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Vintage Rattan Furniture Find in So Cal

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bugnbox posted on 04/10/2010

OK...I was hitting estate sales this morning and came across a very nice 50's Rattan furniture set that was for sale. I have not bought it yet, but I can if it looks like it's a deal. Ive got no room for it but would be happy to quick-turn it to someone if they are in love with it and can make something for the efforts of going to grab it and haul it...etc. Not trying to retire off the proceeds or anything...just make some Mai Tai money!

Anyway, there is a round wall shelf...4 band with wood shelves approx 30", there is a nice pretzel style chair, a matching pretzel style sofa (3 seater), and end table and a smaller arm chair. Its all been re-upholstered with nice island style material (not bark cloth unfortunately) but its all in great shape. The chair and the sofa have two band arms.

Im located in Northern San Diego County...but I travel to Orange County and the Inland Empire quite often, and Palm Springs/Palm Desert is not much of a stretch either.

Price wise I'm thinking $750 ish for the lot?
Delivery possible for gas money...

Let me know your thoughts...the window of opportunity is a small one, but it was just too cool to leave it there and not try to find it all a home.

Email or PM me with any interest!


bugnbox posted on 04/11/2010

Let me know your thoughts on value/price...is it a bargain?, is it too much?.

Im just basing it on what they wanted for it...not what I "think" it's worth.

Thortiki posted on 04/11/2010

On 2010-04-10 18:04, bugnbox wrote:
Let me know your thoughts on value/price...is it a bargain?, is it too much?.

Im just basing it on what they wanted for it...not what I "think" it's worth.

bugnbox A set like this can really MAKE a home Tiki room! I would be thinking more like $600.00 for the grouping & the fabric redo looks GOOD. I can tell you on the East Coast this original stuff is NOT easy to find. Best of luck! Thortiki

1961surf posted on 04/11/2010

Yeah two band rattan is not as sought after, and that price is really not in line with
todays market .Vintage rattan unfortunately is soft on the market right now.

bugnbox posted on 04/13/2010

What do you think it is realistically worth?
Would you be interested in buying it for re-sale? If so...what would you pay?

If the lady has'nt sold it I can always pitch her an offer and see what she says.

I wish I had the space for it myself...the more I look at it, the more I like it!

I bought the round wall shelf and am going to keep that for myself...but the other stuff? What do you think?

1961surf posted on 04/13/2010

I have way to much rattan to buy other peoples.I am not interested in two strand rattan
at all.All the cushions need to be replaced, that alone will set you back .
I would like to see a pic of the round wall shelf though.

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