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the Deadlies

Pages: 1 6 replies

jimmyandthesharks posted on 04/04/2010
tiki mick posted on 04/05/2010

Normally I don't go in for spam....but this is actually good stuff!

Big Tiki Dude, what dost thou thinkest?

JOHN-O posted on 04/05/2010

I thought the Deadlies were OK:


For pseudo Surf Rock, I like the Surf Punks better:


For animated Rock n' Roll, no one tops Josie & the Pussycats:


And for simulated surfing scenes, Batman and the Joker had way better moves:


Also I understand they're looking for a stand up bass player. :)

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-04-04 21:04 ]

bigtikidude posted on 04/05/2010

The Deadlies are cool guys, and a lot of fun.
but not my cup of tea musically.

not bad. just not what I'm into.

I booked them at the Purple Orchid one time.


jimmyandthesharks posted on 04/05/2010

Thanks Lucas!

I really appreciate the compariso JOHN-O, we're huge fans of the Surf Punks and we're honored to be compared to them not to mention Josie and Batman which are too much for me fathom.

Irregardless of what BTD feels about our music, we love him!
His enthusiasism has kept the surf music culture alive in SoCal and help spread it to the world.

We still look at the gig at the Purple Orchid and Shawn Ambrose's a bright spot in along series of dates at Magic Mountain... I hope we can do it again this summer!!!

Love, James

tiki mick posted on 04/05/2010

What I like about this particular song is the change in style between the verse and the chorus. It goes from surf with a heavy metal/punk kind of attitude to an almost 70's shaft style part...all that's missing is the "wacka wack" guitar and you got it, baby!

jimmyandthesharks posted on 04/14/2010

We have a TV show.... there might be a sparkley shirt involved....sorry.


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