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CBS Survivor Samoa

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Swanky posted on 09/17/2009

I have not really watched this show in a few years. But tonight is the new season premier and they will be in Samoa. Might be interesting, but for me, I want to see what they did with the batch of puffer fish lamps I sent them! I am guessing they'll hang in the Tribal Council area. So, I'll be watching tonight...

Tiki-Kate posted on 09/17/2009

I didn't notice them on the preview special that TV Guide channel has been airing, but I'm looking forward to seeing some decent tiki imagery this season.

As an aside, I've been referring to this season as Survivor Los Angeles. 8 out of the 20 contestants are from LA.

MadDogMike posted on 09/17/2009

I heard that one of the contestants is a mixologist. Maybe he can whip up a batch of Samoan Fog Cutters for his tribe :D

This is the 19th season! I must admit that I believe this is the reality show that started the demise of TV programming. Why go to the trouble of writting a good script if you can just get a bunch of idiots to act like idiots unscripted.

leleliz posted on 09/17/2009

On the last season where they were in Gabon, Africa all of their shots of nature running wild were fake. The reason I know this is because my cousin lives there and the only animals you see running around like that are in a huge nature preserve....hence all the arial shots. I have been looking forward to this season just because the location is one I have always wanted to visit. Hopefully they will do a good job showcasing the people and their culture .

Swanky posted on 09/17/2009

I stopped watching because I am tired of everyone knowing the scheme and coming on scheming. I just wish they would do something to really mix it up.

My idea is to change the tribes every day practically. And have maybe 4 tribes to start. Keep people so that they are unable to maintain alliances. I hate the alliances. I want to see people win for other reasons than either popularity and scheming and plotting.

I am also very annoyed with a reality TVs trend toward younger and younger participants. Big Brother and Survivor mainly. 20-somethings annoy the piss out of me on these shows and I'd like to root for the 40-50-somethings to shove their faces in the dirt. But there is only one token old person and they are usually now exceptionally cranky or crazy and gone quickly.

Well, Survivor has me for at least one episode tonight. If they do things right I might watch more.

tikiskip posted on 09/17/2009

Hey swanky that is Great!!!
Can't wait to see your lights on tv.
Hope they don't leave those lights out in the rain.

And I'm glad scheming and plotting is something that
only happens in the reality tv world.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 09/18/2009

On 2009-09-17 09:42, MadDogMike wrote:
I heard that one of the contestants is a mixologist.

There's a mixologist and a bartender. I hope there are lots of cocktail challenges this season.

MadDogMike posted on 09/18/2009

I love the whole concept of Survivor: Take a bunch of candy-ass Americans and see if they can survive 2 weeks in an area where people live out their whole lives. That must go over well with the locals :D

Swanky posted on 09/18/2009

No lamps. Maybe they have some other locale they used them. Or maybe all that money just went right out the window. That little they spent with me is likely nothing to their budget...

MadDogMike posted on 09/18/2009

Swanky, I know what it's like to end up on the cutting room floor - I spent 3 days on the set of Jarhead (Jake Gyllenhaal & Jamie Fox) but in the movie I was always just off camera :lol:

Maybe they'll show up later

leleliz posted on 09/30/2009

There was an earthquake that triggered a tsunami in Samoa today...does anyone know where abouts this was being filmed? or if it was done being filmed?

Looks like there was a lot of devastation and i am not quite clear on what islands lie where.

I was just wondering.

[ Edited by: leleliz 2009-09-29 17:25 ]

MadDogMike posted on 09/30/2009

I don't know about this particular show or season but generally those shows are completely finished filming before the first episode airs.

Jungle Trader posted on 09/30/2009

Yeah Liz, some villages and Nat. Park Services were wiped out completely. :cry:

Fres-tiki posted on 09/30/2009

The current season that's airing was already done taping in Samoa. However, they were taping an all-star edition for next season - again in Samoa. Heard the show's crew were there when the quake hit, but no injuries reported.

TikiG posted on 09/30/2009

My prayers go out to our Samoan brothers and sisters who must deal with the devastation.

Watching the news this morning about this really bummed me out.

tikiskip posted on 02/01/2010

Hey Tim just saw a close up of your light on a preview
of the next Survivor.
Its all done up Swiss family Robinson style.
Good for you Tim!!!

Swanky posted on 02/01/2010

I did not notice it. Wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the heads up.

Actual tiki for the South Pacific Series coming up.

leleliz posted on 02/13/2010

So the new season just started...and I have to say that if I dont get to travel to the South Pacific before I die I am going to be one unhappy camper! It is breathtaking.

Anyone else watching?

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 02/13/2010

I'm watching & enjoying it as always. Even better with this locale.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/13/2010

Yeah, the B-roll shots are mouth watering. And I was taken with the Immunity Idol, too. I could only find this shot of it

Swanky posted on 02/15/2010

Since they are being non-specific, do you think they are shooting in Hawaii? The idol and imagery is Hawaiian.

Bora Boris posted on 02/15/2010

It was filmed in Samoa again.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/15/2010

Which makes it even more Tiki Revival, since their mixing Polynesian cultures. IMHO

tikiskip posted on 04/23/2010

Hey Swanky saw one of the puffer fish lights on Survivor last night.
It was right befor they read the votes.
It was just a blip of a shot.
But it was a puffer fish.

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