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Grapa-Ruha's Carving a meal for the Marq pg.10

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Aloha my Tiki friends,

It's been awhile since I posted something, but sometimes there is more in live that has to be dealt with than just having fun with a piece of wood. But it can't be just about work neither so here as fast Marq I carved for the garden.

Benz, thanks for the compliment.
Mudbone, 2 would be a real challenge or work :) thanks
Benjamin, Thank you. Keep chipping wood
Laoija, Thank you for your kind words and don't feel sad about the shade. It's just temporary until I come up with or make something better


That lamp kicks ass!


Nice job! he looks strong.

Great stuff Grapa, dig the lamp!


Hi Dude,

Nice work on the half body/hands.

I love the "diamond" eyes.


Mahalo, for all your kind words and compliments.
Here's something different, I dug up a bone from when I was a dog.
Made a hook out of it and finally got the cord right.

Thanks for watching


When you dug up that bone, it wasn't a mudbone was it? :o :lol:


Good looking bone hook.

Nice style and cord work.


Very cool hook pendant! This kind of design me hooked! :roll:
And nice work for the necklace...


Mahalos, Tiki friends.

Nope, it wasn't a mudbone. I store em nice and dry :wink:
Thanks Seeks and Mango, you two are a big inspiration.
Thanks Laojia, I like what you are doing with the wood

Well the bone proves to be addictive, made another hook on a cord and toggle.
Maybe it's because I understand the cord thing and want to braid all the time.
Did a tiny encore, smallest i did so far.
Thanks for watching.

Nice hook and multi-barbs. I need to learn the cord technique. Maybe I can just send all my pendants your way for that finishing touch? :lol: That's one teeny skull.

Thanks Tiki Mango,
Off course you can send all your stuff to me so I can put a chord on them.
Some pieces might get lost in the process 8)


Hey Grapa-RuHa,
I´ve been watching this threat for quit a while now. These are some excellent ideas and straight realizations. Cools details on your tikis.
It is always fun to watch and read about bone carving. For myself, I never tried it out but it gives much inspirations. Maybe, one day.
Thanks for sharing.


Hey GR, Glad to see you becoming addicted to the Bone thing as you are doing so Well at it! You are really showing great improvement already, Nice Stuff!

Tok-tok, I hope to see you wielding a mallet and a chisel soon and better times lie ahead. Thanks for the compliments.

Benz, thanks for pushing the addiction :D I do a lot of Benzaerobics (Going after small stuff that took a jump) Bone is fun!

Talking about bone, I started a new shifter for my bike about a month ago that ended on top of the TV set. Now that I have made the small bone skull, I know how to finish him. here's some progress pics.


Like the little skull,Grapa. I should try some little stuff,but scared I lose my fingers tips.:o


Nice wedding: bone and wood!


Excellent carving. The wood looks like basswood isn't it ?
The bone skull is really well done and sticks perfectly with this Marquesan buddy.
Will you let it natural or stain it ? I think natural wood sounds better with this beautiful grain :)



looking nice! i like the wood bone mix too.


Nice! sharp crisp lines, great shape and bone!

Mahalos for all the nice comments again.

Mudbone, thanks and read the safety thread before carving small stuff.
Loajia, bone and wood look excellent together. Thank you.
Benella, Thanks for the nice compliment. It's not basswood, it's a hardwood called maranti I think.
Thanks Clarita and Seeks, nice to see you around here.

Well here's the finished shifter, now I want to make a couple of valve caps to make the bike complete.

Thanks for watching



Hey Grapa,like the stain choice,it enhances the wood and really sets off the skull.Great carve and did you burn the tatoos?


Looking great! You'll have to post a pic of it on the bike. :)

Nice little guy you got yourself there.


Very nice! For your own custom bike (cool).

That came out MEAN looking! Nice.

Thanks Aloha Station
Thanks Mudbone, the darker color in the tattoos comes from staining em darker.
I will post the bike with the Tikis when they are all finished BigT. Thank you
Thanks Mango, thats exactly what my wife said :D
Thanks Seeks and Surfin.
Back to making more stuff


Hey Grapa, that Skull really vaults this guy WAY up on the top shelf. Nice deal.

Thanx Benz, no, Thanx a lot!!
On my first page I started by showing the first Tiki stuff I made for my bike.
And that first page ends with you showing me what a hook knife looks like.
So here I am making a better Tiki to put on my bike, using a hook knife :)

Here's a couple of progress pics on the valve caps. "The marq brothers".

There's still some work on them, next BIG bike meet is end of July.
So better get going.



Looking sharp! and choice wood there.

Finished the valve totems this morning with the glueing of the skulls.
So here's some pics of the Tiki roadster 2.0
See page 1 of this tread for the before pics.
Thanx for watching.

Finished canibal brothers

Ready to ride

7Speed marquesan

TikiRoadster 2.0

your bike is SWEEEEEt!!! Reminds me of my hubs a little

Are you making more of those to sell? really, really awesome!!

Grapa-RuHa- I wish I could read your website! I'm PM-ing you... :)


Absolutely Cool Stuffs for the COOLEST of bikes. I might me talked back into riding with one of those. Of Course it must be equipped with those Tiki Accessories or the Deal's OFF!


wow grapa.

cool bike and accessories. valve stem caps are awesome. the only thing that would make the bike better for me would be a small motor so i wouldn't have to pedal that often.



Like the front end of your bike,very kool. Hey Grapa, I heard you got arrested for pedaling your ass all over town,Sorry bad joke.:roll: :lol:

Hey there, miss me?
I sure missed TC and it's inhabitants.
It's been 10 months since my last post I must have missed allot of cool stuff.
Due to the ongoing crisis and people sitting on their money if they have any, the past 10 months have been about ending and closing my Kustom bicycle shop.

So now it's time for therapy, and whats better than carving to get some negative stuff out of your system.
Found a big log and decided to carve something cool for our home.
The idea for the belly hole was taken from Crazy Al and there is some more influence from his work in this guy.
Far from finished but here's were I am today.

Made my son supervisor of this project.


On 2010-04-16 04:14, Grapa-RuHa wrote:

Made my son supervisor of this project.

Hey Grapa-ruHa! Yes! We miss european tiki carver! In any case glad you're back! And sorry for your shop :( ... Yet the country's cycling it could only go well...

You and your last Marq' feel very well! Keep posting! :D


you have a great Marq style......too bad to hear about your shop. your custom bike designs are awsome....would love to have one of those but my bike would have to have a beer holder somewhere.

great work!!!!


Welcome back that sucks about the biz.

Great looking carve. Keep them coming.


Great to see you back and that supervisor looks like he knows his stuff.:)


Sorry to hear about this misfortune... This last tiki's freaking awesome.
Welcome back my friend.



G-Ruha, that big guy looks Great and I see Lots of tension released there.. Really happy with your hook knife results, looks like you got it right away, don't forget to be careful.
Welcome back!!!

Mahalo's friends for the nice welcome back.

Creative Chimp, thanks and putting a beer holder on a bike is no problem at all.
In fact, we have a trailer that holds a beer keg and one that converts to a cocktail bar on location.
Thanks Seeks, glad to be back. Thanks Mudbone and thanks Benella.
Benz, the hooknife has become a great friend and I treat him with a lot of respect, thanks for the Welcome.

So now I have to fill the belly of the Marq with something tasteful. But first a field trip to the city of Rotterdam where het wereld museum (world museum) has a great display of Oceanic carving. They wouldn't let you take pics but there was some pretty cool stuff on display.
After that we ended up in Holland's only Tiki bar for a few cold ones, diner and cocktails.

Came up with 2 ideas for the stuffing of the Marq.
First I started on a Tang, wich is almost finished.

And then I carved a skull, that's finished carving and sanding.
I'm gonna stain his eye sockets and nose a little darker and seal him.

Thanks for readin all this.


G-Ruha, Glad to see you back in action and happy that you have found a companion and friend in the hook knife, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Love your Tang and the Skull is really cool.. Bring us MORE!!!

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