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Free tiki bar light contest....

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikiskip posted on 03/04/2010

Hey Im having a contest and giving away a free light.
Guess how long the rattan chain is and win.
Details/enter here.

tikiskip posted on 03/06/2010

Lots of good guesses.
But no one has hit the nail on the head yet.
Still lots of time to get in.

So what do you say? do ya wanna play?
I love cash cab!
Good luck!!!!

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2010-03-05 16:31 ]

tikiskip posted on 03/18/2010

Last day!!
Sorry for the long run time of this contest.
Here's the light you will win.
Contest ends midnight Ohio time the 18th, tonight!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/18/2010

What an awesome job you did on that light. It looks fantastic. Someone is gonna be a lucky devil winning that beauty! Thanks for the contest!


Or Got Rum? posted on 03/18/2010

Yes, Thanks so much for the contest. That light is over the top mood setting sweet! OGR

Trader Tom posted on 03/30/2010

Thanks again for the contest! The light arrived safe and sound. I still can't believe I won. I now have three swag lamps: this one, a pufferfish light I made, and an orange spaghetti lucite saucer-shaped lamp. Eventually, I plan on putting together a Tiki room and your light will have a prominent place.

tikiskip posted on 03/31/2010

So glad you like it Tom!!
Glad it got there safe.
I want to do more of these in the future.

Pages: 1 6 replies