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UK Tiki

Pages: 1 7 replies

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/18/2003

I know that Tiki in the south of England is limited to 2 bars in London, but I was wondering if there are any events held here in Blighty? Hopefully next year I'll be in the Islands, S/F and other tiki hotspots to experience the full flavour.

atomictonytiki posted on 09/18/2003

Hello fellow Brit-tiki, welcome to tiki central.
Unfortuantly i don't know of any big tiki events held in britain but i guess it will only be a matter of time.

Trader Woody posted on 09/19/2003

I've run a few small events over the past few years (TikiStock, Tiki's and Ale), but personally have nothing planned until I finish moving house.

There is however the Wild weekend 4 happening in Benidorm, Spain in November. http://www.thewildweekend.com

Lots of Tiki action there, tho' it's not pure Tiki by any stretch of the imagination.

Good to hear there's another Brit on TC, by the way!

Trader Woody

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/19/2003

Looks like I'll be heading up to South London Pacific then for a few Mai Tai. I think there's an all day event at the end of September. I'd better check into it. Are you aware of any tiki carvers in the UK, as I bought one at Hemsby in May, and I'm not sure who carved it as it wasn't the person I bought it off.

hotrod_tiki posted on 09/20/2003

Check out http://www.hotrodtiki.com. Absolutely nothing to do with me but run by a friend of mine. They should have a stall at the Rhythym Riot if you want to see their stuff in the flesh.
Was the Tiki you bought from Beat Inc? If so I could probably get a name and number for you, but it may take a while, let me know.
I know another guy from Norfolk who does stuff and he has been known to sell at Hemsby as well.
I've got one of his carvings in my lounge, if you want I could e-mail you a picture.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/20/2003

I met those cool Hotrodtiki people at the Thorney Island Rod Run, man what a cool wagon they've got. Yeah I'd love to see a pic of your tiki, must get round to posting a picture of mine. I'd like to find out who carved mine, maybe if I post a picture it would narrow the search down for the carver. Roll on Rhythm Riot. I've just signed up for their 15 minutes of fame, 15 minutes on the decks in the pub on Saturday for us people who play 45's in their lounge and think 'I could do that'. Can't wait.

[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2003-09-20 02:33 ]

hotrod_tiki posted on 09/20/2003

Are you going to the Clacton Allnighter? My girlfriend is putting on a stall and she will have a selection of Tiki bits and pieces for sale, including mugs and exclusive t-shirts. If you are going come over and introduce yourself.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/20/2003

Probably can't make it, but please let us know when there is anything else going on. Cheers

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