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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Guesstimate ???

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chrisandsarahb posted on 04/12/2010

So I found a source for material for my next tiki, a big one. I haven't gone out to look at it yet, but the guy said the palm trees are 3 feet wide and I'm hoping to get a section at least 6 feet tall.

Any guesstimates as too how much this might weigh and how many friends I have to make drinks for to talk them into helping me get the piece in and out of my truch?


Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 04/12/2010

If the log is freshly cut ...it'll be heavy .....if it's as big as you say it'll be really heavy

I have a log here at home that has been drying for a year it is

12"diameter x 36" high = 9.428cubic feet and weighs 45 lbs

36" diameter x 6 feet tall = 169.71 cubic feet

45/ 9.428 = roughly 4.77 lbs per cubic foot

4.77lbs x 169.71 cubic feet = 809.5 lbs

so 800lbs and that is if the log is fairly dry

My advice ..... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2838840948842020934#

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/12/2010


4WDtiki posted on 04/12/2010

Yeah, I'll second what the Cap'n says. I was going to make a conservative guess of 500-600.

Your best bet would be a to get a flatbed truck with ramps, and have several people to roll it up and on.

Is this a tree that's about to be cut down, or something that's been cut down for years.

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/12/2010

aye aye aye, maybe I'll take a smaller piece, bummer. Its already cut down, but I don't know for how long. I still need to go out and check it.

Cap'n Pharaoh posted on 04/13/2010

I hope I did not discourage you from this log.
It sounds great ....If you have the opportunity to carve on site ...you can eliminate alot of the weight right away . Even if you just do some rough cuts.

Especially if you Carve Deeeper!

Go for it!

..See the Captains Blog

[ Edited by: Cap'n Pharaoh 2010-04-12 18:34 ]

Beachbumz posted on 04/13/2010

I know, I just had to pass on a big coconut log w/root the other day because it was to big for us to handle... You could always cut it into two halfs and get two great tiki's out of it...

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/13/2010

Thanks guys, nope, not discouraged. Me and the dudes have been brainstormin all day about ramps, come alongs, etc... We'll get it home......hopefully......To be Continued

furball posted on 04/13/2010

It all depends on how bad you want it. I got this log out of the woods with only 3 guys and my F-150... myself, my 16 year old and one of his friends. It's Sugarpine and weighs at least 400 pounds.

Aaron's Akua posted on 04/13/2010

I used this Log Weight Calculator for a cherry log that I picked up one time. Turned out it weighed about 800 lbs, so we decided to slice it in half first.

I didn't see a category for palm logs, so you might look for something that you think is about the same density.

For example, if it were basswood, it would weigh 1487 lbs. White pine would weigh 1578 lbs.

Good luck!


furball posted on 04/13/2010

Great resource Aaron. Using the calculator you posted, it puts the log in my picture at over 800 pounds. Again, just 3 guys. We rolled it, and lifted it using a little help with leverage and a lot of determination. The other 2 guys were small too, just teenagers, maybe 150 pounds each. I'm pretty big and work out (6'2" - 210lbs) but I was recovering from a knee surgery so wasn't at full strength when we harvested it. I think you could do it with 3-4 guys. Just take it slow. We had other smaller logs stacked at the end of the truck and just kept getting one end higher until it was even with the bed, then... we pushed. haahaa

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surfintiki posted on 04/13/2010

Cool! Like the ancient Moai!!

Beachbumz posted on 04/14/2010

How about just dragg'in it behind the truck.... Then no need for using the planer.. :wink:

furball posted on 04/14/2010

:lol: Pavement = 10grit

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/24/2010

Update, went to the site to check out the palms. Definitely ginormous, LOL! Picked up a couple of small pieces while I was there. Still determined to get the big bad boy home :wink:

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MauiTiki posted on 04/25/2010

great job getting those in the truck, they definitely get lighter as they dry.

I've got a 35 foot tall Fan Palm in my yard. I want to get a big 6 foot hunk of trunk to carve and I'm worried about getting it from one side of the yard to the other.

Good luck and show pictures as you get them started.

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seeksurf posted on 04/28/2010

Hell ya get the big one. come-along works for me. I have use this to get logs in the van.

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tiki tonz posted on 04/29/2010

Hello,I am from Rancho too. Did you get these from Lake Elsinore? If so I almost went there to get some,but they were too big for me to handle. Props if you get them. Tikitonz.

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/30/2010

Tiki Tonz, dude no way, another Tiki bro in Rancho, we gots to hook up. Yah, it's from Elsinore. Small world, lol!

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tikigodz posted on 05/01/2010

When does the carving start?

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tiki tonz posted on 05/04/2010

Hey for sure! You can get my info on tikitonz.net give me a buzzzz!

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Benzart posted on 05/09/2010

Hey Give the dog a Byte before he gets a toe.

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Awesome truckload of "Soon to be" tikis, man theres Pride written all over'em already! Can't wait..

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