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THE HULA GIRLS!! X's DJ Bonebrake, recording with the Hula Girls (VIDEO!)

Pages: 1 19 replies

Luckydesigns posted on 05/22/2009

I just finished working on our new song and posted it to our myspace site. We had a great practice the other night and recorded the whole thing. I'm going to be posting all of the songs as I get done dialing them in.... Check out the new one! "THE CURSE OF THE TIKI" Come take a listen. Click on "lyrics" too (in the player) if you want to follow along at home!


Also, we're up on FACEBOOK too now. Come and let's be friends... aww..... Try this link, if it doesn't work, you can do a search on Facebook for The Hula Girls and we should come up there. http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hula-Girls/81807891157?ref=s


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2009-05-22 00:25 ]

[ Edited by: luckydesigns 2010-06-20 08:33 ]

[ Edited by: luckydesigns 2010-06-26 20:09 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 05/24/2009

Well, judging by the overwhelming excitement from the last time I posted a new song on our site, I decided to post another one. It's a story of the age old challenge of getting some hot islander chick to go out with you.... Anyway, we think it's pretty cool.... Take a listen to it on our page.




[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2009-05-24 10:00 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/24/2009

sorry I didn't reply to the last post.
I dug the tune, just was on real quick, and back off after a few min.
good stuff as always man,


Jason Wickedly posted on 05/26/2009

When are you guys going to have a CD already...I'd even take a crappy demo if you had one. The new song is awesome by the way!

tiki mick posted on 05/26/2009

This (Curse of the Tiki) is one of my favorite songs that we do now....I wrote the music after seeing the movie "swingers" (and jotted it down while sitting in my car in traffic) and Spike wrote the lyrics, which fit it perfectly!

it's the only song that we play that I had a hand in writing...and typical Spike, he immediately "got" the concept and came up with killer lyrics about tikis and curses and voodoo drums on the dance floor!!

Yes, we are currently in the planning stages of recording..it might be a while, but I guarantee it will be worth the wait!

Meanwhile, there are "Live" tracks on the myspace and facebook sites, and some cool videos.......

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-05-26 13:02 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 03/22/2010

Hey friends, I just updated all of the songs on our MySpace site. I'm sure happy with the tones and volumes and EVERYTHING.... Come and check 'em out: http://www.myspace.com/thehulagirlsband

There are even some BRAND NEW songs on there!

bigtikidude posted on 03/22/2010


the Song Volcano is killing me,
so so relaxing, and moody.



TxTikiGirl posted on 03/22/2010

Love, Love, Love! Can't wait for the album to be finished! :)

Luckydesigns posted on 03/30/2010

I'd like to introduce the newest 'on and off' members of the Hula Girls. ACTUAL GIRLS....
They'll be joining us on stage at The Galaxy show on April 9th. Email me at [email protected] for discounted tickets....

Miss Ruby Chanpange

Miss Betsey Bosen

bigtikidude posted on 03/30/2010


slapbass posted on 03/31/2010

Ruby's way cool..She did her thing with our band backing her a few times..She makes it really tough to concentrate!!!!!

[ Edited by: slapbass 2010-03-31 07:36 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 03/31/2010

Haha... Right on. I'll try to focus!

Luckydesigns posted on 06/16/2010

Hey! As Tiki Oasis approaches and as does the completion deadline for our album, I decided to post a quick little taste of our lone exotica song, The Hidden Village. Head over to our facebook page and watch the legendary Gary Brandin recording a piece of that song... He is simply amazing on that steel guitar! You'll dig the final version, we have some real cool stuff going on in that song. http://www.facebook.com/thehulagirls

Luckydesigns posted on 06/20/2010

A quick sneak peak into the photoshoot for the album! Shot at Don the Beachcomer's in Sunset Beach, CA with the super cute Miss. Dinah DeRosa!

Luckydesigns posted on 06/21/2010

More behind the scenes pictures on our facebook page!


Luckydesigns posted on 06/27/2010


See DJ recording vibes to Volcano on our Facebook page!! Amazing session today. He also put down some marimba on Curse of the Tiki, among other stuff!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/27/2010

Thats cool Spike!

tiki mick posted on 06/27/2010

The man is a master musician, very schooled in theory! And what a nice guy, too!

He will be doing a gig with King Kukulele soon (at the Egyptian, I think) so keep an eye out!

Luckydesigns posted on 06/27/2010

bigtikidude posted on 06/27/2010

Very cool
DJ Bonebreak is da shit.


Pages: 1 19 replies