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The Hula Girls @ Spyder Surf Fest on Saturday 4/17/10

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Luckydesigns posted on 04/16/2010

Spyder Surfboards is proud to present Surf Fest 3, Saturday, April 17th on the Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza. Following the success of the last two years, Spyder Surfboards has again joined forces with the City of Hermosa Beach and the Southern California Surf Industry for another exciting Legends of Surf Weekend. The Hula Girls will be performing on the Hurley stage along with Davey Warsop from The Beat Union.

Surf Fest 3 will also have a ton of free giveaways, games and food.

The day will start at 8 a.m with The High School Surfing Championships bringing together sixteen of the best surf teams from the South Bay, followed by The Surfers Walk of Fame at 11 a.m and the bands will take the stage at 1 p.m. For more info. check out spydersurf.com.

When: Saturday, April 17th 8 a.m

Where: Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza

The Hula Girls at 3:00

bigtikidude posted on 04/16/2010

it would be nice to see a surf band, at a surf event.
But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Most surfers think Jack Johnson is surf music, heh heh.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-04-15 21:28 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 04/16/2010

Yeah, exactly. This is a very modern 'action sports' surf event though. It's a much younger crowd. Still not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon, out there in the sun!

tiki mick posted on 04/16/2010

On 2010-04-15 21:28, bigtikidude wrote:

it would be nice to see a surf band, at a surf event.
But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Most surfers think Jack Johnson is surf music, heh heh.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-04-15 21:28 ]

How many real surfers actually listen to "surf" rock?

Dartin Menny posted on 04/16/2010
  • lucas vigor wrote:*

How many real surfers actually listen to "surf" rock?

... you'd be surprised! Well, but they're all of the old dudes at Bolsa Chica and San O.

The young kids of today probably don't even know what reverb is! shame shame

[ Edited by: Dartin Menny 2010-04-16 07:36 ]

tikiyaki posted on 04/16/2010

Jack Johnson...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

tiki mick posted on 04/16/2010

Yeah, I am not a big fan of his, either!

bigtikidude posted on 04/16/2010

Anyways, sorry to derail the thread,
But being that you are in at Hurley,
try to talk to them about getting some real surf in there.
If you ever need connections for bands.
let me know.

Have a great show.


Mongoloid posted on 04/16/2010

I surf and dont consider myself "old" which is all relative. Im not a grom and im not an old guys club t shirt wearing dude either. I have recently re-established my passion for surf music, and have migrated to the more mellow, moody, slower songs. The spanish influenced surf music with morracas and tamborines that makes you picture a machisimo matador taking on a bull, or the spagehtti western influence with saxaphones that build into a dramatic climax then bring it back down again to end the song. But i dont listen to surf music when im driving to my local surf spot, i try to find something that has lyrics and usually it sticks in my head and becomes a soundtrack so when im paddling out or dropping in i have that song playing in my head or im just kinda singing it to myself when im sitting there waiting for the next set. But when i get home after a session i like to put on some surf music which allows me to reflect on the waves i caught and maybe in a way romanticize them in my head and taste them on my pallet again. Back in the day at San Onofre, nobody was playing the Beach Boys even when they were at their height, you would hear rhythm and blues. Surf music isnt designed just for surfers its really like exotica in a way that it allows you to put yourself in an alternate place and in this case not just on a wave but at a bull fight or about to witness a shoot out in a dusty saloon while drinking whiskey with Josie Wells.

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/17/2010

I wish I could make it to this event today. Grrr, work sucks. Would have been great to surf beforehand as well. Have a killer show Hula Girls!

1961surf posted on 04/17/2010

Well spoken Mongoloid.I couldn't have stated it better myself, especially since I just got
out of the water from surfing some fun waves at River Jetties and I was playing the Sandals sound track Endless Summer as I read .Keep the surf stoke.

tiki mick posted on 04/18/2010

Bong, Jim and a random chick

The elusive Dr. Z!


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Live from Jersey Shore, it's Dominic Tucci!

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Matt "the Situation" marble!

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The Drummer for the Cadillac Tramps, playing with the other band:

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[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-04-18 08:06 ]

1961surf posted on 04/19/2010

I believe the drummer is Jamie Reidling, went to high school with him and his three brothers.

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