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eBay: Ebay: A few cool things by Seamus

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seamus posted on 09/18/2003

Hi folks. I threw a few things up for auction this week. They close fri, sat, and monday. One of the items is the same model Tiki I donated to the Hawaiian Room, only in black.




Happy viewing!!

Tiki-bot posted on 09/18/2003

Nice to see some new Seamus originals up for sale again.

tikitony posted on 09/21/2003

Nice concretens Seamus. Looking goOd. I love the idea of concrete tikis..

seamus posted on 09/22/2003

Thanks guys. I started off in concrete making Moais, (which seemed like the most appropriate material) and it just spread from there. The other day my neighbor was laughing, saying that in a thousand years someone will be excavating my backyard thinking they have discovered some bizarre neo primitive culture. There are bits and pieces of various Tikis scattered all over!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/22/2003


You're tiki pieces were a real nice addition to the Resurrection of the Hawiian Room last Saturday. When MTKahuna presented one to the owners of the bar, I thought the lady was going to cry she was so happy.

seamus posted on 09/22/2003

WOW! That's cool. Thanks. Maybe I'll use that as a sales pitch.... my Tikis make the women cry! I just couldn't stand the thought of a cool old Tiki bar w/no Tikis. That's about as offensive as a Pub with no beer. I would've loved to have been there. We get a little starved for event action up here in the NW. I still want to come south soon. Anybody want to order some Tikis and save on shipping?

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