digging away.
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Oh, I didn't realize you were up on a hill! Cool.

I like the new guy. I'll have to re-read your destructions so I can understand where the pitfalls are that you mentioned. I saw lots of pencil lines, angled ones.... and then my eyes glazed over. :lol:

TSW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/48f154ad18ad50a211d1a6f886f64a3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Sperm Whale posted on 02/18/2010

I am liking the new Tiki alot!! I really like the big round eyes!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/19/2010

Yesterday's sunset:
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It actually ended up being suny yesterday. i worked outside most of the day to celebrate. today is much colder and cloudy.

On 2010-02-18 09:38, TheBigT wrote:
I'll have to re-read your destructions so I can understand where the pitfalls are that you mentioned. I saw lots of pencil lines, angled ones.... and then my eyes glazed over. :lol:

Here, I'll save you the trouble with one picture of just a couple angled pencil lines:

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The left was where I got offline originally from where I should have been.It should have been a straight line, not the hourglass curvy line it is now. The right side was correct when I first carved it, but I had to mess it up to match the messed up left. In the above picture, the right side was just eyeballed to make it match the left. I still have a bit more to take off that side. Those lines on there help me match the curve of the left to the curve of the right side when I carve it. Before I did my final corrections, I snapped that picture to show how off each were. Since then, I carved the problems away, and in the end, it all turned out fine...

As you will see from this new Tiki Update:

First step was to move the arms back a bit. I left extra on the back of the arms when I rough carved it, just in case. That way, I could move them back by cutting off the front of them, or keep them forward by cutting off some of the back. When I looked at it, it seemed they were a little forward..

so off with about an inch on the arm's front:
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Looks the same from the front:
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Next I did the arm cut throughs. I started on the front
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Moving down to the legs now, I take out stuff to make a space between them.
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I also rounded out the upped thighs

the space is just a wedge with rounded edges.
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I'll do the same with the feet

So they will end up looking like this:
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After this, it was the biggest pain in the butt part, the cut between the legs. I used small Stubai "U" to do it. It's about 3/16" wide. It took forever. In the end, it looks just like a skinny chainsaw cut.

Here it is done:
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Ass side:
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Here's the whole guy as he stands now:
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I just have the eyes, nostrils, and arms to do
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I like it so far...

Poki update:

Poki wants everyone to know she's been keeping herself real busy and having a lot of fun.

She's been playing with pepper seeds that fall out of the tree:

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And trying to chew a tiki out of a stick that fell out of a different tree:
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And when she feels tired, she takes a little nap:
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On 2010-02-17 20:51, leleliz wrote:
puppy is super cute! oh and those carves aint bad either :wink:

At least the novelty of the puppy hasn't worn off yet!

On 2010-02-18 09:38, TheBigT wrote:
Oh, I didn't realize you were up on a hill! Cool.

This shot is from an island half way across the bay looking east towards my house. I'm global warming safe up on the hill, but probably not big tsunami safe.
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Those mobile homes in the foreground are on a peninsula. There's another body of water between them and the hill I'm on.

that picture's from the tiki island takeover post It shows a little more of the bay out in back of my house

On 2010-02-18 09:54, The Sperm Whale wrote:
I am liking the new Tiki alot!! I really like the big round eyes!!

thanks Spermy! Those round eyes are in response to the proliferation a small asian eyed Bali import tikis. Long live the Round Eyes! I'm glad I pulled off the body so far too. It's got a nice presence to it in person.

hopefully I'll wrap this tiki up this evening.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-19 16:01 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/22/2010

Yesterday's sunset:
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It rained here off and on the last couple of days. I think it's raining now, in fact.

Tiki update:

I got the arms done first:
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They look just a little too skinny
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To make the arms a little bigger, all I had to do was make everything else a little smaller. First I brought down the chest a little. Then I narrowed the chest profile to expose more upper arm. This made the arm look better, but the legs still looked too fat . Here he is with the upper chest worked on a bit and the whole thing sanded a little:
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I made the legs about 1/2" skinnier on each side next. Now thw arms do not look as skinny
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I also rounded the eyes
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and put in nostrils.
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I did a little on the back of the neck and head too,but those changes weren't exciting enough to photo document
So that one is technically done, so will sit for a while to wait to be sanded and finished.

That means it's time to start a new one:
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This one will be a quicker test/practice piec

Poki had some fun this weekend. Ringo stopped by to hang out with her:
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They played until after 2am last night. Poki didn't get out of bed until after 3pm today. She's not used to the late night party scene yet. Hopefully she'll grow into it.

Back to work,
Buzzy Out!

Lake Surfer posted on 02/22/2010

Loving the new carve Buzz, some amazing physics going on with all that weight on the top and a skinny middle.

Great Poly-Pop flavor going on with the eyes and body!

Good to see ya at it again!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/23/2010

Today's sunset:
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Looks like all the rain has passed.

Last night, I continued on with the new split log tiki.

When I last posted, I had just done the outline of the head. Now notches are done above the ears
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I put a blue cloth up for a better picture here. Bottom head profile done and the neck drawn out
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face drawn on and the neck and chest are initialy carved on
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Arms started, and more done on the upper chest and shoulder area:
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more done on the neck, the hands are roughed in, and the arms are carved more
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Stuff taken off the back to enhance the profile of it
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A little refining here and there to end the sunlight portion of my workday
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Working on the head/face is next. after that, just the fingers.

Poki update:

After resting all day yesterday, Poki was back up to speed today. She hung out in the sun and played while I worked. Here she is getting a last look at the sun for the day:

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On 2010-02-21 23:30, Lake Surfer wrote:
Loving the new carve Buzz, some amazing physics going on with all that weight on the top and a skinny middle.

I hope the feet are heavy enough to anchor it. Seems to be pretty stable. It's suprisingly light, however. I thkink it's only about 6.5 inches diameter. It was hard to fit all that empty space in that small of a log. That's the challenge, and that's what keeps it fun. Stay warm!

Break time!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-22 18:35 ]

hiltiki posted on 02/23/2010

Buzzy that last picture of poki, you should make into postcards and sell them it is fantastic. Anyways, I like the red wood stains on the chest of the moai, your work looks good.

Cammo posted on 02/23/2010

"Buzzy that last picture of Poki, you should make into postcards and sell them..."

Like this?
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amate posted on 02/23/2010

I always enjoy visiting your thread and the tutorials are helpful. I didn't see a full profile of the recent Moai. That's always the hardest part for me. Please consider including one when you update. Thankis for all your help and inspiration.

hiltiki posted on 02/24/2010

Cammo, all the bold lettering is taking away Poki's charm. Since you want my opinion I would say a simple white thin border around the picture with another border inside, maybe a bamboo motif border. And maybe a smaller description on the bottom of the card with some kind of a tiki calligraphy?!? You know? I want him to look macho and proud looking back at the camera. This card should be all about Poki.

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Benzart posted on 02/24/2010

Yes, Nice instructions here Buzzy, I need to hang around here more and re learn how to carve a tiki or tu. Love the skinny arm tiki with the big eyes too!
Happy to see you back up to speed, you feeling 100% yet?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/24/2010

Yesterday's sunset had a big Navy ship on the horizon. Today you can see a Navy chopper just above the sun:
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Go Navy!

Tiki progress:

I started the day with it here:
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I stopped working on the face last night because the light sucked and I needed to see it better to carve. I need a new light in my living room for when I carve.

Little more blocking out of the face:
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Now on to the nose refinements:
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Nose done, mouth next:
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Mouth done:
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Right before carving the hands
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Hands and ears carved, all done now:
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One more for the sanding pile...

Poki update:

Poki says she likes Hiltiki's idea for the card. She thanks Cammo for the work he did on it and the liverwurst.
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Poki plays with her new toy: Molding wood scrap piece tied to a rope
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Poki's new trick is using her doggy door to go outside on her own. They grow up so fast...

On 2010-02-22 19:52, hiltiki wrote:
I like the red wood stains on the chest of the moai, your work looks good.

This log had some issues. I got it fresh cut the day it came down, but noticed that the tree was dying from the inside. There was a big dead spot that ran all down the log. Every piece had the same spot in the center of it. It was dry, dead, and decomposing wood with fresh wet live wood all around it. In this picture, you can see the dark brown part, which is the old dead part of the tree, Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b84f508.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6187c8827bd7e6fdd36dc5234047aabb
that wood sucks and is uncarvable for my needs, so I had to work around it. It fit in pretty good with the layout of this Maoi, as you can see. I managed to squeeze the carving in all the good wood parts. That red stain is where I started to carve into it, and when I got deep enough, it started to expose it. the rest of the log will get darker, and I'll probably stain it dark so it will not even be noticable anymore.

On 2010-02-23 15:39, amate wrote:
I didn't see a full profile of the recent Moai. Please consider including one when you update. Thankis for all your help and inspiration.

Hey Amate! The profile picture will not really help you that much. I used a split log for it, so I didn't have enough wood to do it orrect scale to depth. I consider the split log carvings I do to be relief carvings. To get the side profile correct, I'd need another inch for the chin, two more for the nose, and two or three for the whole back of the body. I just try to get them to look like they are full round deep carvings from the front view only. Lately, I've been hollowing out the backs so that they are lighter and can be hung to a wall.
It's only 5" deep(13cm)
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to do it right, I'd need a square stock piece about 10" x 10". I had to compress everything to fit it in

Here's an example of one of the latest finished wall hangers I did. From the front, it looks like a full, carved to depth tiki:
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But the side shows it's only 4.5" deep. I had onl about 1.5" to fit in the whole mouth and face after I made the headress so wide. It doesn't look flat from the front, thankfully
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The hollowed back lightens it up and gives room for hanging hardware.
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This one weighs only 9 pounds. (2.2 kilos) I probably will not hollow out the moai. I still have to decide...

On 2010-02-23 18:47, hiltiki wrote:
Cammo, This card should be all about Poki.

That's what Poki just told me! then she started chewing on her butt and took a nap...

On 2010-02-23 18:57, Benzart wrote:
Yes, Nice instructions here Buzzy, I need to hang around here more and re learn how to carve a tiki or tu. Happy to see you back up to speed, you feeling 100% yet?

I'm 100%, 25% of the time. I'm not quite back to full strength yet, but I'm working on getting there as soon as possible without reinjuring myself. I have to work on my stamina too. I seem to be a lot weaker now than I was a few months back. Must have been all that sitting around I did for three months. Or maybe that's just old age finally creeping up on me? Anyway, I feel really good most of the time, and when I do not, the recovery time is real quick. I definitely feel like all this will very very soon be behind me. Then it will be just like the rest of my life up until now: a memory. And if you need some help on our tikis, just let me know and I'll do a special request tutorial for you. :wink:

I'll do them for other people too, but Benzart's always first.
Any requests?
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-24 02:25 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-24 02:34 ]

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eric 21 posted on 02/24/2010

toujours du super boulot !!!j'adore ....

de plus ta région est top !!!!!

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 02/26/2010

the ku wall hanger is tops!

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SDshirtman posted on 02/26/2010

Awesome stuff Buzz. I'm still blown away you get away with carving on your carpet. Good thing you're not married.

[ Edited by: SDshirtman 2010-02-25 23:11 ]

TheBigT posted on 02/26/2010

I think the spots look fine. Some of them have kind of a cool shape. I see how it is probably pretty impossible to carve tho.

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TikiG posted on 02/26/2010

Lovin' the new carves, Buzzy :)

By the way - when you post those beautiful sunset pics looking across the bay towards the ocean - from your house - do you glimpse Belmont Park and the roller coaster?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/02/2010

Today's Sunset:
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We just had a storm, and have another on the way. Today was a pleasant day in between...

If this next piece of wood is real nice and will work as a drum, then a drum it will be. Otherwise, it wil be a chair, table, or something. I started by cleaning a log with my handy Ryobi planer. It's definitely not square, so a little measuring and cutting is in order
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This is straight enough to start laying it out:
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Some tiki drafting and i'm ready to cut:
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Zip zip zip with the saw. I hope I don't wander with the chainsaw. I gave myself a half inch of error room to absorb any slips or strays
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Next step was to remove the wedges by hand. Here's the pile after I was done
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I got done removing it all just a little after sunset. It's not as dark as it looks in the pictures as it was in reality:
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I got it to here before I wrapped it up for the day:
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Dog dayz:
Poki went to the vet today for her last puppy shots. She was 16lbs one month ago, 24lbs today.
Ringo came over this weekend and taught Poki how to get dirty:
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Poki's sporting a new collar too:
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On 2010-02-26 14:34, TikiG wrote:
By the way - when you post those beautiful sunset pics looking across the bay towards the ocean - from your house - do you glimpse Belmont Park and the roller coaster?

Yeah. It's pretty much straight out from me. I can see it all lit up at night. And when the wind blows just right, I can smell the urine drenched gutters of PB too!

On 2010-02-26 14:17, TheBigT wrote:
I think the spots look fine.

They'll fade, and the rest of the tiki will get darker. It's already starting to happen. A little stain and it will be like they aren't even there.

On 2010-02-25 23:11, SDshirtman wrote:
Good thing you're not married.

After I did every cool and fun thing that I was ever able to do in my life, I thought that very same thought.

On 2010-02-25 23:04, kingstiedye wrote:
the ku wall hanger is tops!

hey Bullet, you seen this slander?:

On 2010-01-14 15:53, Unga Bunga wrote:
Ya, he looks like he's doing OK.
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You can totally tell he photoshop enhanced my tan line to make me look like a fool!

On 2010-02-24 03:00, eric 21 wrote:
toujours du super boulot !!!j'adore ....

de plus ta région est top !!!!!

I think you said:

"Oh Great Mr. Super Buzzy Sir!!!! You are the greatest..... in the whole region!!!!!"

If those weren't the exact words, don't worry, I still know what you meant.

Internationally acclaimed Top in the Region,
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-03-01 22:19 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/03/2010

Today's end:
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TikiG: Here's the Belmont Park roller coaster right behind the Island we left the tiki on
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Today's Carving progress:

I started the day by checking and seeing how close I got to where I needed to be with the chainsaw yesterday. The lack blines tell me where to go when I fix everything up and even it out:
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I got real close! Only one will side have to be dealt with later, and only by a centimeter or so. The rest will be fixed in the next step. I"ll do that by hand

Meanwhile, Poki settled with her toys in on a pile of woodchips and saw dust:
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The eventual result should be that all sides look even like this:
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Two more to go...

By this time, Poki's worn out and napping on the saw dust
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It's getting real close here:
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At daylight's end, I was done with the cleaning up part. I measured all the leges to check myaccuracy. Out of twelve measurments, two were off half centimeter, one was off one cemntometer, amd that was the part I had to correct from the chainsaw drift. Those small amounts will not matter at all, so I got lucky, so far:
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After a good rest, I started my evening of work.

First step was making a grid of it to transfer on to a stencil for the legs
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I traced this on all six sides:
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Flipped it over and knocked out the bottom cut out:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2da0.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4b8a460e2cc29156160c0bc259710157

Then the middle one:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2db4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c87c2beaf00970541ac38daf8d9ff833

Now the top cut out and a little more profile work on the tops of each leg:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2dee.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=591345fc5d20192c4c8ed2a8d6177eef
I need to lighten it up on the top a bit more before I do the last profile cuts on the bottom. I don't want to break off a foot moving it around when carving the rest of it, so I'll leave that last section there for a while.

Next I tapered in the bell bottom of the drum:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2e11.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f228ea55e667a226b40b6f563c5c1cd3

Then I ended the day after I started the interior drum hole:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2e2b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b0c900ad76170309a4e3c18af1aee04b
I have to bore straight through at that diameter. Then the hole will end up exactly between the 3 support legs. After that hole busts through, I'll shape the inside of the drum bowl.

All that can wait until tomorrow...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4b8e2e7b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=786fce86fd4cd08a6a23847e6dacdf2a
Poki and I will back to the usual routine tomorrow.

Buzzy Out!

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