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Maori or Fijian?

Pages: 1 10 replies

crazy al posted on 03/20/2010

this is a Fijian club not Maori correct??
any way check out this post i found... do 'we' know him??

crazy al posted on 03/20/2010

found this too while pic snagging.. has someone posted it?? super cool carving here:

and you club carvers have to see this one if someone did not post it. incredible Ebay researching here:


[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-03-20 17:18 ]

pdrake posted on 03/20/2010

that's a fijian "gata" club. the thing holding is called, "nutcasius craptacticus".

Paipo posted on 03/20/2010

Ha! I know that tiki...it's at the shell shop in Hokitika along with a few others. Turi Gibbs is the artist - his style is very distinctive (and very cool). Lots of his tikis are like this with really animated postures. He also does incredible jade work:
You should really come to NZ on a field trip Al....

...and yes that's a Fijian "gunstock" club (someone else may know the proper name). I have no idea what he's trying to express with the combo of wig, warclub, bastardised female facial tattoo and tighty-whities, but he looks like he's having fun doing it.

Nice wahaika too...and pretty good price for an elaborate and old piece.

crazy al posted on 03/21/2010

in defense, hopeful thinking, and not knowing the true... that guy could be taking reference shots for a painting or other artist endeavor.... if one could only see into the files of painters/illustrators......

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-03-20 17:20 ]

kingstiedye posted on 03/21/2010

i love it! c'al finds a pic of a guy in a barristers wig and underwear and his first thought is "hey, that club is fijian, not maori"! stay tiki, braddah!
i really dig the shape of that wahaika. imagine if benzart did his version of that one!

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2010-03-21 13:06 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/21/2010

What Drake and KTD said!

kingstiedye posted on 03/21/2010

ooh, now i'm drooling about a similar bk club. (best homer voice) mmmmmm, basement kahuna!

pdrake posted on 03/21/2010

i think tikimecula could do it some justice, too.

Tikilizard posted on 03/21/2010

The "The Colonial (Maori War Club) 2" pic is just creepy but the club is def. cool. Love the pose on the Maori Tiki. Sounds like a great idea to start animating poses. Thanks for the share.

kingstiedye posted on 03/23/2010

On 2010-03-21 13:57, pdrake wrote:
i think tikimecula could do it some justice, too.

oh you're just teasing me now. mmmm, tikimecula!

Pages: 1 10 replies