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eBay: Tiki Hut FishTank - If I lived in Florida I would be all over this!

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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 05/01/2007

Well, I only posted this for some lucky TC Ohana that lives close enough to go pick this item up!

I swear if I lived close enough, (not the opposite coast! :cry: ), I would grab this in a heart beat!

If someone here does score it please put a post of it with your fish and decorations when you get it all together so that I can enjoy it vicariously through you! :)

Large Octogon Tiki Hut FishTank w/ Filter,pump & extras

Item number: 280110624933


[ Edited by: Dr.TikiMojo 2007-05-02 11:24 ]

POCKETIKI posted on 05/01/2007

On 2007-05-01 15:05, Dr.TikiMojo wrote:
...I swear if I lived close enough, (not the opposite coast! :cry: ), I would grab this in a heart beat!...

Too right! And if I didn't live in a whole different continent altogether I'd be right there with ya! That is awesome!! Some lucky fish is gonna be cool in his school! Geddit? School? School of fi....Fair enough, I won't carp on about it...Wahey!

Trader Jim - Make mine a Mai-Tai!

kikekeki posted on 05/02/2007

believe it or not...
I already have one! Square, not octagonal, but just as sweet!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 05/02/2007

I always wanted one of the Giant Treasure Chest style of aquariums but this one was really cool also....and would take up less floor space.....which I have none of!

Mo-Eye posted on 03/08/2010

Here's one for anyone on Oahu. Super cheap at $25!! I would have jumped on it if I wasn't moving to the mainland in 2 months!


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