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pray for Marie...

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TIKI-RAY posted on 04/24/2010

We are at Don the Beachcombers with Art. He just informed everyone that Marie the bartender was in a serious car accident this morning and is in ICU right now. Jon Paul is with her but its too soon to know anymore. We are praying for her.

Joe Banks posted on 04/24/2010

That is so awful. I was just about to leave to go down and see her.

All my thoughts Marie.

ZeroTiki posted on 04/24/2010

Best thoughts from the north bay.

cheeky half posted on 04/24/2010

Our thought are with you Marie and Jon Paul.

Love from Mark n' Maggie

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 04/24/2010

Sending our prayers and hopeful thoughts for you Marie and JonPaul.
-Andy & Debbie

Iokona Ki'i posted on 04/24/2010

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Marie and Jon Paul.

TikiG posted on 04/24/2010

God this is bad news...may the power of prayer and uncontaminated positive thoughts envelope Marie with love and healing energy.

We're here for you two and if you need anything, just send a signal.

I'm going to meditate for Marie and Jon Paul right now.

SoccerTiki posted on 04/25/2010


I know that you will be as shocked as I was when JonPaul called me this morning to tell me that Marie had been badly injured on the Santa Monica Freeway as it passes through Downtown.
I went to the Hospital and met him there. He led me into the room where Marie was awaiting x-rays. She was suffering terribly, and had no memory at all of what had happened. She is suffering from a concussion that has been detected as leaking blood into the brain cavity.
Marie is holding tough under the multiple serious injuries. I was told that she is also suffering from a broken pelvis, for which an operation will be necessary, and a dislocated hip, that resists being put in place by outside manipulation and may require an operation there also. She also has a broken leg which seems to indicate from its bandaging that it is a multiple fracture, but hopefully not compound.
With all the excruciating pain, she has not been allowed to have painkillers, because of the need for a conclusion of seriousness of the concussion before drugs can be used to stop the pain.
Once again, she is one tough cookie, and if anyone can recover from a situation like this it will be her.
Marie is insured by Kaiser, but is at California Hospital. This means that the doctors must agree to the level of danger before they move her. Many of these questions will be answered in the next few hours, and I will bulletin you when I have news.
FOR NOW : Give thanksgiving that she was not killed--God has saved her for something more important. Pray that her pain may be reduced in intensity and that her anguish be relieved. Pray that when the doctors complete their diagnosis they will find that the injuries were less than they now appear. Pray for her hour by hour that she may heal rapidly and completely, and that God hold her hand and give her comfort through this ordeal.
Clearly, this is not the time for visitation. That may begin in a week or so. I will keep all
up to date.


SoccerTiki posted on 04/25/2010

WooHoo and I were stunned when Art gave us the terrible news! All we can do right now is wait for the doctors to do what they have to. Hopefully their original prognosis will be downgraded and Marie will mend quickly! JP-You are in our thoughts and prayers as well. Please keep us posted!

Thortiki posted on 04/25/2010

We visited Don's last September & Marie gave us a tour of the whole place. Our prayers are with her! Thortiki

GROG posted on 04/25/2010

Bad news.

You're in my prayers, Marie.

Hang in there JP.


JOHN-O posted on 04/25/2010

Pull through and heal fast, Marie !!

I hope the worst has passed.

Bora Boris posted on 04/25/2010

Sending good thoughts to Marie.

Tiki Kiniki posted on 04/25/2010

Gosh we had just arrived at Don's to meet Chris, Karen, Dani and Gogo and Art had just told them the horrible news. My heart literally sank when we heard what happened. Our thoughts and prayers go out to JP and Marie.

leleliz posted on 04/25/2010

Sending good thoughts to you both.

The Sperm Whale posted on 04/25/2010

Love the both of you Marie and Jonpaul ..... I am sending out everything I have for you to pull through!!

kick_the_reverb posted on 04/25/2010

I was shocked to hear the bad news, our little family is praying for Marie and wishing for the best possible in this situation.

dogbytes posted on 04/25/2010

shocked to hear the news ~ the very best of luck to you all.

SoccerTiki posted on 04/25/2010

We just got the word here at Don the Beachcomber from JohPaul through Jeff, that the bleeding at the point of the concussion has proven to be very limited, and has now stopped. That has opened the door for the use of painkillers, and Marie is sleeping easily now.

1961surf posted on 04/25/2010

Wow I am stunned .My thoughts and prayers are with both JP and Marie at this difficult time.

Tom Slick posted on 04/25/2010

So glad to hear her symptoms of bleeding have downgraded, for her and Jon Pauls sake! Sending positive wishes to all who know her. Hang in there JP...

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Mongoloid posted on 04/25/2010

So bummed to hear this happened. When Marie is absent from Don's its like peanut butter and no jelly. Last time I was at Don's was the weekend of the Kon Tiki lighting which she attended so she wasn't behind the bar that night, i missed her enthusiasm and aloha. Sending positive thoughts her way for a speedy recovery, she is appreciated and loved by many!!!!

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aquarj posted on 04/25/2010

Oh jeez, sorry to hear this. Hoping for good news,

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 04/25/2010

So glad to hear that Marie is getting some relief from the pain right now. She and Jonpaul are so loved by all of us. Marie, we're all cheering you on, and SO THANKFUL you're alive!!

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ravenne posted on 04/25/2010

Just heard about this at Don's....

I'm glad she is finally on some pain medication though!

sending positive energy & prayers to you & JonPaul


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bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2010

I just woke up to this news and I am in shock. Marie and JP are pillars of the community, and it really hurts to find out such good friends are in such pain. I am not religious per se, but in this case I will pray.

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Tiki Diablo posted on 04/25/2010

Prayers from casa Gallardo. We love Marie and JP.

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Tiki Shaker posted on 04/25/2010

Cristine's and my thoughts are with you. We went to DtB's for my birthday in Feb and you made my fun day even better with your hospitality and wonderful drinks. We hope you have a safe and speedy recovery.

Take care.

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virani posted on 04/25/2010

Thoughts coming your way JP and Marie.
You are good people, you should not have problems like that.

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Kon-Tiki Viking posted on 04/25/2010

What awful news, what a terrible thing to happen to such a wonderful couple....our thoughts and prayers are with Marie and JP. Wishing Marie a complete and speedy recovery and offering our support to JP.
Jay & Julienne

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TikiPug posted on 04/25/2010

So, so sorry to hear the news. You are in our thoughts. Get better soon.

-Jason & Staci

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tikiyaki posted on 04/25/2010

Was on my way home from Waikiki when I heard about this.

The good news is, Marie is alive, and, judging by the severity of the accident, that IS good news.

I'm not religious, but when I ask for things from the universe, I turn to the ocean...So, I'll send my prayers to neptune, that Marie, gets through this, and has a full and speedy recovery.

JP and Marie, much love from ,Me, Coco, Angie, the TC and Tikiyaki Ohana...you know we're all here for you guys.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2010-04-25 11:20 ]

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Coco Loco posted on 04/25/2010

Just read what happened. So sorry! First of all, Marie so glad to hear you're still with us. You're a strong cookie and I know it will be tough but you'll pull through this. Hang in there and stay strong. If there's anything we can do to help just let us know. Good thoughts coming your way and wishes for a strong and speedy recovery. Hugs to you and Jon Paul.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/25/2010

We just got back from Don's, we heard the news when we walked it this afternoon, From someone who has been threw this himself
our hearts go out to you Marie & Jon Paul hang in there! last we heard the news was good and though Marie is busted up, she will get better!

saying that, Marie, you where missed tonight & Don's is not the same without you
Nancy & I wish you the best in your recovery, Feel better soon!

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PolynesianPop posted on 04/25/2010

I was with Sabu and Doctor Z at Don's last night when I heard this terrible news. I'm so saddened that Jonpaul and Marie have to go through this but am thankful that Marie is still with us and is now resting with pain meds.

All my love and prayers to you both Jonpaul and Marie. If you need help with anything -- please let me know. I'm here for you both. Anything, ok?

Get well soon

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Tai Won On posted on 04/25/2010

I am saddened to hear this terrible news, but thankful it was not any worse. We care about you and are praying for a smooth and speedy recovery.

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ashman_atl posted on 04/25/2010

Sorry to hear this bad news. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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ZuluMagoo posted on 04/25/2010

My best thoughts to Marie and JP for a sucessfull recovery.


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Traderpup posted on 04/25/2010

We were also at Dons yesterday afternoon and found out the news. Really took the wind out of our afternoon!

Heal quickly, Marie! We're sending healing thoughts your way. We look forward to seeing you and your cheery personality out and about again very soon!

Let me know if you two need any assistance with ANYTHING!

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Chongolio posted on 04/25/2010

Sending every bit of aloha and love I have your way. Terribly saddened to hear this horrible news

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/25/2010

Marie & JP, your in our thoughts.

David & Beth

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Riptide posted on 04/25/2010

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

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Molokai Mike posted on 04/25/2010

Denise and I were shocked to the core to hear the news late last night! Marie and JonPaul are loyal and true friends and Ohana.
Just this last weekend, Marie went over and above her DTB duties, to ensure that our first visit there was a memorable one. And indeed it was.
We're thinking of you, baby! You're in our prayers and every thought. Thank God you're alive and still with us! I know that if there's anyone who can fight and pull through this terrible tragedy, it's you! JonPaul, our being goes out to you too. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. I wish we lived closer. If there's anything you need... Please give your sweetheart a kiss on the brow from us and convey our strongest and deepest get well wishes!
We love you both!

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Al-ii posted on 04/25/2010

Stay strong, stay away from the hospital food.

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procinema29 posted on 04/25/2010

Sending very best thoughts for Marie.

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tiki mick posted on 04/25/2010

Marie always goes above and beyond. As a member of a band that has played both at Don's and at Buster's, she has always treated us great. Always a smile and a courteous greeting...not someone who just hired us but actually a friend.

I am a religious person, so I will be praying for her quick and speedy recovery.

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Humuhumu posted on 04/25/2010

You're both in my thoughts. My strongest wishes and hopes for a swift and complete recovery. I hope that the worst of it is already behind you, and that sunny days are just around the corner. Hang in there. Thankfully you both have built many beautiful friendships, and I know you'll be surrounded by lots of love and support through this rough stretch.

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Easter Island Elvis posted on 04/25/2010

That's awful to hear! My family has been affected by grave car accidents (my sister and my mom) so whenever I hear about one, my heart sinks. I'll be praying as hard as I can for Marie and Jon Paul. GET WELL SOON MARIE!!!

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